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栏目: 词汇课件

2023-05-09 12:25


词汇课件 篇1

2. have something in common 有共同之处

5. make it possible for sb to do sth 使某人有可能做某事

8. in the early 1980s 在二十世纪八十年代早期

14. arrange for sb to do sth 安排某人做某事

26. sb/sth is likely to do sth 某人或某事可能会

27. persuade sb to do 说服人做……

33. have a positive effect on 对……有积极的影响

36. be located in 坐落于…位于…

46. Chinese Academy of sciences 中国科学院

73. the Constitution of the United States 美国宪法

84. make many breakthroughs 取得许多突破性的成就

86. to be love at first byte 一见钟情

词汇课件 篇2



准备:课件图片、 录音机


课前预备时间(10分钟):组织幼儿听音乐:《采蘑菇 》、《找朋友》、《 丢手绢》




























(4)明确:水杯(热)、雪糕(冷、凉),并板书:热--冷(凉) (表示意思相反的词)


(1)依图结合板书强调:大--小 高--矮


(2)请幼儿说一说生活中的大--小 、高--矮、热--冷实物,说明这些现象都是相对的。

















胖--瘦 长--短是表示意思相反的词。

4、请幼儿做:快--慢 、胖--瘦 、长--短的动作,说一说快--慢 、胖--瘦 、长--短的实物,说明这些现象都是相对的。


1、出示图片:依图进行总结说明大--小、高--矮、热--冷、快--慢 、胖--瘦


2、游戏对口令做手势(如:大对小 大象大老鼠小等)



大--小 快--慢

高--矮 胖--瘦

热--冷 长--短

词汇课件 篇3

maybe也许 countryside乡村 camera照相机 film胶卷

drink饮料 bring带来 weatherman 天气预报员 cut割;切

degree度数 stop阻止 pack打包/行李 snowman雪人

nothing much没什么 look forward to盼望 go climbing去爬山

It doesn’t matter.没关系 best wishes最真挚的祝愿

in the world全世界 That’s a pity!真糟糕/遗憾!

go sightseeing去游览 have a picnic去野餐

1) Listen! Tomorrow’s weather report is on the radio.


2) I hope you won’t forget us. 我希望你不要忘记我们。

3) The snowmen will slowly becomes water when it gets warm.


4) I will send you a postcard. 我会给你寄一张明信片。

5) I’m waiting for your answer. Please write to me soon.


6) Thanks for inviting me. I’d love to go with you.


词汇课件 篇4

The children enjoyed the freedom of the school holidays.


During the school holidays the children enjoyed their freedom.


We have freedom of speech .


Be free to do sth.

Everyone is free to express himself.

He left the army and resumed civil life.


Be civil to the headmaster.

murder a piece of music把一支曲子演奏得很糟糕

He murdered the whole work.他毁了全部工作。

The murder is out.真相大白; 水落石出。

In his youth he was a soldier. 他年轻时当过兵。

the youth of the country 这个国家的青少年

He was in prison for ten years. 他在狱中待了。

He has been in prison for five years.他坐了五年牢

(school hospital church office sea)

break prison [jail]escape from prison越狱, 从狱中逃走

cast [throw,put] into[in] prison下狱, 投进监牢

The army officers led a revolution against the king. 军官们领导了一次反国王的革命。

the revolution of the moon round the earth 月球绕地球转

the revolution of the seasons季节的循环

revolutionism革命主义[学说, 原理]

revolutionist革命者(的), 革命家(的), 革命论者(的)

American Revolution (=Revolutionary War)

[美]【史】(1775-1783年宣布脱离英国的)美 国独立战争

8, slavery奴隶制 slave奴隶keep break put to an end

liberty n.自由, 特权,

serve the people heart and soul全心全意地为人民服务

put one's heart and soul into the work全神贯注地工作

The criminal was arrested yesterday. 罪犯昨天被捕了。

The police made three arrests yesterday. 警察昨天执行了三项逮捕行动。

The policeman arrested the thief.警察逮捕了小偷。

They have gone to separate places. 他们去了各不相同的地方。

The children sleep in separate beds. 孩子们分别睡在各自的床上。

The two children separated at the end of the road. 两个孩子在路的尽头分手了。

A fence separated the cows from the pigs. 围栏把奶牛和猪分开。

separate the good ones from the bad ones把好的和坏的分开

We talked until midnight and then separated(parted).我们谈到午夜才分手。

The two questions are quite separate.这两个问题是完全不相关的。

Our class is divided into four groups

He divides his time between work and play

England is separated from France by the English Channel.

Separateness n.

be separated from和...分离开, 和...分散

They were pleased to meet after such a long separation. 久别重逢,他们非常高兴。

I'll race you to that tree. 我们赛跑到那棵树。

My sister's marriage took place at ten o'clock today. 我姐姐的婚礼今天10点举行。

Are you -ied or single?你结婚了还是单身?

Marry sb.

Smoking is forbidden in the concert hall. 演奏厅内不准吸烟。

I forbid you to go swimming. 我不准你去游泳。(forbid sb. To do sth. Forbid sth/doing sth.)

Most of the parents agree to forbade their children to smoke.


