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Heart, may be because a person, one thing, or a scene of a thing, so that heart volume, ey~~喜欢这方面的文案吗?推荐你看看以下的美好的英文短句134句,但愿对你的学习工作带来帮助。


1、After the woman lovelorn often do something stupid things: the first: overeating; the second: by wine pouring worry; third: borrow people forget people; fourth: presumptuous cry; fifth: crazy Ninth: Revenge of the tenth: death does not change, because I believe there are miracles, the first three kinds of people:


3、May your love continue to grow and thrive. 愿你的爱情继续茁壮成长。

4、Wishing you all the joy, love, and peace in the world!


6、Ten years ago who you are, who you were a year ago, and even

7、Drink the wine of your brewing love, if there is no renewals, willing to thirsty life.


9、May your path be guided by love, kindness and compassion.

10、May your heart be full of joy and your spirit be free.

11、Wishing you the courage to follow your dreams, no matter where they lead.

12、I do not want any gifts, just think, when i need you, you can be around, when i speak, you can listen carefully, when i am sad, you can give me a hug. All the gifts are less than these.


14、Wishing you the best of everything in your life!




18、Good love, war victory time, arrived live fleeting, stand the parting, could not afford to miss. Love is a gamble, won, stay together life, white to old Lost, all lose, that closer than the people, is familiar with the stranger. You will never know how much you like to be a person, unless you see him and other people together.

19、Life at least once, for someone to lose the reserved, put down self-esteem, destroy all the principles of their own.


20、May you always have the courage to pursue your dreams.


22、Wishing you a happy life full of joy and love.


24、May your life be as sweet as honey!


26、May the universe conspire to bring all your dreams to fruition.

27、May you have a happy and prosperous life!

28、I need him, just as I need to breathe the air.


30、May your heart be filled with gratitude, your mind with clarity, and your soul with peace.

31、The end of love, often not the right person, but only you tired do not want to change. So, love is the same every time, different is just the mentality of each individual only. You finally married people, in fact, that is not even too lazy to say that guy guy.

32、Wishing you success, happiness and fulfillment in all you do.


34、Best wishes for a happy and prosperous future. 祝你未来幸福、繁荣。


36、Wife, let us love each other, mutual tolerance, mutual support, intimate, always hand in love on the road, I love you!

37、The relationship between people and people like knitting sweater, the establishment of a needle when the line, careful and long, when the demolition of the time as long as a few pulls and how many people have said love you, and then how many people calculate Really accompany you for a long time True love should not use the mouth to express, time will tell you the truth.

38、Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and love!


39、Dear baby, I am not around you, you have to take good care of yourself, ah, to eat on time, on time to rest

40、I deeply plead with you; do not take me out of your love door, I can not lack a minute for your love. Only to win your love, my life only glory.

41、Wishing you a future filled with love, light and laughter.

42、May you be blessed with strength, grace and resilience.


44、Congratulations on your new job! 祝贺你新工作!


46、And now I heard that you have been very painful, deep into my yesterdays lost, and continue to sink down, the fall is always the second thing. Dear, please allow me in my heart deep light call, although you can not hear. Do not fall into the whirlpool of mistakes I have ever made, and do not abandon the original sinking heart for love.


48、If they appear earlier, perhaps not with another person fingers closely. Or later meet later, two people in their own love experience slowly learned to be inclusive and understanding, treat and compromise. Maybe come together, it will not be that

49、Love and control are different. Love a person, is to hope that this person becomes better, TA changed for the better, you will be happy. And control want to change a person is almost, as long as you can stay in the side like. So, when you and men contact, only need to see their own changes to know is not true love. Getting worse, someone is in control of you. Getting better and better, is someone who loves you.

50、The time is not light the truth of the wine, from the pull can not open the mind of the hand. Miss you until the end of time, until forever.

51、May you accomplish all your goals and dreams. 愿你实现所有的目标和梦想。


53、May your dreams come true.



56、May you always find peace and joy in your heart!

57、May your life be filled with happiness, peace, and prosperity!


58、Wishing you a journey full of adventure, growth and learning.

59、May you always be surrounded by good friends, good health and good fortune.


61、Wishing you a life of abundance in every way.

62、Wishing you all the best for a bright future!

63、May your future be full of promise and potential.


