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the chinese new year celebrations are marked by visits to kin, relatives and friends, a practice known as "new-year visits" (chinese: 拜年; pinyin: bài nián). new clothes are usually worn to signify a new year. the colour red is liberally used in all decorations. red packets are given to juniors and children by the married and elders. see symbolism below for more explanation.



last year’s spring festival is special. my uncle and my aunt came back from shanghai. my family were very happy to keep the spring festival with them. and it was the most exciting festival of all the festivals.

on new year’s eve, my father and my uncle talked about their work together. my mum did some cooking with my aunt grandparents and i watched the new year tv programmes. at about six o’clock, we

小学生春节英文贺卡祝福语 【荐】



1.promoting to a higher position.步步高升。

2.i hope we can spend the holidays together.希望我们能一起过春节。

3.on the eve of the spring festival, i followed the blessing of the tide, sail boat greeting, full of good luck, peace, reunion and celebration, to ride gallop, the harbor in the new year by air, please note that receipt. i wish the year of the ram down!春节前夕,我顺着祝福的潮水,驾着问候的小舟,满载着吉祥、平安、团圆和喜庆,乘风破浪疾驰而来,将在新年港湾靠航,请注意收货。预祝羊年大吉!

4.centered on family happiness as the radius, draw thousands of a complete family! 以家庭为圆心,以幸福为半径,画出千千万万个阖家圆满!

5.on this occasion of the new year, i wish you: big money, a small fortune, unexpected money, extra cash; family, friendship, love, love love wishful; official transport, wealth, peach blossom, transport transport prosper; love, family, friends, and everyone safe !值此新年之际,祝您:大财、小财、意外财,财源滚


如何让自己的春节祝福风格不再平常呢?“a new year greeting to cheer you, my good friend.希望新年祝福给你带来欢乐,我的好朋友。”传统意义上的春节是指从腊月初八的腊祭或腊月二十三或二十四的祭灶这段时间,我们的手机会在这几天不断地收到春节祝福语,以下是励志的句子小编为大家收集的“小学生春节英文手抄报祝福语”,欢迎阅读,希望您能阅读并收藏。


1.i am here to say happy new year to everyone!我给大家拜年了!

2.thoughts of you like curling smoke endless, blessings to you like babbling water with a lifetime, i wish you a happy new year! 对你的思念像袅袅的轻烟不绝如缕,对你的祝福如潺潺的流水伴随一生一世,祝您新年大吉!

3.greeting transformed into a poem, a melody, open a garden of spring! 祝福串成一首诗,一段旋律,开启一片温馨的春的园地!

4.it's a great honor to work and study under your leadership in the past year。 wish you good health and success in the new year. 很荣幸过去的一年里能在您的领导下工作和学习,祝您在新的一年里健康如意,马到成功!

5.with very best wishes for your happiness in the new year.恭贺新禧,万事如意。

6.may the joy of new year be with you throughout the year. 愿新年的快乐一年四季常在.

7.we offer new year blessings to you.我们向您献上圣诞节的祝福!

8.it's a new year! wishing you and your family a happy new year。 happiness and he




on new year's eve,our class had a party. the atmosphere was good. it was out of the ordinary from the very begining. the boy student from one bedroom gave an unusual performance. we saw a boy named li xinmin turn off all the lights in a sudden snap. then with three resounding(响亮的) crow of a cock echoing in the hall,the hall was again brightly lit in a snap.

then,the representative of the bedroom zhu guozhang asked us to guess a line of a poem related to the above situation. he added that li xinmin alone was born in the year of the dog and the other three were all born in the year of the chicken. they left us all in confusion. and it was our monitor who was quickwitted(机智的). he shouted our, "the day breaks as the cock crows three times at dawn." the hall after that,they had another item. this time li xinmin was placed in the middle of the circle. while he was standing there,the other three st

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