Her father forbade their marriage.

Parking forbidden !禁止停车 !

The storm forbids us to go out.暴风雨使我们不能外出。

God forbid!但愿别(发生此事)! 但愿上帝阻止(这事发生)!

the new act came to the vote提交表决

vote to do sth.

The committee voted that the game should be call off.

17, set an example to做...榜样, 树立(好)榜样

give an example to做...榜样, 树立(好)榜样

E-is better than precept.[谚]身教胜于言教。

I rely on you to set a good example to the workers.

It is impossible to satisfy all demands. 有求必应是不可能的。

Teachers are in demand in this area. 在这个地区很需要教师。

ask call for inquire need require want supply

I demand that John (should) go there at once.我要约翰马上去那儿。

This work demands your patience.这项工作需要你的耐心。

There is a great demand for such books.这种书需要量很大。

【说明】 demand 后接不定式, 不能接动名词; 被要求的人作为宾语时用of引出, 如: I demanded an answer of him. 我要求他答复。后面从句中的动词用虚拟语气如: I demand that one of you (should) go there at once. 我要求你们中间一人立即到那里去! (美国用法省略should)

he demanded to be told everything

Tom demanded an immediate answer of Jack.

All the passengers are required to show their tickets.

19, They're boycotting the shop. 他们联合抵制那家商店。

Discrimination against women is not allowed. 歧视妇女是不能允许的。

a fine discrimination in choosing wine有品酒的鉴别力

21,Government has passed an Act forbidding the killing of rare animals.



23, The house is in a good [bad] condition.房子条件良好[不好]。

weather conditions气候条件living conditions

unconditional adj.无条件的, 绝对的, 无限制的absolutely

Bad customs should be abolished.坏的风俗应当废除。

A judge must be free from prejudice. 法官不应存有偏见。

He has a prejudice against all foreigners.他对所有的外国人都有偏见。

be prejudiced against [in favour of] a person对某人有反感[好感]

a prejudice against [in favour of]对...的不利[有利]偏见

prejudice sb. against使某人对...产生偏见

prejudice sb.in favour of使某人对...产生好感

26, regardless adj(与of连用)不管…的;不顾…的

He says what he thinks, regardless of other people's feelings.


The children enjoyed the freedom of the school holidays.

(与form连用)解脱;免除freedom from taxation 免税

take freedoms with sb.对某人放肆with freedom自由地; 随便地, 无拘束地

Be free to do sth.


Free from 不受什么的影响Free the bird_____________

civil rights_____civil case_______civil war_______civil engineering___________

Be civil to the headmaster. 对校长要礼貌些。

be civil to对...有礼貌_______________

an attempted murder___________a case of murder___________

murder a piece of music_______________



The murder is out._________________________

In his youth he was a soldier. 他年轻时当过兵。

He was in prison for ten years._________________

He has been in prison for five years._____________________

go to prison入狱, 被监禁be taken to prison被关入监狱

cast [throw,put]sb. into[in] prison下狱, 投进监牢

The army ________ led a revolution against the king. 军官们领导了一次反国王的革命。

the revolution of the moon round the earth 月球绕地球转

the revolution of the seasons___________

revolutionism_____________ _____________革命者(的), 革命家(的), 革命论者(的)

American Revolution (=Revolutionary War)___________________

7, join hands with v.同...联合, 合伙join hand in hand同心协力

_______________ ___________全心全意地为人民服务

put one's heart and soul into the work______________________

the soul of a book____________________



The police made three arrests yesterday.

be put/ held/ placed under arrest被捕, 在拘留中

They have gone to __________. 他们去了各不相同的地方。

The children sleep_________________. 孩子们分别睡在各自的床上。

The two children separated at the end of the road.

A fence ____________________________. 围栏把奶牛和猪分开。



Our class is ________ into four groups

He ________ his time between work and play

England is_________ from France by the English Channel.

Separateness n.

be separated from和...分离开, 和...分散

They were pleased to meet after such a long separation.

a horse race 赛马a 10-mile race 10英里赛跑to race with sb. 与某人比赛

种族;人种the Negro race_________, ____________ 白种人

out of the race没有成功的可能in the race有成功的可能


Are you -ied or single?_________________

He is a married man._________________

14, forbid forbade;forbidden vt -bidding 禁止,不准,不许

Smoking is forbidden in the concert hall. ________________

I forbid you to go swimming._____________________

Her father forbade their marriage.

Parking forbidden !禁止停车 !_______________


God forbid!但愿别(发生此事)! 但愿上帝阻止(这事发生)!

15, vote for投票赞成vote against投票反对vote on就什么投票

The new act came to the vote提交表决

vote to do sth. Vote that (should )

The committee voted that the game should be call off.___________________________

16, set an example to做...榜样, 树立(好)榜样

I rely on you to set a good example to the workers.

for example____________give an example to_______________

take example for___________________take … for example __________________

E-is better than precept.[谚]身教胜于言教。

It is impossible to satisfy all demands. _____________

Teachers are in demand in this area. _____________________

I demand that John (should) go there at once.

This work demands your patience.这项工作需要你的耐心。

There is a great demand for such books.这种书需要量很大。

He demanded to be told everything.

