励志的句子 · 唯美句子


1、I choose you to be my partner, my lover, and my best friend. 我选择你成为我的伴侣、爱人和最好的朋友。

2、Today we officially begin our journey as husband and wife, and I look forward to every moment with you. 今天我们正式开始我们作为夫妻的旅程,我期待着每一个和你一起度过的时刻。

3、The love that we share is a beautiful bond that will last forever. 我们共享的爱是美丽的纽带,将持续永远。

4、As we become husband and wife, we promise to be faithful, honest, and true to each other, to support and encourage each other, and to love each other unconditionally.

5、Marriage is not just a union of two individuals, but a unity of two souls.



8、With each passing day, I am more grateful for the love we share, and for the commitment we made on our wedding day. 每经过一天,我就更加感激我们所分享的爱和我们在婚礼上所作的承诺。

9、As we say our vows, we promise to be each other's partner in life, to share each other's dreams and goals, and to support each other through thick and thin.

10、Today we say "I do", but our love story began long ago. 今天我们说“我愿意”,但我们的爱情故事早已开始。

11、Together we stand, hand in hand, ready to face whatever comes our way. 我们手挽着手站在一起,准备面对任何困难。



14、A successful marriage is an edifice that must be rebuilt every day.

15、Today is the start of our forever, and I couldn't be happier to share it with you. 今天是我们永远的开始,我很高兴能和你分享。

16、You are the missing piece of my puzzle, and I am thrilled to have found you on this special day. 你是我拼图上缺失的一块,我很高兴在这个特别的日子里找到了你。

17、A great marriage is not about finding a perfect person, but about loving an imperfect person perfectly.


19、On this day, we pledge our hearts and souls to each other, ready to embark on a journey of love, trust, and companionship.

20、To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides. 爱别人,也被爱是从两个方面感受到了阳光。

21、As we exchange vows, we promise to be each other's rock, to love, respect, and cherish each other always.



24、You are the missing piece I have been searching for, and now we fit perfectly together. 你是我一直在寻找的缺失的一块拼图,现在我们完美地拼在一起。






30、Together, our love is a beautiful masterpiece that will continue to grow and evolve. 在一起,我们的爱是一个美丽的杰作,将继续成长和发展。

31、The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.


33、Love is the voice under all silences, the hope which has no opposite in fear; the strength so strong mere force is feebleness.

34、Two hearts, two souls, one love. Today, we become husband and wife, ready to take on the world together.

35、Nothing makes my heart sing quite like the thought of spending forever with you. 没有什么可以让我心情愉悦,想到可以和你永远一起度过。


37、The greatest gift you can give your children is a strong and loving marriage.

38、As we say our vows and exchange rings, we pledge to be each other's partner in life, to share each other's joys and sorrows, and to love and cherish each other now and forever.

39、Today we stand here, two hearts beating as one, ready to start our journey together as husband and wife.



42、With love in our hearts and joy in our souls, we begin our journey together as husband and wife.

43、May our love grow stronger with each passing day and may our marriage be blessed with happiness, companionship, and trust.

44、With this ring, I pledge my love and commitment to you, forever and always.

45、My love for you is a journey, starting at forever and ending at never. 我对你的爱是一段旅程,从永远开始,到永不结束。

46、With every kiss and every step we take, our love grows stronger and our bond grows tighter. 每一个吻和每一步我们迈出,我们的爱情变得更强大,我们的纽带更加紧密。



49、With this ring, I give you my heart and soul, and pledge to be your faithful and devoted partner forever.


51、The secret to a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they're right if you love to be with them all the time.

52、You are my soulmate and today we unite in love and in marriage. 你是我的灵魂伴侣,我们今天在爱和婚姻中统一。

53、Two souls, two hearts, joined together forever in love. Today, we become one in marriage.

54、Our love is a journey that starts at forever and ends at never. 我们的爱是一个从永远开始、直至永不结束的旅程。

55、Our wedding day is the beginning of a beautiful adventure that will last a lifetime. 我们的婚礼是漫长美妙旅程的开始,将持续一生。

56、With you by my side, I am complete. 有你在身边,我才算圆满。



59、Two hearts, two souls, but forever one love. 两颗心、两个灵魂,但永远只有一份爱。



62、Love is not about being the same. It's about growing together towards a common vision.

