励志的句子 · 祝福语

“Loveisalwaysmygifttoyou.”人生阶段各有不同,但生日却始终如一,生日意味着生命中又一个新年轮正式开始了。在生日这天,都会收到亲朋好友的祝福。邀请自己的亲朋好友一起来欢聚这个喜庆的时刻。什么样的生日祝福最能打动人心呢?以下“生日祝福语用英文怎么写”由励志的句子为大家收集整理, 相信你能找到对自己有用的内容。



2、Today I wish you a happy, happy and sweet birthday.

3、May you always be safe and beautiful. 祝你永远平安如意,美丽无比。

4、Today is a special day, every day with you through the sweet cake, candles to illuminate the road ahead for you, my best wishes for your birthday and always。 Happy birthday!

5、Mobile phone when the bell rang, please accept my sincere blessings。 This is our hotline, birthday and every moment, two hearts will find full expression here:my dear, happy birthday!

6、In a flash, it is 30. Happy 30th birthday!

7、Four, my birthday also bless their loved ones, life is happy every day! Bless all my friends to share my happiness, always happy!

8、Flowers again beautiful, also can not compare with your beauty, candied sweet again, also ratio not your sweet birthday cake today, birthday, you been faithful friends I wish you a happy birthday! Forever young!

9、How wonderful life is。 Happiness without;Birthday is coming, wish without;To stick the body first, can eat can sleep is a blessing。 Wish the love sweet again, don't noisy don't make the gas。 Pig you happy birthday!

10、Warm congratulations on your birthday. May the best of your birthday belong to you!

11、Happy birthday, like a stream of water at the end of the year, the return of a long life is still young!

12、matter how big the world, there is always a corner to belong to you, no matter how much time is infinite, there is always a day belongs to you, no matter how beautiful blessing is, there is always a belong to you, happy birthday。

13、New Year time is here. I hope you have a wonderful New Year. May every dayhold happy hours for you!


15、愿你的生日充满无穷的快乐,愿你今天的回忆温馨,愿你今天的梦想甜美,愿你这一年称心如意! My birthday wishes to you are the warmest. May all the plans you are making work out just right for you and may life always bring the best things your way.

16、Innocent youth, youth romantic, flower season without a time together, but I will never forget your special day, I wish you a happy birthday!

17、Dear, happy birthday, I hope we can always be happy, I love you.

18、every day can have a birthday, I hope I have a happy birthday today, I wish every year happy forever!

19、happy, be cheerful It“s time to celebrate My friend was born today Hope your course is charted for lots of luck all the year through



21、have no colorful flowers, not romantic poetry, no gifts, no exciting surprise, only gently wishes, happy birthday to you!

22、Birthday song plays for your joy, happiness accompanies you to grow up. 生日歌为你欢乐奏响,快乐幸福伴你成长。

23、here's happiness in wishing you the jous of a beautiful day and hoping life's most wonderful things will always come your way!

24、Dear, thank you for waiting until 12 o'clock to say happy birthday to me. I love you!


26、The grass is always green, the youth is permanent, the smile is always open. I wish you a happy birthday, health and happiness!

27、Seven, I can't choose the best, but the best chooses me. Happy birthday to myself

28、At this time very sweet, away from a glass of wine to you, together with my best wishes, not expensive, precious. Wish you have a sweet sweet and happy birthday.

29、love you more and more each day,you are my favorite in this world,I wish you a happy birthday,happy every day!

30、When dedication becomes a need love, is that it doesn't matter, in your birthday, accept my distant and deeply wishes!



33、appy birthday. May gladness fill your every hour on this special day.

34、·With love on your birthday and always! Time will never change my love. You will always be my number one.

35、Birthday gifts are not to write sentences to give you blessings, too, if you gift enough, then I am up Minato. Happy birthday to you!

36、Some people say that there is no eternal feelings in the world. I said no! Mother forever, she is a star.


38、On your special day and every day, may love and joy surround you, because you bring such happiness to everyone around you. Have a wonderful birthday!愿您在生日和平日,天天都沉浸在爱和欢乐里,因为您让身边亲人,个个生活在这样的幸福里。祝您生日快乐无比!


39、life is rich and full of joy,life is sweet,happy,happy,happy,happy。

40、Tomorrow is my birthday. I want to hear your best wishes.

41、wish for your wonderful birthday that brings a world of bright and lovely things toremember each day through the year.

42、Thousand paper cranes, thousand hearts, bless you forever. Happy NewYear!

43、congratulatory message condenses my wishes for you. Wish you a happy hug. Happy birthday on this special day that belongs to you!


45、Wish you two enenaiai, his affectionate life, eternal love, love grow with each passing day! Happy birthday!

46、Although letters is so rare, back and forth together time is so short, but each other's friendship tie us tightly. I wish a happy birthday!

47、Thank god in today gave me a special gift, is you. Long long journey, accompany with you is the happiness of my life. Dear, I wish you a happy birthday!

48、Having a good friendship, you will always have a beautiful blessing, happy birthday!

49、The birthday girl guy, I wish you can get all hope, all dreams come true, all waiting can appear, all paying can cash。

50、无论相距多遥远,衷心祝福永不断,我要轻声告诉你:生日happy到永远! No matter how far apart, sincere wishes will never cease. I want to tell you softly: Happy birthday forever!

51、May this little card add spring, fun and happiness to your happy days!

52、want to be one of the first who say ”Happy birthday to you“。 May everything it take to make a very happy and successful year!希望我是第一个向你道”生日快乐“的朋友,愿这一年中快乐成功!

53、Happy birthday to you, I wish you a happy day!

54、时光飞逝,又到你的生日,在此祝你生日快乐,愿这一年中快乐成功,来年生日更美好! Time flies by and it's your birthday again. Happy birthday to you. Wish you a happy and successful year and a better birthday for the coming year!

55、lking back across the years, we come to realize that it takes many birthdays to make us kind and wise. Growing older only means the spirit grows serene. Happy birthday!

56、Because you come, this day became a beautiful day, from now on the world with a more attractive color. Happy birthday to you!

57、Here comes today with special pride in all the achievements you have made.May your dearest wishes through all the years in store come true,and make you happier than you have ever been before.


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