Tom demanded an immediate answer of Jack.

All the passengers are _________to show their tickets.

19, They're boycotting the shop. __________

to boycott a meeting ______________

Discrimination against women is not allowed. _______________________

a fine discrimination in choosing wine_________________________

21,Government has passed an Act forbidding the killing of rare animals.


23, The house is in a good [bad] condition.房子条件良好[不好]。

weather conditions气候条件living conditions_____________

conditional adj.有条件的, 引起条件反应的unconditional adj.无条件的, 绝对的, 无限制的

to abolish slavery _______________._________________________坏的风俗应当废除。

A judge must be free from prejudice. ____________________

He has a prejudice against all foreigners.他对所有的外国人都有偏见。

be prejudiced against [in favour of] a person对某人有反感[好感]

a prejudice against [in favour of]对...的不利[有利]偏见

prejudice sb. against使某人对...产生偏见prejudice sb.in favour of使某人对...产生好感

pride and prejudice_________________

26, regardless adj(与of连用)不管…的;不顾…的

He says what he thinks, regardless of other people's feelings. ____________________________

词汇课件 篇5

1, entry n.登录, 条目, 进入, 入口(act of coming or going in)

Japan’s entry into the NU日本加入联合国

This dictionary has sixty thousand entries.这个字典有六万字。

Make an entry of把……记入make one’s entry into进入……

2, mental adj.精神的, 智力的(of the mind) physical物质的身体的

mental labour /child labour/mental illness/mental age

physician n.医生 physics n. 物理 physicist n. 物理学家

3, depression n.沮丧, 消沉, 低气压(low spirits /being depressed)

she is in a state of deep depression。他处于深深的沮丧之中。

4, Suffering n.苦楚, 受难adj.受苦的, 患病的

suffer v. Suffer from-----

eg. My mother suffers from headaches

He suffered for his carelessness.他因粗心而吃了亏。

He suffered a big loss.

He suffered from his illness.

5, greedy adj. greed n.

eg. He eats because of greed, not hunger

he is greedy for fame/knowledge /money.

trade with 与……交换trade in 做...生意, 经营

trade away卖掉trade off轮流, 交替 交替使用 卖掉, 换掉

7,unemployment n. (opposite) employment

employ v. employee 受雇者 employer 老板

employment agency 职业介绍所unemployment problem失业问题

A lamb was offered in sacrifice. 一只小羊用作祭祀。

His parents made sacrifices to pay for his education. 他的父母为供他上学而作出了牺牲。

He gave his life as a sacrifice for his country. 他为国牺牲了。

at [by] the sacrifice of靠牺牲...; 以...为代价

make sacrifices [a sacrifice] to为...作出牺牲

sacrifice...for [to]为...而牺牲, 牺牲...而换得.

9, former adj.从前的, 以前的n.形成者, 创造者

10, vain adj. 徒劳的 in vain = without success

Eg .We tried in vain to make him change his mindThe police tried in vain to break up the protest crowds.


All our work was in vain. 我们所有的工作都白费了。

11, dawn n.黎明, 拂晓, 破晓vi.破晓, 开始现生, 变得(为人所)明白v.破晓

It has just dawned on me that ....我刚刚才明白...。

Eg; It suddenly dawned on me that I had taken the wrong train.

overcome vt.战胜, 克服, 胜过, 征服vi.得胜(to fight successfully defeat)

be overcome by/with受不了……

we were overcome with joy我们高兴得不得了。

I insist on your being there. 我坚持要你在那里。

We all insist that we not rest until we finish the work.大家都坚决要求不完工就不休息。

I insist that you (should) be present.请您务必到场。

They insisted that she (should) be invited.他们坚持要邀请她。

The old man insisted that he he should be treated fairly

The old man insisted that he he was treated fairly

She could hardly resist laughing。 她真忍不住要笑。

I can't resistthe temptation我顶不住诱惑。

15, chief n.首领, 领袖, 酋长, 主要部分, 最有价值的部分

The school -lies books for the children.学校供应孩子们书籍。

Trees supply shade in summer.夏季树木提供荫凉处。

Cows supply us with milk.奶牛给我们提供牛奶。

supply and demand供求in short supply供应不足

be willing to do sth.

I’m willing to lend you some money

more willing //most willing//unwilling19, in turn

we found that Helen had told Tom,and he in turn had told me.

go away and leave me alone.

1, entry n.登录, 条目, 进入, 入口 ‘No Entry’ _________

This dictionary has sixty thousand entries.

Entry-level_______entry word_________

Make an entry of___________make one’s entry into______________

2, mental adj.精神的, 智力的 physical物质的身体的

mental labour /child labour/mental illness/mental age


mentally_______ mentality__________

physician _________ physics ________ physicist __________manual手的; 手工的spiritual adj.精神上的

she is in a state of deep depression。

Economic depression__________________

4, Suffering n.苦楚, 受难adj.受苦的, 患病的

suffer v. Suffer from-----

My mother suffers from headaches

He suffered for his carelessness.他因粗心而吃了亏。

He ________ a big loss.

He _______________ his illness.

5, greedy adj. greed n.

