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【#文案# #学校考试的文案(汇集112句)#】希望考生们在考场上能够保持冷静、自信,顺利完成所有考题!点击进入励志的句子为您编辑的关于“学校考试的文案”的最新发现,非常感谢您抽空来阅读这段重要的文字。我们每个人一定都经历过考试这一阶段,考试磨砺着自己的人生意志。考试是对学习结果最直接证明,备考祝福语可以让我们更加勇敢和逆流而上迎接挑战和改变。

1、The students were not allowed to cheat on the exam.

2、I'm thrilled to have received a letter of acceptance to my number one college of choice.

3、The arduous studying and test preparation were worth it, as I was able to obtain admission to my ideal school.

4、The exam was kept confidential until the results were announced.

5、I have carefully reviewed the admission requirements for my dream school and I am confident that I have what it takes to be accepted.



8、I believe that my dedication and hard work will help me achieve my goal of being accepted into my preferred college.

9、It's a dream come true to attend the school I've been longing to go to for years.

10、I feel truly blessed to have achieved my academic goals and secured a spot at my desired university.

11、The exam was timed.

12、I'm grateful for the opportunity to go to my dream school and am excited to see what the future holds.

13、I am confident that I will be able to gain acceptance to my dream school with my hard work and dedication.

14、Some of the students cheated on the English exam, which is not allowed.

15、My years of hard work and dedication have finally led to admission to the school I've always dreamed of attending.

16、I barely passed the English exam and I know I need to study harder next time.


18、The English exam was a mix of multiple choice and short answer questions.

19、The exam covered a wide range of English language skills, including reading, writing, and speaking.


21、I am grateful for the opportunities that have prepared me for this moment and I am excited to prove my worthiness of admission to my preferred university.




25、The students will receive their exam papers back tomorrow.

26、I have set high standards for myself and I am committed to achieving my dreams of being accepted into my desired university.



29、I am deeply committed to my academic success and I am confident that my passion and hard work will lead to acceptance to my dream school.

30、Through hard work and persistence, I have made my dream of attending my preferred school a reality.


32、The English exam was an important part of my grade for the class.



35、With my strong academic record and extracurricular achievements, I believe that I have a strong chance of being accepted into my desired school.

36、I am excited to demonstrate to my dream school that I have what it takes to succeed academically and personally.

37、The feeling of being accepted into your first-choice college is unmatched, and I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity.

38、The English exam was the hardest exam I've ever taken.



41、After years of hard work and dedication, I have finally achieved one of my lifelong dreams of being accepted into my ideal school.


43、The exam was open book.





48、I did well on the reading comprehension portion of the English exam, but struggled with grammar.

49、Everyone in the class took the exam.


51、The exam was held in the school auditorium.


53、I never gave up on my dream of attending my ideal university, and now I have accomplished it.

54、I have set my sights on my dream school and I am determined to do everything in my power to make my aspiration a reality.


56、My teacher gave us a study guide that helped prepare us for the English exam.

57、The exam was both difficult and important for the students' future academic success.


59、I am confident that my strong academic record and my passion for learning will lead to acceptance to my desired institution.




63、The exam was worth 100 points.





68、The exam was divided into two parts: listening and writing.

69、I have put in the necessary effort to excel academically and I am hopeful that my achievements will lead to acceptance to my desired institution.

70、I believe that my passion for learning and my dedication to excellence make me a strong candidate for admission to my desired institution.

71、I have a clear idea of what I want to achieve in my academic career and I am confident that my dream school will help me reach my goals.

72、The hard work was worth it in the end, and I am thrilled to have received an acceptance letter from my ideal university.

73、The English exam was very challenging, but I felt accomplished after finishing it.


75、I feel proud of myself for achieving my goal of getting into my desired school and am excited for what the future holds.




79、The students were given a break halfway through the exam.

80、When I saw my name on the list of accepted students at my top choice school, I was over the moon.

81、The students were required to use only a pen for the exam.

82、The fact that I was able to pass the exam and get into my ideal school is a source of pride for me.

83、The results of the English exam will be released next week.

84、The road hasn't been easy, but it was all worth it when I received the news of my acceptance into my first-choice school.


86、The English exam took two hours to complete.

87、The students were not allowed to bring cell phones into the exam room.


89、I'm excited to begin my academic adventure at my dream school, thanks to my dedication and hard work.

90、The students needed to get a passing grade to pass the course.


92、Some students finished the exam early, while others struggled to finish in time.


94、I have always been driven to succeed and I am confident that my dedication and hard work will lead to acceptance to my preferred college.

95、I am motivated to do my best on the exam in order to fulfill my goal of being accepted into my ideal university.

96、I wish I had studied more for the English exam, but I didn't have enough time.

97、The English exam covered vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension.



100、The fact that I was able to pass the test and get into my ideal school is a testament to my diligence and commitment.

101、It's a dream come true to be given the chance to attend my dream school and pursue my educational goals.



104、The English exam was cumulative and covered everything we learned in the class.

105、The feeling of getting accepted into my ideal school is indescribable.

106、The students were given a sample exam to practice before the actual exam.

107、My diligence and perseverance paid off, and I was successful in gaining acceptance to my top pick of schools.




111、I am grateful for the opportunities that come with attending my preferred school and am ready to excel.


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