励志的句子 · 句子大全



1、我能流利地写和说 _______。


3、A differs from B in…. A区别于B....

4、I am willing to work hard and to take on additional responsibilities as needed.


6、I am eager to bring my skills and experience to a company that values hard work and dedication.

7、I am excited about the opportunity to work for a company with such high standards.


9、I am writing to apply for the position of...

10、I am confident that my skills and experience will enable me to make a valuable contribution to your team.

11、Thank you for your consideration.

12、I am comfortable working independently as well as in a team environment.

13、I look forward to hearing from you soon.

14、I am eager to contribute my skills and knowledge to the team.



17、结尾句 In conclusion.../In brief.../On the whole.../In short.../In a word.../Generally speaking.../As has been stated...

18、I am confident that I can meet the challenges of this position.

19、If you need any additional information from me, please let me know.



21、I look forward to discussing my qualifications in person.

22、I am excited about the opportunity to use my skills and experience to help the company succeed.

23、In my previous position, I was responsible for...



26、People may have different opinions on... 人们对……可能会有不同的见解。(may委婉用法)

27、行为动词(表示动作和状态的词)原形 单三 过去式

28、I am confident that I would make a positive contribution to your team.

29、I am comfortable working in a team environment.

30、I am confident that I can make a positive impact on the company's goals.


32、Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure). 对(失败)人们的态度各不相同。(hold,亮点词)


34、I understand the importance of this project and I am committed to its success.

35、我对 _______ 有浓厚的兴趣,并渴望了解更多。

36、My goal is to contribute to the success of the company.

37、My experience in this field includes...

38、I am committed to delivering high-quality results and exceeding expectations.

39、I am excited about the prospect of working for a company that values innovation and creativity.

40、I would like to express my gratitude for this opportunity.


41、有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以……。 There are several measures for us to adopt. First, we can______

42、I am comfortable working in a fast-paced environment and am able to multitask effectively.

43、I have a strong background in...

44、By that as it may是Let it be that as it may的省略形式,是由be引起的另外一种假设结构,意思是虽然如此,尽管这样。 It is said that the nerve poison is the more primitive of the two, that the blood poison is, so to speak, a new product from an improved formula. Be that as it may, the nerve poison does its business with man far more quickly than the blood poison.



47、随着社会的发展,……。因此,迫切需要……。如果每个人都愿为社会贡献自已的一份力量,这个社会将要变得越来越好。 With the development of society, it’s urgent and necessary to every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better.

48、notany more than为:不能,正如不能。 One cannot learn to sketch and express himself graphically only by reading about it any more than one can learn to swim while standing by the pool.

49、I am impressed by your company's reputation and commitment to excellence.

50、*** offers for every country in the world. ***为世界上每个国家提供了广泛的机会。

51、I am proficient in...

52、I am committed to maintaining a high level of professionalism at all times.


54、I am fluent in both written and spoken _______.


56、if at all是一个由if引起的主谓结构不完整的短句结为即将,即使等。 I can see only with great difficulty, if at all.

57、I am eager to learn more about this position and the opportunities it offers.

58、I am a team player and am always willing to go above and beyond for the success of the team.




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