励志的句子 · 句子大全


1、Celebrating Christmas in a winter wonderland is a magical experience. 在冬季仙境中庆祝圣诞节是一种神奇的体验。

2、Christmas break is a time for rest and relaxation.

3、The costumes were beautifully adorned with glitter and sequins, adding to the festive atmosphere.



6、The Christmas break is a great opportunity to catch up on reading.

7、The dancers wore festive costumes that added to the overall Christmas theme.



10、The modern dance performance was a refreshing take on traditional Christmas festivities.


12、Going on a Christmas lights tour around the city is a festive way to see the holiday sights. 在城市周围进行一次圣诞灯光游览是一个欢庆的方式来看节日风景。



15、Christmas break is the perfect time to reconnect with our spirituality and reflect on our faith.

16、Trying out different winter sports such as ice hockey, ice fishing or snowshoeing is an active way to spend Christmas. 尝试不同的冬季运动,如冰球、冰钓或雪鞋是一个积极的过圣诞的方式。


18、The Christmas dance was a delightful and heartwarming tribute to the holiday season.



21、The performers danced with such passion and emotion that it touched the hearts of all who watched.

22、Christmas break is the best time for travelling.

23、The Christmas Waltz was a romantic and elegant dance number.


25、The dancers' movements were like a Christmas symphony, perfectly orchestrated and harmonious.

26、The Christmas dance choreography was complex and intriguing.

27、The Christmas vacation gives students a much-needed break from school.

28、The contemporary dance piece captured the essence of the Christmas holiday.



31、Attending a festive Christmas party with friends and family is a fun way to celebrate the holiday. 参加与朋友和家人一起举办的欢乐的圣诞派对是庆祝节日的有趣方式。

32、I'm excited for the Christmas break as it will give me the chance to learn something new and expand my knowledge.

33、I'm excited for the Christmas break, as it will give me the chance to explore new places and try new things.

34、The Christmas vacation is a time to indulge in delicious holiday treats.






40、Going on a guided tour to explore holiday light displays in the city is a festive and informative way to see Christmas sights. 参加引导游,探索城市中的节日灯饰展示,是一个欢庆并查询圣诞景点的方法。

41、The contemporary ballet performance conveyed a sense of hope and renewal for the new year ahead.

42、Christmas break is the perfect chance to reconnect with old friends and make new memories.

43、The Christmas dance was executed with precision and artistry.

44、The dancers were like angels, spreading Christmas cheer and goodwill through their art.

45、Visiting a charming Christmas market is a must-do during the holiday season. 在节日期间参观迷人的圣诞市场是必须要做的事情。


47、The Christmas holiday is a time to recharge and refresh.


49、Having a bonfire or making s'mores with friends in the snow is a cozy winter activity. 在雪地中与朋友一起篝火或制作炉烤迷人是一个温馨的冬季活动。


51、The dance was a stunning display of artistry and creativity, showcasing the talent and dedication of the dancers.


53、The Christmas break is a time to indulge in our favorite holiday treats and traditions.

54、The Christmas break is a great time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the coming year.

55、The energy and enthusiasm of the dancers was contagious, inspiring others to join in the celebration.

56、Christmas break is a time to enjoy winter sports like skiing and snowboarding.

57、Taking a road trip to visit family or friends during the holiday season is a classic Christmas tradition. 在节日期间开车去探望家人或朋友是一个经典的圣诞传统。

58、I'm going to use the Christmas break to start a new fitness routine and prioritize my health and well-being.

59、The dancers were a testament to the power of unity and cooperation, working together to create something truly magical.

60、The dance troupe's energy and enthusiasm were infectious during the Christmas performance.


62、Christmas break is a time to connect with family and friends.

63、The dance was a joyful and festive tribute to the holiday season, filling everyone with warmth and love.

64、The Christmas break is a time to create new traditions and memories with loved ones that will last a lifetime.

65、I'm excited for the Christmas break as it will give me the chance to read some books that I've been meaning to get to.


67、Watching a classic Christmas movie marathon by the fireplace is a cozy holiday tradition. 在壁炉前观看经典的圣诞电影马拉松是一个温馨的节日传统。


69、The Christmas break is a time to disconnect from technology and rediscover the simpler things in life.


71、Christmas break is a time for relaxation and self-care.

72、The Christmas dance routine was a joyous celebration of the holiday spirit.

73、The Christmas dance was a celebration of diversity and inclusivity, showcasing the rich tapestry of human culture and experience.


75、Attending a Christmas concert or musical is a cultural and artistic holiday experience. 参加圣诞音乐会或音乐剧是一次文化艺术的节日体验。



78、Christmas break is a time for peace, joy, and gratitude for all the blessings in our lives.



81、I'm looking forward to the Christmas break so I can travel to new places and experience different cultures.

82、Many people plan their Christmas vacation months in advance.



85、The ballerina's graceful movements stole the show in the Christmas dance.

86、The choreography was complex and challenging, yet the dancers performed flawlessly.

87、Experiencing a serene Christmas Eve mass at a beautiful church is a spiritual journey. 在美丽的教堂经历平静的圣诞夜弥撒是一场精神之旅。


89、The dance floor was transformed into a winter wonderland, complete with snowflakes and twinkling lights.

90、The Christmas season is a time of joy and celebration.

91、Learning about different Christmas traditions from around the world is a fascinating cultural experience. 了解来自世界各地的不同圣诞传统是一次迷人的文化体验。

92、The costumes were a spectacular visual display, adding to the festive atmosphere and captivating the audience.

93、Trekking through a snow-covered forest to find the perfect Christmas tree is a memorable adventure. 翻越着覆盖雪的森林,寻找完美的圣诞树是一个难忘的冒险。

94、The Christmas dance was a beautiful display of creativity and imagination.



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