励志的句子 · 语录




2、Send you a Christmas tree full of gifts. The biggest and brightest star onthe top is my heart. What's hanging below is my infatuation. What's makingmaterials is my unchanging heart: Merry Christmas!


4、 把我千丝万缕的思念化作万般祝福,衷心祝你圣诞快乐!

5、I make a quiet wish beside the Christmas tree. I hope my thoughts on thisquiet night will fly to you with the floating mood. A beautiful Christmas nightfor you and me!

6、With sincere blessing, we are on our way. Christmas Eve is the starting pointof happiness and the end of worry. I hope you can remember these two points andhave more fun every day. May Christmas eve be your Carnival! Happy holidays!



9、 圣诞,有圣诞老人,有你也有我,在这日子里,我想对你说,世上你最美,在今生我只爱你一个!圣诞快乐MY LOVE!



12、A little greeting, a deep memory, a thick feeling, a sweet memory, a warmblessing, a sincere heart, wish you a happy Christmas Eve, beautiful music!

13、My blessings are infinite, I buy up my happiness; my greetings to you arelimited, with a term of 10000 years. In a warm night of peace, with the moon tocarry happiness, let you surprise constantly. Happy Christmas Eve.


15、 我向圣诞老人许了愿,我希望不管你的脚多臭,在明早当你穿起袜子时,等收到我托圣诞老人带给你的满满的祝福,暖暖你的心和脚丫子。



18、二- 白雪儿飘飘鹿铃儿敲敲,甜蜜的平安夜又来到,快乐的圣诞节多美好!爱是无声的情是永恒的。亲爱的圣诞快乐!



20、Peace is bliss, health is bliss, and peace night is more blissful. I havemade a wish for peace. I wish you good health, good spirit, happy enjoyment ofpeace, prosperous people, prosperous career and smooth heart!


22、My heart is like snow in winter, falling slowly in this cold Christmas. Nomatter where I am, I only have a turning distance from you, let my heart dancewith you in this safe night.


24、Christmas to celebrate Christmas, Christmas Eve to send Christmas. Santa'scarriage, gifts and blessings come together. I wish you a merry Christmas, ahappy family, a good fortune, good luck, good health and a bright future!




28、On Christmas Eve, may you delete yesterday's troubles, make sure tomorrow'sbeauty, store your body's strength, copy happiness around you, paste peacewithout boundaries, and upgrade your beauty to forever.

29、The so-called peace means good health and no illness. Success in business iswithout exception. Life is full and smooth. This is Christmas Eve. May the Lordgive you all this. I wish you happiness.

30、Honey, you are brighter than the stars on the Christmas tree, you are cuterthan the reindeer, but can you shave your beard? I don't want you to be likeSanta!


32、I put the snowflake in my hand, it melts in my hand; I ring the bell, thesound reverberates in my ear; I fold the blessing gently, wish it reach yourheart: wish you a merry Christmas!



35、Blessing on a safe day, and peace on a safe night. Safe and secure forever,safe and peaceful dream is long. Send an apple to bless you. May you be safe allyour life. Christmas Eve, wish a string of floating over!


37、Missing writes poems for time, blessing sings for missing, sincerely praysfor blessing, prays for your peace and happiness, friend, on Christmas Eve Ipray God to bless your peace and health.

38、 美酒、蜡烛、大餐,多么美妙的圣诞!惟独就缺你……………………的钱包!



40、With sincere blessing, please let your smile bloom on Christmas Eve, pleasemake your mood happy on Christmas Eve, please smile and sing on Christmas Eve,please keep happiness and happiness on Christmas Eve!


42、The stars blink and say they miss you, the lights flash and say they loveyou, the Christmas tree twines and loves you, the bell rings to hold you, theblessing of Christmas Eve is given to you, happy Christmas Eve.

43、The clear wind blows the long clouds. The long clouds contain the snow insuccession. The snow is wrapped with the continuous romance. The continuousromance accompanies you to spend a romantic Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas!

44、In this special day, give you special blessing! Wish you a happy and happynight! May beauty and happiness be with you!

45、The bright light is my smiling eyes. It's hung in the night sky, illuminatingthe dark front for you and protecting your journey.

46、 在这洋人的节日里,好想和你在一起,享受这醉人的气氛,然而你我分割两地,我只好在这轻声地对你说:“亲爱的,圣诞快乐!”



49、If Santa Claus gives me a chance, I will say to you: Merry Christmas! We mustadd a time limit to our happiness. I hope it will be 10000 years!

