励志的句子 · 句子大全



1、During the Dragon Boat Festival, people traditionally eat zongzi, a type of sticky rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves.


3、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for people to reflect on their cultural heritage, and to appreciate the many ways in which it has enriched their lives.


5、Glutinous rice dumplings, also known as zongzi, are a traditional food eaten during the Dragon Boat Festival.



8、A variety of cultural activities and performances take place during the festival.



11、During the festival, many cities and towns hold cultural activities, such as dragon dance performances and exhibitions of Chinese calligraphy and painting.




15、The races involve teams of paddlers rowing long and narrow boats decorated with dragon heads and tails.

16、The festival is a time to reflect on cultural traditions and celebrate the richness of Chinese heritage.

17、One popular legend is the story of Wu Zixu, who was betrayed and killed by a friend.

18、The origin of the festival is uncertain, but many myths and legends surround it.

19、The origins of the Dragon Boat Festival can be traced back over 2,000 years to ancient China.



21、In some parts of China, people also write their wishes on paper boats and release them into the water during the Dragon Boat Festival.

22、The festival is marked by the eating of zongzi, sticky rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves.

23、The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional holiday celebrated in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and other areas with significant Chinese populations.

24、Zongzi can be filled with sweet or savory ingredients, such as pork, bean paste, or red dates.


26、The Dragon Boat Festival has been celebrated for over 2,000 years in Chinese culture.


28、Chinese people celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.

29、In some areas, people also have the tradition of wearing talismanic charms and reciting incantations during the festival.


31、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to reflect on the beauty, fragility, and resilience of life, and to seek ways to preserve and protect the natural world for future generations.




35、The festival is an important occasion for people to offer sacrifices to their ancestors.

36、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for people to come together and share their joy and happiness, and to appreciate the simple pleasures of life.

37、Dragon boat races are usually held on rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water.

38、The festival is also a time for family gatherings and honoring ancestors.

39、The festival is also a time for people to enjoy traditional Chinese art forms such as calligraphy and painting.



41、The festival is also a time for people to show their respect for the spirit of the dragon.

42、The shape of zongzi resembles a pyramid because it is said to ward off evil spirits.

43、The festival is a fun and engaging way to learn about Chinese culture and history.


45、The Dragon Boat Festival is also known as Duanwu Festival in Chinese.

46、The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is considered an auspicious day.


48、People often hang calamus and mugwort leaves on their doors during the Dragon Boat Festival for good luck.

49、Many organizations and companies also participate in dragon boat racing competitions during the Dragon Boat Festival.

50、In some places, people also hang calamus and Chinese mugwort stems on their doors during the Dragon Boat Festival to ward off evil spirits.

51、The Dragon Boat Festival showcases the vibrant diversity and richness of the Chinese cultural tradition.

52、This is because the water is said to be filled with evil spirits and dangerous creatures during this time.






58、The festival is a time for people to express gratitude and respect for their elders.

59、The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the three major Chinese festivals, along with the Chinese New Year and the Mid-Autumn Festival.

60、The making of zongzi requires skill and patience.


61、During the Dragon Boat Festival, people may also wear fragrant herbs around their necks, which are said to have healing properties and promote good health.

62、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to pay tribute to Qu Yuan, whose poetry has become an important part of Chinese culture.




66、The legend behind the Dragon Boat Festival involves a dragon, a poet, and lots of sticky rice.

67、In some parts of China, people also hang a picture of Zhong Kui, a mythological figure known for protecting against evil spirits, during the Dragon Boat Festival.

68、The Dragon Boat Festival is recognized as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO.

69、The Dragon Boat Festival commemorates the death of Qu Yuan.

70、Many people around the world have come to appreciate and participate in the festival's customs and traditions.



73、In Hong Kong, the Dragon Boat Festival is a public holiday, and the dragon boat races draw large crowds of spectators.

74、There are many different legends and stories associated with the Dragon Boat Festival.


76、The festival is also a time for people to participate in traditional Chinese games such as shuttlecock and jianzi.

77、The traditional way to make zongzi is to wrap the rice in bamboo leaves and boil them.

