励志的句子 · 句子大全

I love spending the holidays with the one person I love the most.~~嗨,你喜欢这样的短句吗?你也许需要"表达爱的英文简短句子"这样的内容,更多相关内容请继续关注本网站。

1、I love your willingness to share everything and most especially your heart with me.

2、I love how every time I look at you, you take my breath away.

3、I love the way you respect me.

4、I love your thoughtfulness.

5、I love your body.

6、I love the way you won't compromise yourself when we are together.

7、I love the fact that I will always be there for you too.

8、如果我们分离, 生活会怎样.

9、I love the way you look at me. 我爱你瞧我的样子.

10、I love the way you inspire me to be more than I am.


12、I love your confidence.

13、I love your openness to try new things.


15、I love the way you take the time to thank me for doing every day things.

16、I love your beautiful hair.

17、I love the way you make me feel like anything is possible as long as I'm with you.

18、I love how you are my soul mate.




22、I love how if I died right now I would be the happiest person alive knowing I found my one true love.

23、I love the way you'll watch a sporting game with me even though you may not be interested in it.

24、I love the way we sometimes stay up all night and just talk, then watch the sunrise together.

25、I love the way we glance at each other across the room and know what each other is thinking.

26、I love the way you take the time to show me how much you love me.

27、I love how you would do anything in this world to make me happy.

28、I love the ways you choose to show your affection for me.

29、I love how I would do anything in this world to make you happy.

30、I love the way you spark my creativity and imagination.

31、I love the completeness and oneness I feel when we make love.

32、I love the softness of you lips against my body.

33、I love the softness of your lips against mine.

34、In the very *** cot there is room *** for a *** pair、 哪怕是最小的茅舍,对一对恋人来说都有足够的空间。


36、I love the way, how even though we may be miles apart I still feel like you're right here with me.


38、I love how you demand respect but are not controlling.

39、I love how I love you.

40、I love the way you let me live my life freely without jealousy.

41、I love the way you treat my friends.

42、Life is the *** for which love is the honey、 生命如花,爱情是蜜。

43、I love how our bodies just fit together.

44、I love the special moments that we shared that will remain my fondest memories of you and I.


46、I love how when I dream of my life partner, the only person that I can see is you.

47、I love spending the holidays with the one person I love the most.
