励志的句子 · 句子大全

Perseverance and determination are the keys to success in this exam. 坚定不移和决心是这次考试成功的关键。~~你喜欢这种句子风格吗?你也许需要"期末考试前的激励语16句"这样的内容,如果对这个话题感兴趣的话,请关注本站。

1、Don't let setbacks discourage you in this exam, because they are simply roadblocks on your path to success. 不要让失败打击你在这次考试中的信心,因为它们只是通往成功之路上的路障。

2、Don't let stress and pressure derail your focus and determination to succeed in this exam. 不要让压力和压力使你失去专注和成功的决心。

3、Don't be afraid to take risks and try new things in this exam, because it is through taking risks that we grow and learn. 在这次考试中不要害怕冒险和尝试新事物,因为正是通过冒险我们才能成长和学习。

4、Keep your eye on the prize and never lose sight of your goals in this exam, and you will succeed. 保持目标,永远不要失去对你在这次考试中的目标的视线,你将成功。

5、Believe in yourself and your abilities, and you will overcome any obstacle in this exam. 相信自己和自己的能力,你将克服在这次考试中的任何障碍。

6、Success is not a destination, but a journey, and this exam is just one step on that journey. 成功不是目的地,而是旅程,这次考试只是旅程上的一步。

7、Perseverance, dedication, and hard work will lead you to success in this exam. 坚持不懈、奉献和努力工作将带领你在这次考试中取得成功。


9、Every failure is an opportunity to learn and improve, so don't be discouraged by setbacks in this exam. 每次失败都是学习和改进的机会,所以不要因这次考试的挫折而沮丧。

10、Success in this exam is not about being the best, but about doing your best and giving it your all. 在这次考试中成功不在于成为最好的,而在于尽你最大的努力。


12、Don't be afraid to make mistakes in this exam, because it is through our mistakes that we learn and grow. 在这次考试中不要害怕犯错误,因为正是通过我们的错误,我们才会成长和学习。

13、Keep a positive attitude and never let setbacks in this exam bring you down, because you are capable of overcoming any obstacle. 保持积极的态度,永远不要让这次考试的挫折打击你,因为你有能力克服任何障碍。

14、Never let failure define you in this exam, because it is simply a stepping stone on your path to success. 永远不要让失败在这次考试中定义你,因为它只是你通往成功之路上的一个垫脚石。


16、Perseverance and determination are the keys to success in this exam. 坚定不移和决心是这次考试成功的关键。
