励志的句子 · 句子大全


1. 女主被男主的温暖怀抱抱住,心里涌起一股难以言喻的感觉。

2. 女主身体被男主紧紧地搂在怀里,仿佛世界上只剩下了这一瞬间。

3. 当女主被男主抱着入怀时,她感受到了从未有过的安心和亲近。

4. 男主毫不留情地拥入怀抱,女主刹那间便被他的身体温度和气息所占据。

5. 感觉到男主的怀抱,女主心中顿时涌起一种幸福感。

6. 女主被男主怀抱着,仿佛整个世界都变得温柔而美好。

7. 能够被男主如此温柔地拥入怀里,女主感到自己是何等幸福。

8. 女主被男主拥入怀,身体仿佛与他的身体融为一体。

9. 当女主被男主抱住时,她感觉比什么都更温暖。

10. 直到被男主怀抱住,女主才真正体会到坚强的背后需要温柔的陪伴。

11. 女主被男主紧紧地搂在怀中,仿佛世界上再没有什么比这更让她甜蜜了。

12. 感受到男主的温暖怀抱,女主的内心变得充满了力量。

13. 被男主深情地拥入怀中,女主此刻没有什么能比这更让她感受到爱的存在。

14. 当女主被男主拥入怀时,她心中的所有疲惫和不安都烟消云散了。

15. 女主被男主拥抱入怀,她感觉自己仿佛是现世天使,被爱包裹着飞翔。

16. 感受到男主的怀抱,女主的心境变得更加平静和安详。

17. 女主被男主搂在怀里,身体感觉仿佛在飞翔,内心也感到十分轻松愉快。

18. 当女主被男主抱住,她感觉到了世界上最柔软的事物。

19. 女主被男主怀抱着,她感受到了从未有过的安逸和舒适。

20. 被男主深情地拥入怀中,女主的所有不安都被一点点驱散了。

21. 当女主被男主搂在怀中时,她深深地体会到了幸福的滋味。

22. 女主被男主搂在怀里,身心都达到了一种前所未有的完美状态。

23. 当女主被男主怀抱时,她觉得自己仿佛在另一个世界里,那里只有爱。

24. 女主被男主拥抱,心中的每一寸空间都被幸福充满了。

25. 当女主被男主怀抱时,她的心里满是感激和动情。

26. 女主被男主拥入怀中,她觉得这一刻仿佛可以停止时间。

27. 被爱的人拥抱着,女主感受到了人世间最为珍贵的感情。

28. 女主被男主深情地搂在怀里,仿佛世界上的一切都变得光彩照人。

29. 当女主被男主搂在怀中时,她觉得自己是世间最为幸福的女人。

30. 女主被男主拥抱,她可以感受到他爱的力量穿透自己的心扉。

31. 被男主紧紧地搂在怀里,女主的身体和心灵都完全被包围在他的爱里。

32. 女主被男主深情地怀抱,仿佛从此在他的怀里就能找到永恒的幸福。

33. 当女主被男主抱进怀里时,她感觉自己是世界上最为幸福的人。

34. 女主被男主拥抱,她感觉到了从未有过的踏实和安全。

35. 被男主深情地搂在怀里,女主感觉自己被他的爱包裹得很紧很紧。

36. 当女主被男主怀抱时,她的内心仿佛被点亮了一盏明灯。

37. 女主被男主搂在怀里,她感觉到自己是谁都无法替代的特别。

38. 能被男主深情地抱住,女主感到了天地间最为纯净、最为美好的爱情。

39. 女主被男主拥抱,她感觉自己仿佛回到了童年时代,心中充满了幸福的感觉。

40. 被男主深情地拥入怀中,女主的心境仿佛变得更加平和和宁静。

41. 当女主被男主搂在怀时,他的心跳声仿佛在她的耳畔响起。

42. 女主被男主怀抱,她感觉到自己的身体和心灵都变得十分柔软。

43. 能被男主深情地拥入怀中,女主觉得自己仿佛被世间最为真挚的爱抱围着。

44. 当女主被男主搂在怀时,她觉得自己仿佛飘荡在一片云彩之中。

45. 女主被男主拥抱,她的心灵变得十分安宁和平静。

46. 能被男主深情地拥抱,女主觉得自己是全世界最为幸福的人。

47. 当女主被男主搂在怀时,她的五感仿佛都被激活了。

48. 女主被男主深情地抱住,她感觉到自己的身体和心灵被一股神奇的力量包裹着。

49. 能被男主深情地怀抱,女主感觉自己仿佛在花海之中自由飞舞。

50. 当女主被男主拥抱时,她觉得自己仿佛化为一朵美妙的花朵。

51. 女主被男主搂在怀里,她感觉到自己身上好像盖着一件无形的护身符。

52. 能被男主深情地抱住,女主感觉自己被世间最为温柔的爱包围着。

53. 当女主被男主搂在怀时,她感受到了从未有过的亲密和温暖。

54. 女主被男主怀抱,她感觉自己像一只被温暖包裹的小鸟。

55. 能被男主深情地抱住,女主觉得自己仿佛在柔软的云层中自由飘荡。

56. 当女主被男主拥抱时,她觉得自己仿佛置身于一个天籁之中。

57. 女主被男主搂在怀里,她感受到了人世间最为宝贵的真挚感情。

58. 能被男主深情地拥抱,女主感觉自己有了一种从未有过的归属感。

59. 当女主被男主怀抱时,她的心灵仿佛降临到了一片美好的仙境之中。

60. 女主被男主深情地搂在怀中,她感受到了从未有过的平静和容纳。

61. 能被男主深情地抱住,女主觉得自己仿佛飞翔在幸福的云层之中。

62. 当女主被男主拥抱时,她睁开眼睛看见的是一张充满爱的面孔。

63. 女主被男主搂在怀里,她感觉到自己仿佛穿越到了美好的时光里。

64. 能被男主深情地怀抱,女主觉得自己仿佛游离在天上的星星之间。

65. 当女主被男主搂在怀时,她感受到了从未有过的内心平衡和真实。

66. 女主被男主深情地抱住,她感觉自己被一股柔软的温暖所溢满。

67. 能被男主深情地拥抱,女主觉得自己仿佛正在经历奇妙的旅程。

68. 当女主被男主怀抱时,她感受到了天地之间最为完美的平衡和和谐。

69. 女主被男主搂在怀里,她感觉自己仿佛被爱所淹没。

70. 能被男主深情地怀抱,女主觉得自己像一只蝴蝶在爱的花海之中翩翩起舞。

71. 当女主被男主搂在怀时,她感受到了一种从未有过的美妙和完美。




1. She was wrapped in his embrace, safe and warm.

2. He held her tightly in his arms, never letting go.

3. She melted into his embrace, feeling loved and protected.

4. Wrapped in his strong arms, she felt like nothing could harm her.

5. He pulled her into his embrace, kissing her forehead gently.

6. She leaned into his embrace, feeling the weight of the world lift off her shoulders.

7. His embrace was all she needed to feel at peace.

8. She closed her eyes and melted into his embrace, savoring every moment.

9. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close as if he never wanted to let go.

