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The combination of sincere love is the purest of all combinations. Bless us!~~有哪些类似的句子推荐呢?以下由励志的句子编辑为大家精心整理的“英语祝福结婚的句子27句”,建议你收藏并分享给其他需要的朋友!

1、wish you many more anniversaries each happier than the last.

2、琴瑟和鸣 marital harmony; happy married life

3、Today… happiness.

4、bride's beauty is like heaven, and heaven and earth are destined for good marriage.

5、You two are a perfect match. Heres wishing you both a lifetime of


7、wish to two happy people for a future of dreams comes true, Congratulations!



10、Congratulations on entering the hall of love.


12、You two are the prince and princess in a fairy tale and may you live happily everafter! 你俩正如童话故事中的王子和公主,祝你们永远幸福快乐!

13、天缘巧合 a destiny given by heaven and a wonderful match

14、hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life together

15、Allow me to conclude my brief speech by wishing the bride and bridegroom all happiness and the best of luck for the future.

16、wish to two happy people for a future of dreams coming true,

17、man who has riches without understanding is like the beasts that perish.

18、Have a hearty marriage life!


20、宜室宜家 to make a harmonious and orderly home breath

21、bride's beauty is like heaven, and heaven and earth are destined for good marriage.

22、May all the lover in the world get married, be doomed in his previous life, and be happy to get married.

23、wish you can love each other year by year.

24、Always be in love!


26、永结同心 to be of one mind forever

27、The combination of sincere love is the purest of all combinations. Bless us!


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    励志的句子主题栏目精选:“结婚祝福英语句子”,敬请访问。Happiness Begins Today!多年以后我们也常常回忆起新婚的美好时刻,在日常的生活中,说到结婚祝福语,大家肯定都不陌生吧,我们在创作新婚祝福语时需要提前注意些什么?编辑现在向你推荐结婚祝福句子英语,欢迎大家阅读,希望对大家有所帮...

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    1、Bestebringeveryblessingtoyouboth. 在你俩结婚20周年纪念日之际,致以最衷心的祝意,愿你们年年岁岁称心如意。 13、Ontheoccasionofyoursilverestrue.Andsuddenlyyourentireinghappyunion! 谨向