78、The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in China.

79、May the colorful and fragrant sachets we wear during the festival bring us good luck and fortune.

80、The festival is a time for people to enjoy traditional music and dance performances.


81、The Dragon Boat Festival is an important holiday for many people in China, with celebrations ranging from simple family gatherings to large community festivals.

82、The festival commemorates the life and death of the famous Chinese poet Qu Yuan.

83、The Dragon Boat Festival is not only a time to celebrate the past but also a time to look forward to a bright and prosperous future.


85、The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated not only in China, but also in other parts of Asia, including Vietnam, Malaysia, and Singapore.

86、The Dragon Boat Festival is a reminder of the rich cultural heritage of China, and the importance of preserving and celebrating it for future generations.

87、During the Dragon Boat Festival, people also sometimes recite traditional poetry or sing songs, as a way of honoring their cultural heritage.

88、People also decorate their homes with mugwort and calamus leaves during the festival.

89、The festival is celebrated with dragon boat races, sticky rice dumplings, and other customs.


91、The festival celebrates the courage and patriotism of Qu Yuan and serves as a reminder of Chinese cultural identity.

92、In some regions of China, people also enjoy eating salted duck eggs during the Dragon Boat Festival.

93、Overall, the Dragon Boat Festival is not only a traditional festival, but also a reflection of cultural heritage and cohesion.


95、In addition to zongzi, people also eat other traditional foods during the Dragon Boat Festival, such as salted duck eggs and scallion pancakes.

96、In addition to zongzi, people also eat other traditional foods during the Dragon Boat Festival, such as glutinous rice cakes and xiaolongbao.

97、The Dragon Boat Festival was officially recognized as a national holiday in China in 2008.

98、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck.

99、The festival is a national public holiday in China, and many people have several days off work or school to observe it.

100、The festival is also a time for people to express their love and affection for their family and friends.


101、In some parts of China, people also hang bunches of mugwort and calamus on their doors during the Dragon Boat Festival, as a way of keeping bad luck at bay.

102、The festival is enjoyed by people of all ages, from young children to the elderly.

103、The Dragon Boat Festival is a public holiday in China, Taiwan, and some other countries.

104、The dragon boat is typically decorated with traditional Chinese symbols such as lucky coins and red ribbons.

105、In some regions, people also hang garlic and mugwort leaves on their doors and windows during the Dragon Boat Festival to ward off evil spirits.

106、The festival is also known as the Double Fifth Festival because it falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.

107、During the Dragon Boat Festival, people may also release lanterns into the sky, symbolizing the hope for good luck and prosperity.

108、In addition to China, the festival is also celebrated in other countries with significant Chinese populations, such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore.

109、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to reflect on the sacrifices of those who have come before us and honor their memory.

110、Another custom during the Dragon Boat Festival is to wear a perfume pouch.

111、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to honor ancestors, ward off evil spirits, and promote health and well-being.

112、Dragon boat racing is a team sport that requires coordination and strength.

113、The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival dates back to over 2,000 years ago.


115、Dragon boat racing is a popular activity during the Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Duanwu Festival.

116、During the Dragon Boat Festival, people traditionally wear sachets filled with fragrant herbs to ward off evil spirits.


118、The festival is also a time for people to pray for good health and fortune.

119、The Dragon Boat Festival is an opportunity for people to learn about and appreciate their cultural traditions, and to pass them on to future generations.

120、One of the most famous legends associated with the Dragon Boat Festival is the story of the poet Qu Yuan who drowned himself in the Miluo River.


121、Zongzi is a traditional food eaten during the Dragon Boat Festival.




125、Many non-Chinese people also enjoy participating in Dragon Boat Festival events around the world.

126、The Dragon Boat Festival is known for its lively atmosphere, with colorful dragon boats and festive music adding to the excitement.

127、In some areas, people also have the tradition of making miniature dragon boats out of banana leaves.

128、The festival is an opportunity for people to show their gratitude to their teachers and mentors.

129、Zongzi are often unwrapped and sliced before being eaten, revealing the savory filling inside.