10. She nestled into his embrace, finding comfort in his love.

11. He lifted her up into his embrace, carrying her as if she were light as a feather.

12. She felt like she was home in his loving embrace.

13. The warmth of his embrace made her feel safe and secure.

14. She buried her face in his embrace, breathing in his smell and feeling at peace.

15. He kissed her passionately, pulling her into his embrace as if she were the only thing that mattered.

16. Wrapped in his embrace, she felt like nothing else mattered.

17. He held her tightly in his embrace, letting her know that he would always be there for her.

18. She was lost in the love and safety of his embrace, never wanting to leave.

19. He lifted her up in his embrace, spinning her around like they were kids again.

20. She curled up in his embrace, feeling his heartbeat against her own.

21. The warmth of his embrace made her feel like everything would be okay.

22. She clung to him tightly, not wanting to let go of his loving embrace.

23. He whispered sweet nothings in her ear as he held her tightly in his embrace.

24. With his arms wrapped around her, she knew that everything would be alright.

25. She rested her head on his chest, feeling the strong beat of his heart in his embrace.

26. He pulled her close in his embrace, making her feel cherished and loved.

27. She was at peace in his loving embrace, feeling the weight of the world lifted off her shoulders.

28. He held her gently in his loving embrace, as if she was the most precious thing in the world.

29. They stood there, wrapped in each other's embrace, lost in the moment.

30. His loving embrace was all she needed to feel calm and safe.

31. She felt like she was flying in his embrace, weightless and free.

32. He held her close in his loving embrace, as if nothing else in the world mattered.

33. She was lost in his embrace, feeling like she was the only thing that mattered to him.

34. He pulled her into his embrace, whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

35. She melted into his embrace, feeling the love and safety he provided.

36. The warmth of his loving embrace made her feel like she was home.

37. She wrapped her arms around him, unwilling to leave the comfort of his loving embrace.

38. He held her tight in his loving embrace, making her feel like she was the only one that mattered.

39. She rested her head on his shoulder, feeling the strength of his embrace.

40. He held her in his loving embrace, making her feel cherished and valued.

41. Wrapped in his embrace, she felt like she was the luckiest person in the world.

42. He pulled her into his embrace, kissing her softly on the lips.

43. She was lost in his embrace, feeling like everything was right in the world.

44. He held her close in his loving embrace, protecting her from the world outside.

45. Her heart raced as he held her tightly in his embrace, never wanting the moment to end.

46. She felt like she was floating in his loving embrace, weightless and free.

47. He pulled her into his embrace, letting her know that he would always be there for her.

48. Wrapped in his loving embrace, she felt like she was finally home.

49. She clung to him tightly, unwilling to let go of his loving embrace.

50. He held her gently in his embrace, making her feel like she was the most important person in the world.

51. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a loving embrace.