He eats because of greed, not hunger

he is greedy for fame/knowledge /money.

trade with ______trade in _________

trade away_________trade off_______________

trade on/upon_________trade out____________

unemployment n. (opposite) employment

employment agency unemployment problem 9, former adj.从前的, 以前的n.形成者, 创造者

in former times 从前the former________/ the latter_________

Eg .We tried in vain to make him change his mindThe police tried in vain to break up the protest crowds.


11, dawn n.黎明, 拂晓, 破晓vi.破晓, 开始现生, 变得(为人所)明白v.破晓

from dawn till dark/dusk______________

It has just dawned on me that ....我刚刚才明白...。

Eg; It suddenly dawned on me that I had taken the wrong train.

overcome difficulties_______overcome one's shortcomings_____________

be overcome by/with受不了……

we were overcome with joy________________

I insist on your being there.。

We all insist that we not rest until we finish the work.

I insist that you (should) be present.请您务必到场。


The old man insisted that he he should be treated fairly______________

The old man insisted that he he was treated fairly________________

resistable _____resistance _________

She could hardly resist laughing。 她真忍不住要笑。

I can't resist the temptation______________

15, chief n.首领, 领袖, 酋长, 主要部分, 最有价值的部分

supply a need [demand]______________

The school -lies books for the children.学校供应孩子们书籍。



supply and demand_________in short supply______________

be willing to do sth.__________________

I’m willing to lend you some money

more willing //most willing//unwilling

we found that Helen had told Tom,and he in turn had told me.

go away and leave me alone.

词汇课件 篇6


It will take you half an hour to ge to the station, allowing for traffic delays.


We must start early, to allow for finding their house.


We should allow for every possible delay.我们必须考虑到任何可能的延误。

Inventors often rephrase a problem to allow for creative solutions and also try “impossible” or “crazy“ solutions.



allow sb. to do sth允许某人做某事 allow (doing) sth允许(做)某事 allow that承认

My parents don't allow me to stay out late. 我父母不允许我在外呆的太晚。

We don't allow smoking here.我们不允许在这儿吸烟。

I allow that he is a able man.我承认他是一个能干的人。


He rejected my suggestion.他拒绝了我们建议。

If people are unkind to a person, then the person will feel rejected.


Choose the good apples and reject the bad ones.拣出好苹果,丢掉烂苹果。

I have had so many rejections I've stopped offering to help her.



He got stuck in the mud.他陷进泥里了。

His finger got stuck in the hole.他的手指卡在洞里了。

We were stuck in a traffic jam for an hour.我们因交通阻塞而受阻了一个小时。

I got stuck on the second question.我在第二个问题上卡住了。

If the bank won't lend us the money, we'll really be stuck.


[拓展] get stuck on 非常喜欢 get stuck with 与不喜欢的人在一起 get stuck in(to) 开始积极地做 某事


The students are really stuck on their new teacher.


I am stuck with the naughty boy for the whole day.我一整天都让那个淘气的小男孩缠住了。

He got completely stuck into that book you gave him; we could hardly get him to say a word!



The pickpocket broke away from the policeman who had been holding his arm.


He broke away from the organization in .他在与那个组织脱离了关系。


break away 断开;剪掉(树枝等) broke down 捣毁,镇压,(机械等)出故障,(计划等)受挫 break into 强行进入,破门而入 break off 折断,断绝关系,中断 break out (战争,火灾等)突然发生,爆发 break up 粉碎,结束,与某人分手

5. otherwise (adv)不同地,另外地: (conj.)否则,要不然; (adj.)不同的,别样的


He seems to thinks otherwise.


You must work hard, otherwise you will fail the exam.


Some are creative, some are otherwise.


I don’t care whether he is rich or otherwise.



He wasn't aware of the danger.他没有意识到危险。

He said that the government was acutely aware of the problem.


They are well aware that this is a risky investment. (=They are well aware how risky it is.)



I am so sorry. I can't come after all.对不起,我终究还是不能来。

It's not surprising you've got stomachacher. After all, you've eaten too much.


[拓展]after all 作介词短语时,意为“虽然......,但仍然.....”

After all his efforts, he also failed this time.虽然他很努力,便这次还是失败了。


It's difficult to keep track of all the new ideas and developments in education.


He keeps track of all his old school friends.他与中学时所有的老校友都保持着联系。

词汇课件 篇7

1, disablity n.无力, 无能, 残疾the state of being disabled

disable______ able_____ ability________

I do not doubt your ablity to do the work.

He is a man of many ablities.

be able to move from place to place

it is difficult for my grandpa to get around without a walking stick.

Bad news gets around quickly.

3,potential adj.潜在的, 可能的n.潜能, 潜力

4,guidance n.指导, 领导help or advice

with the guidance/help/ aid of sb.

