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正月十五吃汤圆,吃得家庭团圆,爱情甜蜜,生活饱满!Eat dumplings on the 15th day of the first month, eat family reun~~你欣赏这些短句吗?由此,励志的句子为你收集并整理了祝福元宵节快乐的句子祝大家元宵节快乐说说更多信息请继续关注我们的网站。



3、The years are like a poem. Friendship is like song. Happy New Year! Your friendship is everlasting! The Lantern Festival, a toast to the moon; I wish you good luck and good luck!

4、祝你佳节福满身,好运和你不离分,万事如意永开心。I wish you a happy holiday, good luck and you, all the best and always happy.


6、The Lantern Festival is a joyful holiday. One night the ichth yosaur dance, the silver flower twinkles the fire tree. Invite friends and relatives to gather together, the beauty of the beauty is pleasant. At this time, the scene is full of affection, everything and happiness. Wishing you a happy New Year.


8、过完大年过元宵,点起花灯庆丰年!祝元宵节快乐!After the lunar new year, Lantern Festival, light the Lantern Festival! Happy Lantern Festival!

9、笙歌一曲唱佳音,人也圆圆心也圆圆。Shengge a song to sing good news, people are also round, the center is also round.

10、Round moon red face, shallow smile curved eyes; Sweet tang yuan happy year, the good fortune of fire and forever! Happy Lantern Festival!

11、祝你全家团圆幸福多,年年吉祥如意多,岁岁平安多好事!I wish you a happy family reunion, good luck every year, peace and happiness!

12、Happiness is sticky with happiness, happiness is wrapped in health, success is wrapped up in luck, striving for wisdom, beauty around youth, you use any method to bless the yuan xiao, will have a popular market. For example, my handsome hair message, along with the beautiful you, although just information. Ah, happy Lantern Festival.

13、The moon is round, reflecting the sweet smiling face, and the stars are filled with yearning, sweet dumplings, wrapped happy reunion, fireworks, dancing sincere wishes, blessing, carrying the warmth of friendship! Happy Lantern Festival!

14、元宵佳节来临之际,在微信中祝你幸福圆满!On the eve of the Lantern Festival, I wish you happiness in wechat!

15、真诚的祝愿延续至今,祝愿你元宵节快乐!Wish you a happy Lantern Festival!



18、The Lantern Festival, the morning sun came out, the lake water for her dressing, the new moon came up, the stars and his company, the bird song, the cricket to play for him. Everything in the world becomes a circle of harmony and beauty. May you enjoy the same happiness and peace in the Lantern Festival.

19、Yuan xiao, big news, the recruitment of chang e, please prepare: one inch free of color photo two, id copies, diploma copies, resume each sent to the space agency. Note: women are limited. Chinese New Year message

20、Draw a circle to bless you, happy and healthy follow you. Draw a Lantern Festival for you, the reunion center happy. Draw a flower lamp to hang your home, the Lantern Festival split the heart flower. Happy Lantern Festival, family reunion!

21、祝:元宵快乐,合家逍遥,健康常伴,幸福驾到!Wish: Happy Lantern Festival, happy family, health often accompany, happy driving!

22、我的元宵用甜蜜包裹,把幸运珍藏,用真心制造,把情谊奉献。我的元宵用友情包裹,把思念珍藏,用岁月制造,把永远证明。亲爱的,元宵快乐!My dumplings with sweet, get lucky, made, sincerely devote your friendship。 Yuanxiao with friendship, I put my thoughts, with years of manufacturing, the forever。 Dear, yuanxiao is happy!

23、元宵节到了,愿你快乐不停!The Lantern Festival is coming. May you be happy!

24、愿你生活步步高,给你温暖来报道。May your life step by step higher and give you warmth to report.

25、But I love your warm arms. When the outside world makes me tired, does my darling know? They say the outside world is wonderful. I always want to run to my side! Happy Lantern Festival!

26、Moon circle, reunion, lantern flames festival eve, dragon-lion dance, yuan xiao, a happy and auspicious, safeguard, the blessing of prosperity, happiness of life well-being, I wish you may want to, everything goes well, happy Lantern Festival!

27、January 15 yuan xiao eat dumplings: you round me round, everyone! Yen month circle, everything is round! Source of people, everywhere! Official source revenue, a steady stream! Desire, desire, desire!

28、正月十五元宵节,吃的是团团圆圆的汤圆,送的是圆圆满满的祝福,赏的是五谷丰?登?愿的是步步高登,发的是短信祝愿,送的是真心实意,愿你元宵节快乐。The fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival, eat tuantuan round dumplings, send is round and full blessing of reward is the grain abundant? Deng? may is a Gordon, texting is wish, send is sincere, I wish you a happy Lantern Festival。


30、Tonight as white as a full moon day, and one thousand people still rebirth, elongating life month increase in Chinese, the years after the spring and autumn period, full of true feelings say goodbye after a full moon night thick, view of the lotus lamp is not enough, the afterlife in the month the new sorrow. Happy Lantern Festival!