63、You are the sun in my life, and our marriage is the start of a new day. 你是我生命中的太阳,我们的婚姻是新一天的开始。


65、Love is not just a word, it's a feeling that we share every day. 爱不仅是一个词,它是我们每天共同分享的感受。


67、Our wedding day is a celebration of the love we share, and I am so honored to become your wife. 我们的婚礼是对我们共享的爱的庆祝,我很荣幸成为你的妻子。

68、Our marriage is not just a union of two hearts, but a journey of two souls sharing a life of love, joy, and happiness.





73、Two hearts beating as one, two souls united in love. Today, we join hands and become one in marriage.

74、As we begin our journey together, we vow to cherish and love each other, to grow and learn together, and to stand by each other in times of joy and sorrow.

75、Our love is a poem, and today we add a new chapter. 我们的爱是一首诗,今天我们迎来新的章节。

76、Today, I give you my heart and my soul. I pledge to love and honor you, to cherish and support you, for the rest of my days.

77、With love in our hearts and joy in our souls, we celebrate our union and the love that binds us together.

78、Today we start a new journey toward forever, and I am so grateful to share it with you. 今天我们开启了通向永远的新旅程,我很感激能和你分享。


80、The happiest day of my life is here, and I am so lucky to have you as my partner. 我人生中最幸福的一天到来了,我有你作为我的伴侣真是太幸运了。

81、You are my best friend, my soulmate, and the love of my life. 你是我最好的朋友、我的灵魂伴侣以及我生命中的爱。

82、I am so lucky to have found my soulmate in you, my love. 我很幸运在你身上找到我的灵魂伴侣,我的爱。

83、As we begin our journey together as husband and wife, we promise to be each other's constant support, to cherish and love each other unconditionally, and to always be there for each other, no matter what.


85、As we say "I do", we promise to be each other's best friend, supporter, and partner in life.

86、Our marriage is a celebration of love, and I am so excited to spend forever with you. 我们的婚姻是对爱情的庆祝,我很兴奋能和你永远在一起。

87、Today is the start of our forever, and I am so happy to have you by my side. 今天是我们永远的开始,我很高兴你在我身边。

88、Two hearts become one on this special day. 在这个特殊的日子,两颗心合二为一。

89、A beautiful journey starts with a happy marriage. 一个美丽的旅程从幸福的婚姻开始。

90、I am so excited to start our forever today, knowing that it will only get better with you by my side. 我很兴奋今天开始我们的永恒,知道有你在我身边让一切变得更好。




94、Our love is a garden, and today we plant a seed that will continue to grow and bloom for years to come. 我们的爱是一个花园,今天我们种下了一粒种子,它将在未来的岁月中继续生长和绽放。




98、Two hearts, one love. 两颗心,一份爱。

99、You are my forever soulmate. 你是我的永恒灵魂伴侣。


101、Love is a promise, and marriage is the fulfillment of that promise.




105、As we exchange vows, we promise to love each other unconditionally, to stand by each other through thick and thin, and to give our hearts fully and completely.

106、As we take each other's hands, we vow to love and cherish each other for the rest of our lives.

107、Love is a journey that we are embarking on together, and I am so grateful to have you by my side. 爱是我们一起踏上的旅程,我很感激有你在我身边。


109、Together we will make each day brighter, stronger, and more beautiful than the last. 我们在一起会让每一天比上一天更加光彩、更加强大、更加美丽。









118、From this day forward, we will make our journey through life together, hand in hand, heart to heart. 从今天开始,我们将手牵手、心连心地共同走过人生之路。


120、A love like ours is a storybook romance that has come true on this magical day. 我们之间的爱情就如童话般美丽,在这个神奇的日子里和你相守成真。


122、Our love is a fairytale, and today we create a new chapter. 我们的爱如童话般美丽,今天我们写下新的篇章。

123、Only love can be divided endlessly and still not diminish.