He did the work with his teacher's guidance. 他在老师的指导下做了这件工作。

take sb. under one's guidance置某人于自己的庇护之下

guide n.领路人, 导游者 指南vt.指导, 支配, 管理, 带领, 操纵

a Guide to English Grammar 英语语法指南

They guided us to the office. 他们带领我们到了办公室。

a birthday [Christmas] gift生日[圣诞]礼物

have a gift for/in poetry [art, language]有诗[艺术, 语言]的天才

assistance n.协助, 援助, 补助,

We all assisted in mending the roof. 我们都帮助修理屋顶。

assist sb. with sth.帮助某人[做某事]

assist sb. to do sth.帮助某人[做某事]

assist sb. in doing sth.帮助某人[做某事]

I have been a prisoner, so I have a lot of sympathy with other people in prison.

to be in sympathy with a plan 赞成一项计划

encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人(做某事)

be encouraged by受...鼓励[鼓舞]

encouraging adj.鼓励的, 给予希望的,

visibility n.可见度, 可见性, 显著, 明显度, 能见度

10, motive n.动机, 目的adj.发动的, 运动的to provide someone with a stong reason for doing sth.

to motivate the child to learn new words 激励小孩子学习新词

Examinations do not motivate a student to seek more knowledge.


11, adjust vt.调整, 调节, 校准, 使适合adapt /get used to /

adjust oneself in the school 适应学校生活

He adjusted himself very quickly to the heat of the country.


perform the opening [closing] ceremony举行开幕[闭幕]式

The marriage ceremony took place in the church. 婚礼在教堂举行。

gain [have, obtain, win] a (the) victory over战胜...; 击败...

Although she is very poor, she has not lost her dignity.


Ladies and gentlemen should always act with great dignity.


stand on one's dignity保持尊严;

15, participate vi.参与, 参加, 分享, 分担

17, conduct n.行为, 操行v.引导, 管理, 传导

His conduct disagrees with his words.他言行不一。

Your children conduct themselves well.你的孩子们品行良好。

Metal conducts electricity. 金属导电。

My aunt conducts her business very successfully.我的婶婶把企业经营得很成功。

18, accessible adj.易接近的, 可到达的, 易受影响的, 可理解的

He is proud that his wife is accessible to reason.他的妻子通情达理,为此他引以为豪。

This novel seems to me among the most inaccessible.这本书对我来说是最难懂的小说之一。

There is no access to the street through that door. 穿过那个门没有通向大街的路。

The only access to the town is across the bridge.到镇上唯一的通路是经过一座桥。

Citizens may have free accessto the library.市民可以自由使用图书馆

disable______ able_____ ability________

I do not doubt ______________________(你的做这个工作的能力)

He is a man of many ablities._____________________

it is difficult for my grandpa to get around without a walking stick.


3,potential adj.潜在的, 可能的n.潜能, 潜力

a potential problem_______________

He did the work with his teacher's guidance.


under sb.'s guidance ___________

take sb. under one's guidance_________________

_____________n.领路人, 导游者 指南vt.指导, 支配, 管理, 带领, 操纵

They guided us to the office. _______________

a birthday [Christmas] gift________________

have a gift for/in poetry [art, language]_________________

assistance n.协助, 援助, 补助,

assist sb. with sth.帮助某人[做某事]

assist sb. to do sth.帮助某人[做某事]

assist sb. in doing sth.帮助某人[做某事]


I have been a prisoner, so I have a lot of sympathy with other people in prison.

a letter of sympathy __________________

in sympathy(常与with连用)___________

be out of sympathy________________

express sympathy for____________


encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人(做某事)

be encouraged by受...鼓励[鼓舞]

9, visual adj.看的, 视觉的, 形象的, 栩栩如生的

visibility n.可见度, 可见性, 显著, 明显度, 能见度

10, motive n.动机, 目的adj.发动的, 运动的motivate v.激发

to motivate the child to learn new words ________________


adjust oneself in the school ___________________

adjust oneself to..._________________


make adjustment to_______________

perform the opening [closing] ceremony__________________________

_____________________ took place in the church. 婚礼在教堂举行。

a narrow victory_________________

gain [have, obtain, win] a (the) victory over________________


Ladies and gentlemen should always act ___________________


15, participate vi.参与, 参加, 分享, 分担

participate in __________________

participate in profits_______________

17, conduct n.行为, 操行v.引导, 管理, 传导

His conduct disagrees with his words._____________


Metal conducts electricity. ______________

My aunt conducts her business very successfully.

18, accessible adj.易接近的, 可到达的, 易受影响的, 可理解的

He is proud that his wife is accessible to reason.

This novel seems to me among the most inaccessible.

There is no access to the street through that door. 穿过那个门没有通向大街的路。



词汇课件 篇8

Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?

Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)

Structures: Would and hope to for expressing desires

Target language: Where would you like to go on vacation?

I’d love to visit Mexico.

I hope to go to France some day.

Vocabulary: jungle, thrilling, fascinating, take it easy, tiring, educational, trek, touristy, pack, light, heavy, provide, offer

Learning strategies: Classifying, Role playing

●To learn to use Would and hope to for expressing desires●To listen, speak and read about traveling

Warming up by learning Would and hope to for expressing desires

Hello, morning. Let’s first look at the sentences in the chat below:

Where would you like to visit? I’d like to go somewhere relaxing.

I hope to go to France some day.

I’d love to visit Mexico.

In the sentences would, hope to, ‘d like to and ‘d love to are used for expressing desires.

On page 52 is a picture about the planning of vocation. Pick the proper adjectives on top left of page 52 to describe Vacation 1 and Vacation 2.

