励志的句子 · 祝福语


1、Kindergarten teacher, said: a fine three bed-wetting, the second five yuan, three times seven dollars. I would like to ask the teachers how much money monthly, we see you a show of hands, said: teacher, I would like to do the year VIP membership card! I wish you a Happy Children's Day!

2、Day hope you are happy like a teapot on the stove, although small Pipi burned the boiling hot, but still blowing happy whistles, braving the well-being of the bubble, the music Pidianpidian! I wish you a happy children's day!


4、Tong qu tong zhen regression, eyebrow happy taste!


6、Bless all the world in our children a happy Children's Day On this day, let us return to childhood every adult with the most sincere sentiments of the most pure heart of a happy Children's Day! Happy holidays!


8、To maintain the innocence, to bring good luck; maintain a childlike innocence, happy kiss; keep the childlike happiness, often in maintaining peace; to keep the child; Tong Yan, permanent health now; I wish you had children, happy Children's Day.

9、Delivers you a lollipop, let you of the love is full of sweet.

10、Do not move, robbery! This is a robbery! Understand? Quickly come up with your sad, to hand over your heart, out of your troubles off your sorrow, Well! Change this, I sent you! I wish a happy Children's Day 61!

11、Miss you miss you miss your heart, lungs and wear open-backed pants leg. Bless you, wish you love, wish you have a runny nose when beauty. Children's day is coming, wish you to hurry and grow up, happy to be joyful!




15、June 1 children's Day is coming, wish you every day happy, always happy!


17、I wish little mind older kids happy 61! Indulge yourself, do not! Adults know that you usually installed very hard! Holidays, and want to eat eat hand in hand, I would like to wet the bed on the bed-wetting, no one cares who is on the bite! Happy Children's Day!

18、Kindergarten teacher, said: a fine three bed-wetting, the second five yuan, three times seven dollars. i would like to ask the teachers how much money monthly, we see you a show of hands, said: teacher, i would like to do the year vip membership card! i wish you a happy children's day!

19、Early to wish old big, small friends happy children's day!

20、Has done you a trendy fashion: clothing, harness design, tie-in chinese-style chest covering, exceed short legs, there is split, breathable drafty. Please put on for children's fashion show, to guarantee the sexy!

21、wish you always have a pure and happy childlike innocence.

22、Maintained a kind of childlike. Wishing you happiness during the holidays.

23、Children's behaviour: can stay in bed in the morning; Have a meal can be naughty; Don't want to cry; See who is not pleasing to the eye just bite; Most important, see my message must smile a smile. June 1 happy!

24、Children's Day is coming, and good memories will always be in your memory.

25、Children's day, I wish you to keep a childlike heart and show a frank smile.

26、One day go far, the evolution of one night, a year to go far away a return to the childhood. A miss, a letter, a message sent to you a happy children's day!


28、Ignorance was young, had rash juvenile; silent over the years in the fingers, when the Children's Day walk in the street, realized that the past does not look back. Expenditure of red wine, for this does not belong to our holiday cheers! Happy Children's Day!


30、tice: Tomorrow is your day. I wish you happy holidays in advance! Please click here to a kindergarten for Bangbang Tang, a silk Sassafras tsumu the nose, a Kaidang pants, urine is not a wetland. We would like to inform! !

31、And fast to the children's day, no matter what age, happiness is the most important!



34、Rice meal again, no appetite to taste; Again good landscape, not in the mood is useless. Life long, happiness is not far from near, in side! Children's day is coming, send you a happy heart!


36、Heard you very adorable, children's festival, here I wish you: happy like the snowball snowball, troubles like ice cream to eat less, income like kite flying high, life like candy more chewing delicious!

37、Let the joy of childhood, let romantic fairy tale with you a lifetime!

38、Send you a lollipop, because you are cute; Send you a small red flowers.

39、June 1 children's day, wish your festival happiness!


41、Little angel! Mom will love you forever! Happy children's day!

42、Children's day is coming, wish you like a child lively and lovely, honest and kind, like children, like children pure curiosity, like children's day day up. But can't naughty, no night urine kang!

43、June 1 children's day, may happiness present for you!

44、Happiness is very simple, simple happiness, I wish you a happy children!

45、The biggest desire is to you: the first Children's Day,another Youth Day,then Guoqinjie,another Mother's Day,another Father's Day,another Chung Yeung Festival.


47、Children is the hope, the child is a dream, a happy children's day!


49、Like children, lively and lovely, happy and invincible, happy!

50、Happy children's Day!

51、Bless you, wish you a happy children's day, all the best!

52、When children's Day is coming, may your childlike innocence be always with you.

53、socialist flower, is your ah. What happiness! You are the country's Baby, I wish the Children's Day Hooray!

54、June 1 children's day is coming, wish you are many, many years childhood.

55、Take a deep breath, and breathe out a polluted air, inhaled a reiki, into the breeze of the heaven and earth. Just for today, no longer sense motive, no longer have to look, happy to indulge. Happy children's day!


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