128、I fell in love with you because of a million things you never knew you were doing. 我爱上你,是因为你从未意识到的那一百万种关于你的事情。

129、I choose you. And I'll choose you, over and over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. 我选择你,一遍又一遍地。毫不犹豫,毫无疑虑,只因一颗心跳的速度。


131、From this day forward, we walk together as one. 从今天起,我们手牵手走在一起。


133、In each other's arms, we find solace, love, and comfort. Today, we promise to be each other's shelter in the storm.


135、In a great marriage, each person is the best friend to the other.

136、Love is patient, love is kind, love never fails. 爱是耐心,爱是善良,爱永不止息。

137、When I saw you, I fell in love and you smiled because you knew. 当我看到你时,我就爱上了你,而你微笑是因为你知道了。

138、Our love story continues as we say "I do". 我们的爱情故事将随着我们的婚礼而继续。



141、With this ring, I promise to be your partner in life, your supporter, your confidante, and your love now and forever.


143、Today we become one, and together we will face every challenge as a united front. 今天我们合二为一,一起作为一个团结的整体面对每一个挑战。



146、As we exchange rings, we vow to love, cherish, and respect each other, to honor and protect each other, through thick and thin.





151、As we say our vows, we join together in a bond that is unbreakable, a love that is eternal.

152、Two hearts beat as one, two souls united in love. Today, we become husband and wife, ready to start our new life together.

153、Together we stand, with each other through thick and thin, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer. 我们一起站着,不论是生病还是身体健康,不论是贫穷还是富有。

154、As we exchange rings, we symbolize the eternal bond we share and the promises we make.



157、As we say "I do", we pledge to be each other's constant companion, to love and cherish each other always, and to create a life of love, joy, and happiness together.

158、With love and trust as our guide, we embark on a journey of a lifetime, ready to face any challenge that comes our way.


160、A happy marriage is a lifelong adventure, and I am ready to start this journey with you. 幸福的婚姻是漫长的冒险,我已经准备好和你一起开始这段旅程。

161、With joyful hearts, we exchange rings and commit to a lifetime of love, laughter, and togetherness.

162、The heart wants what it wants. 心之所愿,必得其所求。

163、A happy marriage is a gift from above. 幸福的婚姻是上天的礼物。

164、Today, we make a promise to share our hearts and souls with each other for the rest of our lives.



167、Our love is a bond that will never fade, a commitment that will always endure, and a journey that we will embark on together as one.

168、Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same. 爱情就像一朵美丽的花,我不一定能触摸它,但它的芳香给花园带来了欢愉。


170、As we say our vows, we promise to be each other's constant companion, to love and cherish each other through the good times and the bad.

171、Walking down the aisle, I know that I am blessed to have found someone who completes me and makes my heart sing.

172、Today, we celebrate the love that binds us together, the trust that keeps us strong, and the joy that fills our hearts.



175、Today, I give you my heart and my soul as we become husband and wife. 今天,我将心和灵魂完全献给你,我们成为夫妻。

176、Walking down the aisle, I know I am the luckiest person in the world to have you as my partner in life.


178、As we say our vows, we promise to love, cherish, and support each other, to grow and learn together, and to be each other's best friend and partner in life.




182、We are each other's home, and today we make it official. 我们是对方的家,今天我们正式结为夫妻。

183、Two hearts beating as one, forever entwined in love and devotion. 两颗心永远紧紧相连,彼此相爱相扶相依。

184、A good marriage is the union of two forgivers.



187、We were meant to be together, and now we're finally getting married. 我们注定要在一起,现在终于结婚了。

188、I wont let you down

189、With this ring, I give you my heart, my soul, and my eternal love, for now and forever.

190、Love is a journey, and marriage is the destination. 爱是一段旅程,婚姻是目的地。

191、Love is a journey, and today we begin our journey together as one, ready to face any challenge and cherish every moment together.

192、The best thing to hold onto in life is each other. 生活中最好的依靠就是彼此。

193、I promise to love, cherish and respect you always. 我承诺永远爱你、珍惜你、尊重你。

194、May our love inspire those around us, bringing light and joy to the world. 望我们的爱能启发身边的人,为世界带来光明和欢乐。





199、I promise to love, cherish, and support you for all the days of my life. 我承诺一生一世都会爱你、呵护你、支持你。



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