More adjectives to be chosen from:

bad beautiful quiet testy long quick tricky tough bright magnificent

crazy mighty dizzy wasteful dull new wonderful nice sad nosy funny

great nutritious short silly gigantic ordinary strange pretty happy prickly horrible

Where would Sam and Gina like to go on vacation?

You are to listen and fill in the chart on page 52.

Boy: Look at those travel posters. I’d love to go on a vacation.

Girl: Where would you like to go, Sam?

Boy: I’d love to go trekking in the Amazon jungle in Brazil.

Boy: Sure. I like exciting vacations.

Girl: Wouldn’t that be dangerous?

Boy: No, not really. How about you, Gina? Where would you like to go?

Girl: Oh, I’m stressed out. I’d just like to relax on a beach… You know, a beautiful beach in Florida.

Boy: That sounds peaceful.

Sam Brazil Likes exciting vacations

Gina Florida Likes to relax on a beach

Now you are going to read the listening script. Underline the phrases and circle would, hope to, ‘d like to and ‘d love to are used for expressing desires.

You are going to practice conversations with your partner according to the vacation posters in 1a.

Boy: Do you see those travel posters over there. Let’s go over and have a look.

Girl: I’d love to go on a vacation. Where would you like to go, Li Haifeng?

Boy: I’d love to go hunting in Panquangou jungle in Shanxi.

Boy: Sure. I like exciting vacations.

Girl: Wouldn’t that be dangerous?

Boy: No, not really. How about you, Tian Hong? Where would you like to go?

Girl: Oh, I’m stressed out. I’d just like to relax beside a river… You know, a beautiful riverside park in Taiyuan.

Boy: That sounds peaceful.

You are going to listen to another conversation. This time listen and number the statements on page 53 in the order that you hear them.

Now listen to it the second time. Jot down sentences with would, hope to, ‘d like to and ‘d love to used for expressing desires.

Boy1: Wouldn’t it be great if we could go on a vacation together?

Girl1: Yeah. That would be wonderful!

Girl1: Well, I hope to visit Hawaii one day. Would you be interested in going there?

Boy2: Sure! I like places where the weather is always warm.

Boy1: But Hawaii is too touristy. Maybe we could go to Mexico. I love places where the people are really friendly.

Boy2: Well, Mexico would be nice, but we don’t know the language. I hope to see Niagara Falls someday. What about going there?

Girl1: Niagara Falls would be beautiful, but there’s not much to do there. Why don’t we all go to San Francisco together? It has everything-beautiful views, friendly people, exciting things to do…

Boy2: That’s not a bad idea if you pay for it!

3 I love places where the people are really friendly.

4 I hope to see Niagara Falls some day.

2 I like places where the weather is always warm.

1 I hope to visit Hawaii one day.

Read the listening script and copy down all useful phrases.

go on a vacation together, visit Hawaii, one day, be interested in going there, be too touristy, go to Mexico, be really friendly, see Niagara Falls someday, go to San Francisco together, beautiful views, friendly people, exciting things, a bad idea, pay for…

On page 53 is a chart with “ Place” and “Reason not to visit the place”. Listen again and match them.

__b__1. Hawaii a. We don’t know the language.

__a__2. Mexico b. It’s too touristy.

__c__3. Niagara Falls c. There’s not much to do there.

Role play conversations using information from 2a and 2b. You may start this way:

A: I hope to visit Hawai some day.

B: I do, too. I like places where the weather is always warm.

A: I’d like to go on a vacation with my classmate Li Hong.

B: I hope to visit Wutai Mountain one day. Would you be interested in going there?

A: I like places where the food is really delicious. Zhongqing is a nice place to visit.

B: But Zhongqing is too touristy. Maybe we could go to Dali.

A: Pingyao would be nice, but we don’t have the time.

B: Why don’t we go to Lushan together? It has everything-beautiful views, friendly people, exciting things to do…

On page 54 is a newspaper article about Paris. While reading it, circling the things you like about visiting Paris and underling the thing you don’t like.

For your next vocation, why not consider visiting Paris? Paris is the capital of France, and is one of the liveliest cities in Europe. It doesn’t have any beaches or mountains, but there are still many things to do there. For example, it has some fantastic sights, including the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral, one of the most famous churches in the world.

Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money, but it’s usually quite convenient to take the underground train to most places. In general, though, France is quite an expensive place. One thing that is not expensive in France, however, is the wine!

Most people in France have learned English. But many people don’t like to speak English, especially in Paris. So unless you speak French yourself, it’s best to travel with someone who can translate things for you.

Read the article the second time and blacken all the expressions. You may copy them after class.

In pairs practice the conversation on the middle left of page 54. And then make new conversations with the information in the box on the right in the box.

A: Where would you like to go?

B: I’d like to visit Kunming.

A: Isn’t it supposed to be very hot?

B: Yes, it is. I’m only going to pack light clothes. But Kunming is also beautiful, and it has lots of wonderful sights.

A: Where would you like to go for a sightseeing trip?

B: I’d like to visit Hong Kong.

A: Isn’t it supposed to be very crowded?

