励志的句子 · 生日句子 · 生日快乐英文句子

“happy birthday and have a good day!”每年生日都是一次家庭聚会的日子,我们一般都会送上自己的生日祝福。一些独特有美感的生日祝福该如何撰写呢?我们出于你的需要,为你整理了生日快乐英文的句子,感谢您阅读本文句子!

1、waiting for you to meet. perhaps no one will believe this moment of light, and you will be my long life reflect light. i in the bloom of orchid petal to write on your thoughts and boundless blessings, and wish you a happy birthday

2、moon and rotary wing, feeling bitter accompanied by sincere long, whether you are in faraway places, i will always remember this day. i wish you a happy birthday!

3、send you two flowers, a rich flower, a casual flower, never worry about no money.

4、only people understand life can appreciate the delicate and charming flowers only understand a loving person, then can grasp heart fragrance to. wish you have a special birthday!

5、think about every day in your side, don't miss you, also need not sourly love you, love you just sweet! my baby, happy birthday!

6、colorful flowers, not romantic poetry, no gifts, no exciting surprise, only gen




1、sweet cake, sons and daughters of filial piety; red red candle, childrens affective thick; children singing meimei, deeply in love; the blessings of children birthday noodles, long continuous! let father happy birthday!

2、a gift of love for your birthday,which is a warm wish from my heart.happiness for your birthday and always.

3、my best friend, my sugar. happy birthday, we have a great friendship.


5、one christmas, the whole circle of friends are celebrating their birthdays and getting married. all of a sudden, they feel old too!


7、this brings a birthday message especially to say how much i love you and you are as young and charming in my calendar as before,and the extra year seems indeed to have improved your looks and grace.


9、happy birthday, wish you have a great birthday day (生日快乐


“favourable exchange 顺汇。”您是否在考虑怎么写生日祝福语呢?生日是每年最难忘的日子,因为它是属于自己的喜庆日子,生日当天送祝福已经成为了习俗。栏目小编为您精心打造的《愿自己生日快乐英文句子》的详细介绍,希望以下句子对你的工作和生活有所帮助!


1、happy 侧重指不是通过某种机会,而是凭借鉴另和选择手段而得到利益与好处。有时也指偶然得到的好处,但强调的是有利的结果。

2、the sun and moon always turn, if you are really long, if you are at the end of the earth, i will always remember this day. happy birthday!


4、"wishing you the happiest of birthdays, my dear friend. i will be thinking of you all day."





9、你要有自己的光,要为了自己走下去,无论别人鼓掌或不鼓掌.you have to have your own light and go on for yourself, whether others applaud or not.


11、wind is transparent, rain is ticking, clouds are flowing, songs are free, love is heart, love is crazy, the da


“她将蛋糕和礼物放在他的书桌上,说:约翰,祝你生日快乐!”每天都会与人或者事物之间进行交流,我们习惯摘录一些好的句子,很多想说的话,都可以用句子来传达,有没有你很喜欢的句子?以下是编辑为大家整理的“祝你生日快乐的英文句子 ”, 建议你收藏本页和本站,以便后续阅读!



2、happy birthday to me。一般祝福别人来说都是you,换成自己就变成对应的人称就是me。

3、in your birthday this day, can't accompany in your side, can't give you my warm, can only leave my wish, wish you happy every day!

4、wishing you a colorful life is colorful, your life sweet happiness, peace and prosperity for the brightly shining to send to you, i wish you a happy long hang side of face, happy birthday!

5、today is your birthday, i never forget in this special day wish you happy birthday, more beautiful youth resides.

6、this day, for? your birthday and beautiful and moving, our mood, for your birthday. it and rejoice cones sincerely wish you a happy birthday, all the best!

7、happy birthday to a person who is smart, good looking, and funny and remindsme a lot of myself.

8、best wish for you birthday may you lifelong prosperous

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