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dont want to be a good person, dont want to be a bad person, just want to be your sweethea~~喜欢这方面的文案吗?由此,励志的句子编辑为你收集并整理了爱情英文励志句子188句建议你收藏本页和本站,以便后续阅读!


2、smile, meet again that day, its time for you to come back.

3、i dont need to see you again, because we are just passers-by.

4、the greatest happiness in life is to love and be loved in return. when you find someone who loves you for who you are, hold onto them tight and never let go. 生命中最大的幸福是去爱别人,得到别人的爱回报。当你找到一个爱你的人时,紧紧地抓住他们,永不放手。

5、the day you left, i decided not to shed tears, facing the wind to support the eyes, forced not to blink.

6、bright eyes and bright teeth smile, angels name is born for you.

7、what is love in the world? its just a matter of falling.


9、i see the sky is very blue, just like your warmth around me.

10、youll walk across the red carpet in your wedding dress.


12、after the rain, the sun will reappear. there is life. after the pain, the joy wil




1、when you care, when i close my heart.

2、no words do not say is our once, nothing to say is our end.

3、怦然心动只是刹那惊艳,柴米油盐才是一辈子的生活方式。heart is just a moment of surprise, daily necessities is the way of life. in the vast sea of people, see your figure, the heart is the first time such a tremor!

4、listensmellfarawaythere you are.(听闻远方有你)move and trudgethousands of miles(动竟跋涉千里)i've blown the wind that you've blown(我吹过你吹过的风)

5、orry,i have been used to the things which i'm not supposed to.

6、when the scenery is clear, maybe you will accompany me to see the long stream.

7、i dont want you to be happy, but im afraid youre not happy.



10、i can always see your shadow in your belongings.

11、i hate you. i hate that you forget everything you say.

12、i never leave your strength again.

13、it turns out that you w


is that funny? its strange that i dont have you around. will you accompany me all my life?~~好句子人人喜欢,励志的句子编辑特别整理来自网络的英语爱情励志句子,更多信息请继续关注我们的网站。


1、after all, im not a good man. how can i ask you to love me.

2、even so, i still hope for you.

3、be my girl, with poetry in my heart and cream on my face.

4、you kiss my lips, but im not your favorite.


6、another way to go with the flow is not to care.

7、it turns out that you would rather miss than take the initiative.

8、love is a promise to never give up on each other, no matter what challenges come our way.

9、hope and disappointment both torture, but hope torments people longer.

10、the prosperity is exhausted, and things are not the same.

11、i wish to know you and have no doubt about your love.

12、you look up and you see me, not jupiter, but my star.


14、the rain will stop, the night will end, the hurt will fade. hope is never so lost that it can't


i dont know how, i just like you!~~这样风格的短句你感兴趣吗?为此,励志的句子编辑特意呈上“经典爱情英文短句励志”,我们后续还将不断提供这方面的内容。


1、the buddha said that if we do not see each other, how can we owe?佛说若无相见何来亏欠。

2、what is love in the world? its just a matter of falling.

3、i cry a hundred times, just want you to love me once.

4、bright eyes and bright teeth smile, angels name is born for you.

5、the day you left, i decided not to shed tears, facing the wind to support the eyes, forced not to blink.

6、accompanied you to perform a love drama, i entered the drama, you trained acting skills.

7、love a person is true, say it is a big adventure.

8、later, people who dont understand love gradually understand. those who know love dare not love again.

9、its you who say you cant leave, and then you turn around without saying a word.



12、when the scenery is clear, maybe you will accompany me to see the long stream.

13、ill be with you in th

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