52. His strong embrace made her feel safe and protected.

53. She smiled as he pulled her into his loving embrace, feeling cherished and loved.

54. He held her tightly in his embrace, making her feel like nothing else in the world mattered.

55. Wrapped in his loving embrace, she knew that she had found her true home.

56. She was lost in his loving embrace, feeling like everything else outside of them didn't matter.

57. He kissed her forehead gently, holding her tightly in his loving embrace.

58. She felt his love radiating through his embrace, making her feel whole and complete.

59. He pulled her into his loving embrace, making her feel secure and cherished.

60. Wrapped in his embrace, she felt like she was the only thing that mattered in the world.

61. She melted into his loving embrace, feeling like she was finally where she belonged.

62. He held her close in his embrace, whispering sweet nothings as they lost themselves in the loving moment.



1. His arms enveloped her, holding her close and tight.

2. She melted into his embrace, feeling safe and loved.

3. He held her tightly, as if he never wanted to let go.

4. Wrapped in his arms, she felt content and complete.

5. As she leaned into him, she knew he was where she belonged.

6. With his arms around her, she felt like nothing could harm her.

7. He cradled her gently, like a precious treasure.

8. She snuggled against him, feeling his warmth and protection.

9. His embrace felt like a soft blanket on a cold winter night.

10. He lifted her up, twirling her around in a loving hug.

11. As he held her, she felt her worries and fears fade away.

12. She buried her face in his chest, breathing in his comforting scent.

13. His strong arms held her securely, as if she was the only thing that mattered.

14. She felt a sense of security and belonging in his warm embrace.

15. His touch sent shivers down her spine, igniting a fire in her soul.

16. The way he held her made her feel cherished and adored.

17. She felt a sense of comfort and calm as he held her close.

18. He embraced her tightly, promising to protect her from the world.

19. She leaned into him, feeling the weight of her burdens lifted off her shoulders.

20. The warmth of his embrace chased away the chill of the night.

21. He held her close, as if he was trying to merge their souls together.

22. She wrapped her arms around him, feeling his heartbeat against her chest.

23. His gentle touch soothed her troubled mind and heart.

24. As he held her, she felt like everything was going to be alright.

25. She sunk into his embrace, finding solace in his love.

26. His hug was like a cocoon of safety, shielding her from the outside world.

27. She felt like she could stay in his embrace forever, lost in his love.

28. His arms wrapped around her felt like a sanctuary, a place where she could rest her weary soul.

29. The way he held her made her feel like the luckiest person in the world.

30. She felt like she could trust him completely in his loving embrace.

31. The warmth of his hug made her forget everything except the present moment.

32. His embrace made her feel like she had finally found a home.

33. She felt a sense of peace and belonging as she was held in his arms.

34. The embrace felt like a promise of forever, a commitment of love.

35. She snuggled deeper into his warm embrace, savoring the moment.