130、Some people believe that drinking realgar wine, a type of Chinese wine made with realgar powder, can protect against diseases and evil spirits.


132、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to pay respect to ancestors and ancestors' spirits.


134、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for physical and mental rejuvenation.

135、During the Dragon Boat Festival, people also often apply herbal ointments on their skin to protect against the summer heat and other ailments.

136、In some areas, people also make paper boats and set them afloat in the river to honor Qu Yuan's spirit.


138、The festival has been celebrated for over 2,000 years and is an important part of Chinese cultural heritage.

139、Dragon boat races are held during the Dragon Boat Festival, with teams racing long, narrow boats decorated with dragon heads and tails.

140、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for people to show their patriotism and national pride.


141、The story of Qu Yuan and the Dragon Boat Festival is often adapted into plays and other forms of cultural expression.

142、Whether it's dragon boat racing, eating zongzi, or wearing a perfume pouch, there's something for everyone to enjoy during the Dragon Boat Festival.

143、The festival is celebrated with dragon dancing, music, and other festive activities.


145、According to tradition, people should avoid swimming in rivers or lakes during the Dragon Boat Festival.


147、People also see the festival as a chance to preserve and share traditional arts and crafts like dragon boat building and zongzi making.



150、The festival has spread beyond Asia and is now celebrated in many other parts of the world.

151、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for people to come together and celebrate their cultural heritage, including traditional foods, music, and dance.


153、The Dragon Boat Festival is also a time for people to show their love and respect for the dragon, which is seen as a symbol of power and good luck.

154、The Dragon Boat Festival is a celebration of Chinese culture and history, as well as a time to have fun with family and friends.


156、The festival is also a time for people to enjoy the beauty of nature and the changing of the seasons.

157、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to embrace the diversity and richness of Chinese culture, with its vibrant traditions and customs.

158、The Dragon Boat Festival is also a time to honor the Chinese martial arts tradition.


160、The festival is also known as the Duanwu Festival and commemorates the famous poet, Qu Yuan.


161、During the Dragon Boat Festival, dragon boat races are often accompanied by the sound of drums and the chanting of traditional folk songs.

162、The origin of the dragon boat races is said to be a search for Qu Yuan's body by his admirers.


164、Different regions in China have different customs and traditions for celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival.

165、In addition to zongzi, people also enjoy other traditional foods like salted duck eggs and sticky rice cakes during the festival.

166、The fifth lunar month is known as the "double fifth".

167、The story of Qu Yuan is a reminder to value loyalty, integrity, and patriotism.

168、The festival is a cherished part of Chinese culture and represents the spirit of unity, resilience, and perseverance.

169、The festival is a time to commemorate and honor the poet Qu Yuan.

170、The origin of the festival dates back to over 2,000 years ago.

171、It's time to make and eat some delicious zongzi, a traditional food for Dragon Boat Festival.

172、It is a traditional holiday in China and is considered to be one of the most important festivals.


174、In some regions, people also make offerings of food and incense to the river during the Dragon Boat Festival, as a way of expressing gratitude and respect.

175、The festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth month in the Chinese lunar calendar.



178、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to cultivate compassion and empathy for others, and to extend kindness and generosity to those in need.

179、The Dragon Boat Festival is also a time for people to pay their respects to their ancestors and visit their family graves.

180、During the Dragon Boat Festival, people also wear colorful silk pouches filled with medicinal herbs to ward off evil spirits.




183、Dragon boat races are popular not only in China but also in many other countries around the world.




187、The traditional clothing worn during the festival is bright and colorful.

188、The Dragon Boat Festival is also a time to appreciate the natural beauty of the outdoors, with many events taking place on or near bodies of water.


190、The festival is also a time to reflect on the importance of preserving and sharing cultural traditions for future generations.

191、The holiday is considered one of the four most important traditional Chinese festivals.





196、The festival is also a time for people to enjoy traditional Chinese music, such as the suona and the erhu.

197、The festival is also celebrated in other parts of the world with significant Chinese populations, like Singapore and Malaysia.





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