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初中生英语作文 篇1


第1篇:i like summer英语作文

do you know my favourite season?it's summer.because in summer ,i can flying kites,eat ice cream,play with water,wear very cool t-shirt and shorts,and so on.i like summer holiday,too.because it's very long,we can to receive ease up.do you like summer?what's your favourite season?please tell me,thank you.

thar's over

第2篇:i like summer英语作文

summer is the second season of the year. in summer ,the weather is very hot ,the sky is very blue . we can eat ice-cream and go swimming in summer.we are very happy.

look! the bees busy pioking honey,the butterflies are dansing. how beautiful summer is. summer is a poem. summer is a song. i like summer!

do you like summer?

第3篇:i like summer英语作文

the summer is coming.i like summer very much. in summer days, i can do a lot of things, such asswi

英语作文精选的通用句子 (合集60句)



1.对必不可少 be indispensable to

2.上学期,我参加了地理小组的研究性学习。我们研究的课题是:环境污染与环境保护。last term i took part in a geography research study group.our topic was environmental pollution and protection.

3.many people believe that international tourism produce positive effects on economic growth and local government should be encouraged to promote international tourism.许多人认为国际旅游对经济发展有积极作用,应鼓励地方政府发展国际旅游。

4.in view of such serious situation, environmental tools of transportation like bicycle are more important than any time before.考虑到这些严重的状况,我们比以往任何时候更需要像自行车这样的环保型交通工具。

5.有  供给如下理由 证据 have  provide the following reasons  evidence

6.我认为学校应该鼓励学生课余多参加体育活动。这样,学生可以更健康,更有活力。i think the school should encourage the students to do more exercise after class. this way, they may be healthier and more energetic.

7.according to a recent survey, a growing number of people express a strong desire to t




1.实现梦想 realize one’s dream  make one’s dream e true

2.by taking a major-related part-job, students can not only improve their academic studies, but gain much experience, experience they will never be able to get from the textbooks.通过做一份和专业相关的工作,学生不仅能够提高他们的专业能力,而且能获得从课本上得不到的经验。

3.有间接关系 be indirectly related to

4.there are several reasons for…, but in general, they come down to three major ones.有几个原因……,但一般,他们可以归结为三个主要的。

5.in view of such serious situation, environmental tools of transportation like bicycle are more important than any time before.考虑到这些严重的状况,我们比以往任何时候更需要像自行车这样的环保型交通工具。

6.but the problem is not so simple. therefore...然而问题并非如此简单,所以……

7.nothing in the world will stop me from loving you.在世界上,没有任何事物能阻挡我对你的爱。

8.代替 replace  substitute  take the place of

9.再次 besides,in addition, additionally, moreover, furthermore

10.this issue has aroused wide concern a




as we all know, health is very important to everybody.but do you really know how to stay healthy? here are some useful tips. first, we should do exercise if we have time.for example, we can go to swim in the summer holiday. or we can take a walk after supper.doing exercise makes us healthy and strong. second, we should take more vegetables and fruit and less candies. stop eating junk food and drinking beers. last but not least, we should go to bed early and wake up early. we should have enough sleep, or we will get sleepy in the day time. if we pay more attention to the tips above, we will have healthier body. i wish everybody has a strong and healthy body.

我们都知道,健康对每个人来说都很重要。但是你知道该如何保持健康吗? 这里有一些实用的建议。首先,我们应该做运动,如果有时间的话。例如,我们可以在暑假的时候去游泳,或者晚饭后去散步。做运动让我们的身体更强壮更健康。第二,我们应该吃更多的蔬菜和水果,少吃糖果。不吃垃圾食品和啤酒。最后,我们应该早睡早起。如果睡不够,第二天就会很疲倦。如果我们都能按照以上的建议注意自己的健康,我们的身体会更棒。我

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