励志的句子 · 句子大全





















Becky 10 Trade 4 Friday

8:10am(来自: 在点网)-10:10am Room 301Today, i feel very sorry and ashamed to write down this essay for you to say about my bad behaviour in class. This essay also shows my deep thinking about making such a mistake and my decision that never make such mistakes anymore.

I still remember that, at the first class, you have stressed and repeated many times that we should be responsible to ourselves, and nobody have to be responsible to us. In fact, i was deeply shocked by what you said and suddenly clearly understand the importance of independence at that time.I really agreed with your idea . All of us are adults now, we are not children anymore, and we can not relay on our parent just as when we were little. we must learn how to solve problems by ourselves. But it is a difficult process to make theory into pratice. In China education, it does not stress that us we should be responsible to ourselves, and our parents also do everything they think they can do for us. This is the education situation of China. So as time went by, we just get used to relying on others and do not try to do things by ourselves even we can do it easily. Over the past 19 years, i get used to doing things what parents and teachers told us to do. But now, you insist that we have to be independent. Suddenly,i can not depend on anyone. As a result, i feel very difficult to do everything and try every way to get help from others and we also feel Nora is a very strict teacher and really afraid of you, tough all of us know that we can learn many things from Nora. But we can not adore you at once,because what you teach is so different from our culture. That means we need time to get used .

that we should read the number first, then read the word ,definition and the sentence we write. But when in my turn, which word is no number,i do not know how to express where the word is . While i asked my deskmate what should i do , Nora just told me that i need to write a essay. In fact, at first, i feel very unfair because i just do not know how to express where the word is. If this condition was put forward in Chinese class, we can just put forward our problems and then the teachers would help us to solve it. But now, no explain, no excuse, just write an essay as punishment. I suffered from injustice and really want to cry at that time. Then i


explained that is life means that if you can not change the situation,then you just do it. In fact,there are many things that we can not change in our life. Maybe when we meant without explain and excuse. At this case, the only solution is change ourselves to adjust the situation. As a matter of fact, 1000 words essay is a long essay for me. But after having a deep thinking, i understand that Nora just use this way to teach us the principle "that is life". At the same time, we also can pratice our writing skills. So, i really enjoy writing this essay,because in order to write something that i have to think deeply. As a result, i understand many things and feel ashamed for i misunderstand Nora. Sorry !Nora.

I also have a deep impression in you said that we will be busy-bees because Our class will begin earlier and end later than normal. I

have to admit that after enter college i have became a little lazy because in college there is no teacher to supervise my learning and we have a lot of free time. I can not control myself very well so that i my error and in order to correct it i make a plan roughly. Firstly i need to get used to the way Nora teach us and be a busy-bee in class. Secondly i will make my own study schedule according to my school timetable and will do it with the supervision of my roommates. And last, i will find a studymate to study with me that i can not be lazy when i am study. Although it may difficult to make plan into pratice , i believe that i can get rid of this bad habbit with the supervision of my classmates.

Nora, now, i realize my error. I did not read the material out chop chop, and it is a bad behaviour that wastes the time of not only you but also my classmates. I have no right to do that. However, a person lives without faults will never be found. Of course, i do not mean to use it as an excuse, and i just want to obtain your forgiveness. I keep in mind to correct this weakness and try to get a greater progress. In addition, i hope Nora can continue supervise us that we can make greater progress. And most of important, i really appreciate you. You teach us to use a different light to see ourselves and open our eyes to the culture of America. Nora,Thank you! Thank you in my heart deeply!

Word number:1004





dear teacher:

today, i with the feelings of guilt, regret and uneasy for you to write the written self criticism, to say to you i am late for the bad behaviour of deep hatred and killing will no longer be late determination. as early as when i first set foot in this class, you have time, has repeatedly stressed that the whole class, must not be late, shall not be absent. at the time, the teacher teaches the tune repeatedly, serious expression in eyes, i am deeply shocked, have also been deeply realize the importance of this matter, so i kept telling myself to take the matter as top priority to grasp, to live up to a hard teacher to us. however, as gorky said - when you see a is very important, hardships and failures will ensue. such as doing drill in the morning, once i am i wash up quickly at 5:50 pm, dressed, and look at more time, i even played a little moss in head, but when i came to the playground, only to find that theres no one there, just as i was in a hurry look around see if there are any man - when i wake up, just the lens of the original all is a dream, a watch, mama ah at 6:30, and the day is to catch up with you considerate to give us a call, but i didnt catch to listen to the teachings of the care you, deeply sorry, deeply sorry! only blame i put up this matter too seriously, actually i think morning dream! alas, helpless ah. once again, i was looking to take a bath, ready to take a shower to go to class, but when i washes the bath to the dorm room door, and found theres no one there, and i forgot to take my keys locked in the door shall not be started dressing, the whole body is only a pair of shorts, even have no chance to go out a call for help! abruptly and kuang lesson the teacher gave us to carefully prepared very vivid lesson, missed a teacher work wholeheartedly for the knowledge we make dinner. depressed ah depressing! the small key on the way i study hard mix me a fall! but in the end, or because of my carelessness, caused by insufficien

according to, i decided to have the following personal corrective actions: 1, according to ensure the quality of the teacher asked pay written self criticism a! error source of his thoughts on sorting, dig and find and identify the possible serious consequences. 2, learning plan, overcome lazy life seriously, the shortcomings of carelessness, efforts will test good, with good grades to make up for my fault 3, enhancing communication with students. ensure that no longer appear the error! hope the teacher can forgive me!




























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