31、祝福元宵节快乐,希望你一切都好!Wish you a happy Lantern Festival. I hope you are all right!

32、送你一份元宵佐餐,成分:真心思念快乐。营养:温馨幸福。制造商:你的朋友。有效期:一生。Send you a yuan xiao table, ingredients: really happy thoughts。 Nutrition: sweet and happy。 Manufacturer: your friend。 Validity: life。

33、The Lantern Festival comes and the lanterns are everywhere. Send you a bowl of special dumplings: genuine stuffing, good luck, healthy skin, safe juice. Send you a blessing, the person reunion, happy and carefree, blessing boundless. I wish you a happy and happy family!

34、祝君日子越来越红火,亲人团团圆圆,钱包圆圆鼓鼓。Wish you more and more prosperous day, family reunion, wallet round drum drum.

35、元宵包裹的是甜蜜,彩灯带来的是黑夜的光明,祝福送去的是我对你的关切,这条短信是祝福你元宵节快乐!Yuanxiao is sweet, is the night of the bright lights, blessing sent my concern to you, the message is wishes you: happy Lantern Festival!

36、元宵月圆春花开,祝福踏月急赶来,给你好运最开怀,愿你开心最实在,烦恼忧愁早淘汰,幸福和美最关爱,成功之船在等待,祝福你元宵佳节最愉快。Yuanxiao moon spring flowers open, blessing step month come, good luck to you the most, wish you happy is the most true, is eliminated early, the most happiness and beauty care, waiting for the success of the boat, bless you a happy Lantern Festival is the most。

37、The sincere rice, ground into the blessing of the noodles, mixed with sweet sugar, the auspicious benevolence, the synthesis happiness of the ball, put in the good soup, cooked into a happy sky, to happy you. Let the sweet surround you, good luck to care for you, happy and warm you, the reunion hug you. Happy Lantern Festival!


39、煮一碗汤圆送你,愿你合家团圆,生活赛蜜。Boil a bowl of dumplings to send you, wish you family reunion, life match honey.

40、正月十五好热闹,星光灿烂月亮笑。The fifteenth day of the first month is very lively, the stars are bright and the moon is smiling.

41、The moon lantern, against your laughter; The lantern firecrackers, reverberating your song; The year of the ox is full of your excitement; You nong, let us share the wonderful blessing, happy Lantern Festival!

42、月到十五分外圆,把我疼爱把我怜,常常把我挂心间,今夜的汤圆甚是黏,象征我俩圆圆圆。Month to points circle, I love my flow, often hang my heart, tonight the dumplings is very sticky, symbol we round and round。

43、A full float away, old friends always keep in mind, heart think of you every holiday season, yuanxiao wish the most sincere, warm warm to think about, I wish you a good strong body, I wish you a good kindly, I wish your life and everything goes well.

44、The Lantern Festival, I wish you: like dumplings and relatives reunion, wealth is like water flowing, ideal like may wish cheque, career encountered chance like you and me, love is like the moon has festive, good luck to go out like pick up to the dollar


46、City spring palace willow, pour you a cup of wine yuan xiao, although the distance far missing in, often shake hands, on the happy occasion of years, wish good luck to go with you, good luck for you, wish you happy forever.

47、愿君元宵节快乐,开心幸福,万事顺心!Happy Lantern Festival!


49、心情愉快朋友聚,欢天喜地祝福送。Happy mood, friends gather, happy blessing send.

50、元宵节祝你的生活步步高升,事业飞黄腾达。On the Lantern Festival, I wish you every success in your life and career.

51、送你一碗汤圆,祝你事事圆圆,元宵节快乐!Send you a bowl of dumplings, I wish you all round, happy Lantern Festival!

52、祝君元宵乐开怀,自在逍遥福无边!I wish you a happy Lantern Festival, free and happy!

53、过年好,元宵到,顺顺利利全家好。Happy new year, Lantern Festival to, Shun Li, the whole family.

54、元宵个头圆又圆,祝你生活比蜜甜。Yuanxiao is round and round. I wish you a sweet life.

55、月到十五分外圆,把你疼爱把你怜,常常把你挂心间,今夜的汤圆甚是粘,我们何时能团圆。Month to points circle, put your love to your flow, often hang your heart, tonight the dumplings is very sticky, when we can together。

56、正月十五吃汤圆,吃得家庭团圆,爱情甜蜜,生活饱满!Eat dumplings on the 15th day of the first month, eat family reunion, love is sweet, life is full!


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