B: Yes, it is. But Kong Kong is also beautiful, and it has lots of great entertainment sights.

A: Where would you like to go for the May Day vacation?

B: I’d like to see Mexico City.

A: Isn’t it supposed to be exciting?

B: Yes, it is. But I am going there for a relaxing trip. I don’t have lots to do there.

A: Where would you like to visit for the National Day hollidays?

B: I’d like to see New York.

A: Isn’t it supposed to be very touristy?

B: Yes, it is. But it is also a very fascinating place with lots of fantastic galleries.

A: Where would you like to spend your Spring Festival vacation?

B: I’d like to fly to Sydney.

A: Isn’t it supposed to be very expensive to go there?

B: Yes, it is. But it is also a very beautiful place with fantastic beaches where you can lie down for a sunbath.

A: But you can also lie right here for a free sunbath, too.

In pair you are going to think of a city you know. List things you like and things you don’t like about the city.

Talk to each other about your findings.【03KKk.cOM 零思考方案网】

Things you like Things you don’t like

The Ancient Ming and Qing Streets

I'm feeling rather ragged.

I'm feeling rather rough.

I'm looking like I stayed up late,

and didn't sleep enough.

and dreamt all through the night,

I was feeling far from right.

For though I drifted quickly,

and slumbered long and deep,

'cause I dreamed I couldn't sleep!

词汇课件 篇9

1. listen to the tape and ask the students to get the general idea of the passage.

2. ask the students to read the passage themselves and ask some of them to read the text.

(1)What plan has helped Chinese scientists make many breakthroughs?

Rejuvenating the nation by relying on science and education(科教兴国)

(2)Which scientific fields are mentioned in the text?

Developed Long March rocket series


project in Proving that China’s

Improve agriculture, cure new diseases

Chinese computer engineers have developed supercomputer ---Shenwei and build the nation’s first humanoid robot Run large programs, perform difficult operations

Scientists create a chemical element to fight cancer cells

(T) China makes great achievements in science and technology.

(F) The success made by China is an accident.

(F) The Long March rocket series are dangerous and have not been used.

(T) China also became part of an international research programme which examined the human body.

(F) The low-speed broadband network was recently started.

(T) Chinese computer engineers have also developed the supercomputer Shenzhou.

(1) Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text?

A. Chemical element for curing cancer

(2) According to the author, what is becoming increasing popular in China?

(3) According to the text, how does China rejuvenate the nation?

(4) What would be another proper title for the passage?

B. The Breakthrough in Fighting Cancer

C. The Great Achievements in Science and Technology

D. The Development of Super Computer “ Shenwei”

(5) The word “ boom” in Para. 1of the text means _________

Read the Integrating skills on the exercises book

词汇课件 篇10

Two men have denied murdering a woman at a remote picnic spot.

He said that I had stolen his bicycle, but I denied it. 他说我偷了他的自行车可是我否认了。He denied his country. 他背弃了自己的国家。

She could deny her son nothing. 她对他的儿子有求必应。

This is the only country in Europe to deny cancer screening to its citizens.

I'll pay you back on Friday.

We're paying back the loan over 15 years.

I'll pay Jenny back for what she did to me!

“I'd like to pay by cheque, please.”我想用支票支付。

I paid $150 for that walki-lookie.

have mercy on/upon sb =show mercy to sb 对某人起了怜悯之心

They showed little mercy to the enemies.他们对敌人毫不怜悯。

We were treated with mercy.我们受到仁慈的待遇。

That is a mercy!那真是幸运!

It is a mercy that you did not go.你幸好没有去。

The people’s enemies will be shown no mercy.

The leaflet tells you how to go about making a will.

The villagers were going about their business as usual.

She went about her preparations in a quiet businesslike way.

as far as conj.To the degree or extent that:表程度或范围:

They returned at nine, as far as we know.据我所知,他们是九点返回的

We walked as far as the top of the hill.

7.judgement n.审判, 判决, 判断力, 意见, 看法, 评价judge n. 法官, 审判员, 裁判员vt.审理, 鉴定, 判断, 判决

Don't judge by appearances.人不可以貌相。

I'm no judge of music. 我对音乐是外行。

She's a good judge of wine.她是鉴别酒的专家。

He envied Rosalind her youth and strength.

with envyHe watched the others with envy.

The boy's new electronic toy train was the envy of his friends.


He couldn’t conceal his envy of me at my success.

Envy of sb. envy at/ of sth.

He was accused of murder. Smith accused her of lying.

The professor stands accused of (=has been accused of) stealing his student's ideas and publishing them.

The police accused him of murder. 警方指控他谋杀。

The police accused him of stealing.警方控告他犯有盗窃罪。

Mary was accused as an accomplice.玛丽被指控为同谋犯。

as a result; consequently. as a consequence因而, 结果

consider the consequences考虑后果a person of consequence举足轻重的人

answer for the consequences对后果负责

She was over the age limit and, in consequence, her application was rejected.

As a consequence of being in hospital, Shelly decided that she wanted to become a nurse.


