励志的句子 · 句子大全


1. Finally found my happily ever after.

2. I can't believe I'm no longer single.

3. I'm off the market!

4. Love has found me at last.

5. The wait is over, I'm now taken.

6. It took a while, but I'm taken now.

7. I'm happily taken and in love.

8. Found my perfect match and we're together now.

9. Single no more, I found my soulmate.

10. No longer searching, I'm in a happy relationship.

11. Happy to finally say I'm taken.

12. I've found my forever person.

13. My search is over, I'm in a committed relationship.

14. Finally, I can say I'm someone's significant other.

15. I've found the one I want to share my life with.

16. So happy to be in a relationship now.

17. I've found my partner for life.

18. I'm not single anymore, I'm in a relationship.

19. I'm in love and it's amazing.

20. Celebrating being in a relationship with the one I love.

21. It feels amazing to be with someone who loves me back.

22. I found my special someone and we're going strong.

23. I'm officially off the dating market.

24. I'm taken and couldn't be happier.

25. It's official, I've found the one.

26. I'm in a loving and committed relationship now.

27. I'm finally with someone who loves me for me.

28. I've found my forever and always.

29. I'm in a relationship with my best friend and soulmate.

30. I found my happily ever after and it's with them.

31. I'm in a relationship and it feels amazing.

32. I've found the one who completes me.

33. I'm no longer searching, I'm in love.

34. I'm in a happy and healthy relationship.

35. I'm not single, I'm in a committed relationship.

36. I've found the love of my life.

37. I'm blessed to be in a wonderful relationship.

38. I'm happily in love and taken.

39. I'm off the market, I've found my match.

40. I'm in a relationship with my soulmate.

41. I'm in a loving and supportive relationship.

42. I'm in love and it's the best feeling in the world.

43. I'm grateful to have found someone to share my life with.

44. I'm in a relationship and loving every moment of it.

45. I'm in a committed relationship with the one I love.

46. My heart is full now that I'm in a relationship.

47. I'm not single anymore, I'm in a relationship with someone special.

48. I'm taken and in love with my partner.

49. I'm lucky to have found my perfect match.

50. I'm happily in a relationship with my soulmate.

51. I've found the one and I'm never letting go.

52. I'm in love and it's everything I've ever wanted.

53. I'm in a relationship with someone who makes me feel alive.

54. I'm not single anymore, I'm off the market.

55. I'm taken and loving every moment of it.

56. I found someone who loves and accepts me for who I am.

57. I'm happily in love with my partner.

58. I'm off the dating market and happy to be in a relationship.

59. I've found my match and it feels amazing.

60. I'm blessed to be in a relationship with someone special.

61. I'm in love and it's the best feeling in the world.

62. I'm no longer single, I'm in a committed relationship.

63. I'm in a loving and supportive relationship with my partner.

64. I've found my happily ever after with my soulmate.

65. I'm taken and grateful to be in a wonderful relationship.

66. I'm in a relationship and it feels like a dream come true.

67. I'm in love and I never want to let go.

68. I'm happily off the market and in love with my partner.


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