励志的句子 · 句子大全 · 表白英文句子

people go,dream out,love didn’t,the feeling is broken,scatteredfield。~~还有其他类似这样的句子吗?励志的句子的编辑收集并整理了“表白的英文句子(汇集157句)”,建议你收藏本页和本站,以便后续阅读!


1、i love very much,a minute only love you sixty seconds。

2、i know you like this song most and i know what you are thinking about ,too, i miss you.


4、it is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can’t be expressed with any choice of words想你,是一种漂亮的哀伤的甜美的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无奈表白的温馨

5、no two people are not suitable,only one does not want to go together inthe heart。


7、your love has given me a sense of purpose and belonging.




只愿君心似我心,定不负相思意。爱情是山无棱天地合的约定,就像迷宫,所有的人都会迷失。你印象中关于恋爱官宣最深刻的句子是什么?下面的内容是编辑为大家整理的和鸟关于表白的英文句子简短, 建议你收藏并分享给其他需要的朋友!

1、miss you so deeply that my love just like a kite has broken its line and won't stop flying until it reaches you at last。

2、when you are sad, i would like to be the one you can count on.

3、you are in my heart forever is the temperament of the most special and most attractive.

4、initial fall in love, goodbye infatuation, all the day care, want to heart, painstakingly, want to have to push the heart, don't you, do not know my heart!

5、even if i have too many sad, also didn't want you to see my desolate; even if i have a lot of despair, you are still my morning a touch of the sun; even my happiness has been on the verge of death, i also want to take only the ray and you share.

6、when you see this message, you have a violent incomparable love poison, the only cure is to marry me, do not take into account the, let's get married!

7、do you understand the feeling of missing someone?



1、your unconditional love and endless support have meant the world to me, mom. happy mother's day!

2、thank you for always being there for me, for always believing in me. happy mother's day!

3、your wisdom and guidance have helped me navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.

4、happy mother's day to the woman who gave me life and continues to make it better every day.

5、mom, your love is the glue that holds our family together. we are so lucky to have you in our lives.


7、you are the definition of unconditional love, mom. 您代表了无条件的爱,妈妈。

8、you're my go-to person for everything. happy mother's day!

9、your love has the power to heal any wound. happy mother's day!

10、your love and support have been the bedrock of my life, mom. happy mother's day!

11、happy mother's d



1、mom, your unconditional love and sacrificial care have made me who i am today. thank you from the bottom of my heart.


3、your love has made our family what it is today - strong, united, and full of joy. happy mother's day, mom!

4、your unwavering support has meant the world to me. 您持续的支持对我来说意义重大。

5、you have given me the greatest gift of all - your love. thank you for being the best mother in the world. happy mother's day!


7、you are my heart and soul, my confidant, and my closest friend. i love you, mom.

8、you're the wind beneath my wings. happy mother's day!


10、a mother's love is unparalleled and i feel blessed to have you as mine. happy mother's day!

11、you make every day brighter with your love and warmth. happy mother's day!

12、you have been my rock,

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