36. The feeling of his arms around her made her feel like she was floating on clouds.

37. She breathed him in, taking in his scent and love.

38. His embrace was a symbol of his unconditional love for her.

39. She felt like she was the center of his world as he held her.

40. His hug was a comfort, a reminder that she was loved.

41. Wrapped in his arms, she felt like nothing could go wrong.

42. His embrace was the safest place she had ever been.

43. She felt her worries melt away in his loving embrace.

44. The way his arms wrapped around her felt like a warm and loving embrace from the universe itself.

45. She felt like she was home as she was held by him.

46. His embrace was a haven, a place to heal and find peace.

47. She felt like she had finally found the missing piece of her heart in his arms.

48. The feeling of his strong arms around her was intoxicating, like a drug she couldn't get enough of.

49. She felt like she could conquer the world with him by her side.

50. His embrace felt like a promise of forever, a vow to never let her go.

51. She felt like she could be herself completely as he held her.

52. His hug was a cocoon of love, wrapping her in his warm embrace.

53. She felt like she had found her soulmate as he held her close.

54. Wrapped in his arms, she felt like everything was finally falling into place.

55. His embrace was a refuge, a place to escape from the chaos of the world.

56. She felt like she was enveloped in love, surrounded by his embrace.

57. His hug made her feel like a princess in a fairy tale.

58. She felt like she could face anything in life as long as he held her.

59. His embrace was a reminder of the strength and power of love.

60. She felt like the happiest person in the world as she was held by him.

61. His embrace was a commitment of love, a promise of forever.

62. She felt like she had found her true home as she was held in his arms.


通常,妨碍我们发现真理的不是事物那诱人犯错的虚假外表,同时也不直接是我们悟性不足所致,而是因为我们先入为主的观念和偏见——这些虚假的先验之物——对抗着真理。它们就像是把船只吹往与惟一的陆地相反方向的逆风——对此,船橹和风帆是无能为力的。 ----叔本华《叔本华思想随笔》

黄纹粉蝶与纹白蝶都是受欢迎的粉蝶类。不过,黄纹粉蝶因为叫法给人先入为主的印象,外行人会把翅膀上没有花纹的荷氏黄蝶(或是端黑黄蝶)也都叫成“黄纹粉蝶”。现在在东京,荷氏黄蝶似乎是比较少见的昆虫,但是在我小时候,印象中比较少见的是黄纹粉蝶。 ----泉麻人《东京昆虫物语》



如果说,喜欢一个人的心思会随着岁月渐渐滋长成厚重而庞大的爱,那么拒绝接受一个人靠近的心思,同样也会随着岁月而滋长,经年后,那种先入为主的情绪很难再改变。 ----七薇《南风知我意2》


小说家总给人一种不健康的感觉。一说到文学家,大家的脑海中往往会浮现出太宰治这类作家的形象。他们夜夜饮酒,在复杂的人际关系中煎熬,通过观察人心的阴暗面来描写灵魂的呐喊。虽然保持身心健康本来就理所应当,而且作家中也不乏热爱运动之人,但是人们总有一种先入为主的观念,认为不健康的生活才适合小说家。 ----斋藤孝《学会学习》






大胆假设,小心求证,不先入为主,更不能带感情色彩。 ----《诡域档案》


沉锚效应,心理学名词,指的是人们在对某人某事做出判断时,易受第一印象或第一信息支配,就像沉入海底的锚一样把人们的思想固定在某处。作为一种心理现象,沉锚效应普遍存在于生活的方方面面。第一印象和先入为主是其在社会生活中的表现形式。 ----心理学《百度百科》


当一种错误的观念先入为主、根深蒂固,再深刻的真理也于事无补。 ----倾思《幻听》









你觉得委屈?是的,既然不了解,那又凭什么要肆意对别人作出判断与评价,可这都只关乎他人的人品与道德。而于你个人而言,你仅需要明白这样一个事实:人家根本没有义务去了解你。 ----尹惟楚《你没必要活成所有人喜欢的样子》



在我知道真相前,这里有很多不同的性格,你永远都是带着你先入为主的观念和想法去看事物。 ----《1 个男人的 6 种身份》


宿舍是个逆天的地方,把本不该结缘的人强行配对。这种经历在一生中都堪称特别,有一天你理解了曾经不能理解的人和事,会发现自己的人生纬度也随之拓展了几分。 ----溏心《看天下》



道德绑架什么的也是真心可怕 先入为主什么的也是真心可怕 三观不合什么的也是真心可怕 可怕 可怕


这里浮现出来了一个重要的阅读问题,就是用先入为主的方式去阅读文学作品是错误的,伟大的阅读应该是后发制人,那就是怀着一颗空白之心去阅读,在阅读的过程里内心迅速地丰富饱满起来。 ----余华《我们生活在巨大的差距里》


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    通常,妨碍我们发现真理的不是事物那诱人犯错的虚假外表,同时也不直接是我们悟性不足所致,而是因为我们先入为主的观念和偏见——这些虚假的先验之物——对抗着真理。它们就像是把船只吹往与惟一的陆地相反方向的逆风——对此,船橹和风帆是无能为力的。----叔本华《叔本华思想随笔》 黄纹粉蝶与纹白蝶都是受欢迎的粉

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