11. fortune n.财富, 运气, 大量财产, 好运, 命运

make a fortune发财致富run a fortune冒风险

try one's fortune碰运气fortunately adv.幸运地

12.bargain n.协议,交易, 廉价货 v.讨价还价,谈判

It's an attractive little home, and I think it's a bargain .

That second-hand table was a real bargain .

A bargain is a bargain.[谚]买卖一言为定; 达成的协议不可撕毁。

13, bless vt.祝福, 保佑,

Bless you!太谢谢你了! 愿上帝保佑你!

It is illegal to steal things. 偷东西是违法的。

to tear up the letter 撕毁一封信 tear into pieces burst into tears突然大哭

16.declare vt 宣布,申明declare that …declare sb/sth (to be)…

He declared himself to be a member of their Party.

Have you anything to declare? 你有要申报纳税的物品吗?

Declare for /against Declare war on

declare 经常用于正式场合,指“清楚, 有力地, 公开让人知道”, 如:

He declared his intention to run for office.他宣布了自己参加竞选的想法。

announce 指“把人们关心或感兴趣的事正式公布于众”, 如:

announce a sale公布减价。

take sb. to court对某人起诉,go to court 起诉

18. justice n.正义, 正当, 公平, 正确, 司法, 审判, 欣赏

I was ill, and therefore could not come. 我病了,所以没能来。

He has broken his leg and therefore he can't walk. 他摔坏了腿,因此不能走路了。

A couple of other books are worthy of mention.

a teacher who is worthy of respect

a man worthy of praise [to be praised]值得称赞的人

be worth (doing) something主动态表被动态

A lot of the small towns in the area are definitely worth visiting.

The film is well worth seeing.

This book is worthy of being read [to be read].这本书值得一读。

The boy was punished for being late.这男孩因迟到受到处分。

whoever breaks the rule will not escape punishment/being punished.

22. ordern.次序, 顺序, 正常(工作)状态, 命令, 定购, 定单

in order out of order order sb. to do sth.

1. merchantn.商人, 批发商, 贸易商, 店主adj.商业的, 商人的

merchant bank___________merchant agent_____________

Two men have denied ____________(murder) a woman at a remote picnic spot.


He denied his country._____________________

deny somebody something /deny something to somebody

She could deny her son nothing. _______________________

We're paying back the loan over 15 years.______________________

I'll pay Jenny back for what she did to me!

“I'd like to pay _____________, please.”我想用支票支付。

I paid $150 for that goods.

pay for __________pay off__________

pay back ___________pay attention to____________

have mercy on/upon sb =show mercy to sb 对某人起了怜悯之心

have mercy on us _______________!

They _____________________the enemies.他们对敌人毫不怜悯


We were treated with mercy.我们受到仁慈的待遇。without mercy_______________

It is a mercy that you did not go.________________

The villagers were going about their business as usual.


They returned at nine,_____________据我们所知,他们是九点返回的

We walked ___________________远到山顶

7.judgement n.审判, 判决, 判断力, 意见, 看法, 评价judge n. 法官, 审判员, 裁判员vt.审理, 鉴定, 判断, 判决

Don't judge by appearances.____________________

so far as I can judge___________________

I'm _____________of music. 我对音乐是外行。

She's a good judge of wine.______________________

He envied Rosa her youth and strength.

with envyHe watched the others with envy.

out of envy出于忌妒Envy of sb. envy at/ of sth.

The boy's new electronic toy train_________________________


He couldn’t conceal _____________________(他对我的成功的嫉妒)

He was accused of murder._________________


The police ___________________警方控告他犯有盗窃罪。

as a result; consequently. as a consequence因而, 结果

answer for the consequences对后果负责

She was over the age limit and, in consequence, her application was _______(拒绝).


11. fortune n.财富, 运气, 大量财产, 好运, 命运

make a fortune____________run a fortune____________________

try one's fortune___________fortunately ________________

12.bargain n.协议,交易, 廉价货 v.讨价还价,谈判

It's an attractive little home, and I think it's a bargain .

That second-hand table was a real bargain .

Good knives don't come at bargain prices .

If you bargain with them they might reduce the price.你讲讲价,他们可能会把价钱降低。

a bad bargain__________a good bargain_______________

A bargain is a bargain.[谚]买卖一言为定; 达成的协议不可撕毁。

13, bless vt.祝福, 保佑,

Bless you!太谢谢你了! _______________愿上帝保佑你!

It is ____________ to steal things. 偷东西是违法的。

to tear up the letter 撕毁一封信 tear into pieces__________________

burst into tears__________________

16.declare vt 宣布,申明declare that …declare sb/sth (to be)…

He declared himself to be a member of their Party.

Have you anything to declare? ____________

Declare for /against______________Declare war on___________

take sb. to court对某人起 go to court 起诉

18. justice n.正义, 正当, 公平, 正确, 司法, 审判, 欣赏

a just punishment ___________________

I was ill, and therefore could not come. 我病了,所以没能来。


a teacher who is worthy of respect

a man worthy of praise [to be praised]值得称赞的人

be worth (doing) something主动态表被动态

The film is well worth seeing.



The boy was punished for being late.这男孩因迟到受到处分。


22. ordern.次序, 顺序, 正常(工作)状态, 命令, 定购, 定单

order sb. to do sth.________________

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