50、 风花雪月的圣诞即将来临,愿你我的爱情如圣诞节般越来越有气氛。Merry Christmas My dear.



53、Christmas Eve, spread joy, auspicious atmosphere floating thousands of miles;bells ring, snowflakes floating, warm romantic to your home; happy night, sendblessings, I wish you a lifetime of peace. Happy Christmas Eve!

54、In this snowless winter, in this silent Christmas Eve, please allow me to sayto you: Merry Christmas, I love you forever!

55、I would like to turn into the snowflakes falling gently on the Christmas treeand send you warm wishes. I would like to turn into the melodious ringing of thebell on Christmas Eve and bring you greetings of peace! Full of love! Christmasis fast!







61、A gust of winter wind, give you luck, a string of bells, give you health, aChristmas ballad, give you good luck, a beautiful Christmas tree, give youhappiness. Happy Christmas Eve to you!

62、On Christmas Eve, warm fire, romantic snowflakes, a Christmas tree full ofstars, warm breath in the house, light candles, make wishes, and the Christmasstars will shine for you.



65、On Christmas Eve, I wish you, no discount for popularity, romance, warmth,happiness, luck, peace, more, more and more!

66、 不管时光如何来去匆匆,不变的是我对你永远的祝福,愿你平安快乐!

67、I turn the hourglass upside down and the past becomes the future. May timefreeze for you and stop at the happy moment forever. On Christmas Eve, I wishyou a peaceful life and a happy life!

68、Dancing candlelight, twinkling flame, the most beautiful is your face; warmblessing, thoughtful hanging, the most want is your peace. Dear, happy,auspicious and safe on Christmas Eve.




72、On Christmas Eve, report peace. If the peaceful melody flows through yourdream tonight, do you think it's my most sincere blessing to cross the mountainsand dream again!


74、 随着圣诞夜的到来,对想起远方的同窗好友,问一声你好吗?道一声圣诞快乐,愿友谊长存,祝新年愉快!


76、The coming festival reminds you of it early. The rest is blessings. All ofthem are for you, friends. Christmas is coming. I wish you a safe Christmas Eveand a happy Christmas.



78、A true friend, no matter where he is, always pays attention and love. Wishyou a safe and happy Christmas!

79、Christmas Eve to send you a coat: the front is peace, the back is happiness.Auspicious is the collar, Ruyi is the sleeve, happiness is the button, thepocket is full of warmth, put it on, let it accompany you every day!


81、 值此圣诞佳节,我只有一句话要告诉你:今天下班后我会空腹去找你!

82、A red apple for you on Christmas Eve! Red: on behalf of your career, apple:on behalf of your life, fruit: on behalf of your dream. May every effort ofyours be fruitful!


84、Let's give you a coat on Christmas Eve: peace ahead, happiness behind.Auspicious is the collar, Ruyi is the sleeve, happiness is the button, thepocket is full of warmth, put it on, let it accompany you every day!

85、今天,我放下个性,放下自尊,放下追求 .都是因为放不下一个人 .鼓起勇气对你说:我喜欢你。

86、三- 日光从指间流走,雪花随铃声飘落。圣诞的钟声声声响起,祝福的心思丝丝飘远……珍爱你的所有。


88、I am the snowflake falling on the Christmas tree, sending you warm wishes; Iam the melodious bell sound on Christmas Eve, bringing you greetings of peace.Wish you a merry Christmas and a safe night!

89、Praise you with the splendor of snow, and wish you romance with the fragranceof flowers. Blooming beautiful petals; ushering in a warm Christmas. I wish youa peaceful night and a happy Christmas day!

90、If you are Christmas, I am new year's day, you are Santa Claus, I am reindeerdoffer, you are Santa mother-in-law, I am Santa father-in-law, wife, I wish youa merry Christmas!


92、On Christmas Eve, happy candlelight lights up for you, lucky stars are brightand auspicious, lucky eyes understand the desire, and the surviving moonlightkeeps the hope. Christmas Eve, auspicious night, I wish you happiness!

93、 不管工作有多么得繁忙,只要记得我时刻都在关望你、祝福你。

94、三- 圣诞节到了也,你有没有在床头挂起臭袜子哦,圣诞老公公会把我最好的礼物丢进去的,圣诞快乐!

95、I don't know how many lonely Christmas Eve you spent with me. When otherpeople's families are happy, we are still working hard. Dear deer, I wish youpeace in your life, and let our work make great achievements again.



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