65、Silence is a persons most pale expression of love; is a heart of the most irresponsible response. Silence of the people, the deepest of love; silent heart, the most serious injury


67、Hoping your life is filled with love, joy, and peace!


69、May your life be filled with love, light and laughter.



72、Love can be a moment of things, it can be a lifetime thing. Some people, because of loneliness and love one person, more people, because the wrong one, and lonely life. Very often, I want to love you, but found that they can not love you; a lot of time, I want to forget you, but you have found that you have embedded in my life.

73、May your life be filled with wonderful memories and cherished moments!

74、Here's to a bright and prosperous future.


76、Here's to a life filled with joy, peace and abundance.


77、Has been good to go, always close to happiness, you will give back to you.

78、May you find peace and happiness on your journey.

79、May the road ahead be clear and full of promise.

80、I hope your day is as special as you are. 我希望你的日子像你一样特别。

81、We are pursuing, really belong to their own love. Do not let happiness be like a mirror of water. Because, too beautiful things, too fragile. We are pursuing, really belong to their own happiness. Believe in the fate of fate and separation. Determined people, and then far will remember to hang each other. Unintentional people, in close proximity but far away in the horizon. Some love, too dazzling, but not long. Some love, too plain, but has a long history.

82、May your days be filled with sunshine and your heart with love.

83、His wife three elements: usually do not fight back, curse not back, but also serious self-examination and self-correction. , Wages are not retained, do not misappropriation, all storage, use before the report. , Something leave, nothing greetings, timely delivery of small gifts. Key in this day, his wife said: wife love you, I wish you good health, longevity.【m.111642.com 优美句子网】


85、Wishing you nothing but the best in all your pursuits!


87、love can be in silence without any sound and the requirements of the existence; can also be in the hustle and bustle singing and bold confession. My concern and blessing, that is, my commitment to your love and look forward to! I wish our love is always happy! Love message


89、Congratulations on your graduation! 祝贺你毕业!

90、The responsibility of life is always heavy, not you want to go away that can go away. A lifetime, to do their own. This time, I want to give you the whole world. This time, black and white it does not matter. This time, exhausted all the brave. Life can no longer afford such a heavy love. Willing to abandon your self-esteem, put aside modesty, regardless of worth, no matter how humble the humble. I love you, no purpose.

91、May your future be bright and prosperous!

92、Love is an adventure, win, stay together life; lost, that closer than friends, even friends are not.





96、Here's to a future filled with possibility and promise.


98、May your days be filled with sunshine and your heart with hope.


100、Wishing you great success in everything you do!


102、May all your dreams come true, and may you always be happy!


104、Love is a gambling, gamblers to the future of the years as a bargaining, betting in the distant happy time.

105、Best wishes on your journey to success. 祝你在成功的路上一路顺风。

106、Wishing you the courage to dream big and the commitment to make it happen.




110、May you find success and happiness in everything you do.

111、Here's to a life of abundance, growth and fulfillment.

112、May you always be surrounded by good friends and family!





116、You do not want him to appear, have to rely on their own steady growth in time, into their own look like, had a good life they want. There is no cheer, your light is blooming. To know that only the best of you can be worthy of the mind of him.

117、May your heart be filled with love, joy, and peace!

118、Above the broken bridge, the white lady in a rainy day, full of longing and unexpected expectations, and ushered in the people, hit a full, also doomed to life with each other, shadow a thousand years do not Change the myth, in the time and space in the interpretation of the wind in the delicate.

119、May you be blessed with the wisdom to make the right choices and the courage to follow your heart.




123、Remember the moment to meet, bring a roll of breeze was blowing, blowing a tree peach by water, that subtle flowers, as if love passing the sound.



126、Wishing you a healthy and happy life!



129、Wishing you the courage to take risks and the tenacity to see them through.



132、I know that you love me as God loves the lamb, the mother loves the baby, you kindly and kindly emotion, Jane really makes me kind of warm, million kinds of intoxicated.

133、Heart, may be because a person, one thing, or a scene of a thing, so that heart volume, eyebrows, thrown ripples. If you are full of feelings, love life, good heart, you will feel rippling beautiful! A drop of water will be able to stir up layers of ripples, magnificent. From weak to strong, interlocking, getting bigger and bigger, unstoppable.



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