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【#文案# #考试自嘲文案(收藏118句)#】考试前有谁需要睡眠呢?不管是通过书面还是口头提问,考试都是对个人知识水平进行测验的重要手段。考试可以让我们发现自身的不足,而真诚的祝福语也可以给考生带来无尽的温馨。如果您正在寻找与考试相关的祝福语,那么不妨参考本文《考试自嘲文案》,其中包含了读者反馈的精选内容。欢迎阅读!



2、I have a feeling that the only way I would have passed that test is if the professor marked the wrong answers as correct by accident.

3、I'm not saying this was a bad exam, but it certainly wasn't a good one either.


5、I think I'll need to schedule a session with my therapist to work through the trauma of that exam.

6、If this exam were a dish, it would be the culinary equivalent of a dumpster fire.


8、I think that test was the equivalent of being hit over the head with a mallet repeatedly.

9、I think the only thing that could have made that exam worse is if it had been on fire.

10、I'm pretty sure I could have done just as well on this exam if I had just filled in all the bubbles randomly.

11、I think I owe my calculator an apology for making it do all of the work for me.

12、I think I made a terrible mistake by wasting my time actually studying for this exam.

13、I have a feeling that all of my answers were actually just random strings of letters and numbers.

14、I feel like I was blindfolded and thrown into a pit of hungry tigers when I took that exam.

15、Who needs to actually understand the material when you have a good cheat sheet?


17、The only thing worse than taking an exam is waiting for the results to come in.

18、If I can just stay awake for the entire exam, I'll consider it a success.


20、I'm pretty sure that exam was written in a language that doesn't actually exist.



22、I think I did so badly on this exam that they might revoke my status as a human being.

23、I've never been good at taking tests, but at least I'm good at making excuses for why I didn't do well.

24、If there was an award for "Most Likely to Fail," I think I would have won it for this exam.


26、I think "C" is going to be my lucky letter on this test.

27、I'm pretty sure I just wrote my name wrong on the top of the paper.

28、I'm pretty sure I just secured my place as the class clown by failing that exam so spectacularly.


30、I have no idea what's going on, but at least I'm writing something.



33、I'm pretty sure I'm going to need a bottle of wine just to get through this exam.

34、I'm starting to think that my brain is allergic to studying.

35、I'm starting to think that my lucky pencil is actually cursed.

36、I've learned more about myself during this exam than I have about the subject matter.

37、If this were the Olympics, I would have won gold for the worst performance in my event.

38、I think I'll need to start practicing my "would you like fries with that" speech just in case I fail this exam.

39、Why bother studying when you can just hope that the exam is all multiple choice questions?



41、I'm pretty sure I'll need a drink or ten to forget about that exam.


43、I always feel like I'm playing a game of Russian Roulette every time I take an exam.

44、If the exam has a curve, then I officially have a chance to do well.

45、If this exam were a cake, it would be a burnt, tasteless one.

46、Who needs sleep before exams anyways?

47、I think I'm going to need a degree just to understand the instructions on this exam.



50、I'm pretty sure that exam was specifically designed to make me question my intelligence.

51、I'm pretty sure I just put the wrong answer for every question on this exam.

52、I'm pretty sure this exam is the academic equivalent of running a marathon.

53、Why do professors always think that essays are the best way to test our knowledge?


55、If people could get PTSD from taking exams, I think I've just been diagnosed with it.


57、I'm pretty sure the only conclusions I can draw from that exam are that I am a failure and life is meaningless.

58、This exam is going to make or break my future...no pressure.

59、I feel like I'm on a first-name basis with the proctor after taking so many exams in this room.

60、If I were a country, my GDP would be equivalent to the number of questions I got right on that test.


61、I know I should be focusing on the exam, but my mind keeps wandering to what I'm going to eat for lunch.

62、I think I'll need to start a new collection of "participation trophies" just for this exam.

63、I'm not even sure what language that test was in, let alone whether I made any sense in my answers.



66、I think I'll need to turn to a life of crime after failing that exam.

67、I'm pretty sure I'm going to need a dictionary just to understand the questions on this exam.




71、I feel like this exam was the equivalent of a slap in the face.

72、I think that exam just sucked all the brain cells out of my head.


74、I studied so hard for this exam, I should get extra credit just for trying.

75、Nothing makes you question your entire academic career quite like a failing grade on an exam.

76、I don't need to know the answers, I just need to know which letter to fill in the bubble with.

77、I'm pretty sure I'm going to need to borrow a brain for this exam.


79、If I were a car, that exam would have totaled me.




82、I think my brain stopped working about halfway through that exam.

83、If I were a bird, that exam would have clipped my wings and left me grounded.


85、Does it count as cheating if I just look up the answers in my own notes?

86、I'm pretty sure my brain just took a vacation during this exam.

87、I would say "good luck" to all of my fellow test-takers, but we all know it's just a matter of who's the best at guessing.

88、The only thing I learned from this exam is that I need to study harder next time.


90、I'm pretty sure that test was designed to make me feel absolutely incompetent.

91、If cramming for exams is a sport, then I think I would be a world champion by now.


93、If this exam were a person, I would tell it that it's ugly and nobody likes it.

94、If I can just hold my breath for the entire exam, I'll be able to concentrate better.


96、Why do we always forget everything we've learned as soon as we sit down to take a test?

97、I think I may have set a new record for the most wrong answers on a single test.



100、I'm starting to think that "winging it" might be my only option at this point.



102、Exam day is always a good excuse to treat yourself to an unhealthy breakfast.

103、I don't know what I was thinking when I took that test, but I clearly wasn't thinking about passing it.


105、I'm pretty sure my brain just froze during this exam.

106、I don't need to graduate with honors, I just need to graduate.

107、I'm pretty sure I failed that test, but at least I'll have a good story to tell.

108、I think I'll need to rely on the power of prayer to pass this exam.


110、If I were a superhero, my weakness would be exams.





115、I'm pretty sure I heard the test laughing at me as I walked out of the room.



118、I'm pretty sure I got a perfect score...on the spelling section.

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