励志的句子 · 句子大全

sweep away bad luck扫除霉运~~还有与此相类似的句子吗?相信你应该喜欢励志的句子的编辑整理的朋友生日英文句子(精选200句),欢迎分享给你的朋友!


1、a trip to the zoo 到动物园的参观

2、Happy birthday to you, my friend. All seasons are safe and happy forever.


4、Face up to myself, cherish my life, and make my future life more beautiful! Happy birthday to myself!

5、I’m from China and I’m Chinese.

6、To dream for the horse, looking forward to the world.

7、……的照片 a photo of

8、They're learning a dragon dance with my grandpa. 他们正在和我爷爷学习舞龙。

9、在老师的桌子上 on the teacher's desk

10、I wish you a happy birthday, adhere to the faith, go on well, you will be happy in the future, you must have a good future!

11、Put away your pressure, expand your smile; shed your fatigue, change your look; take your smile, rush out of your flower season. Remember, youth is beautiful, happiness is invincible. Happy birthday to you!

12、Sun father and sun mother have a sun son. What congratulations should we say to them? Do you think of it? Answer: Happy Birthday!


14、Do you know? Today is your birthday. I hope you have a good day today. Always be with happiness! Happy birthday to my sister!

15、My mother never makes a birthday cake for me. 我妈妈从不给我制作生日蛋糕。

16、What about some paper?

17、thank sb for sth=thanks for doing sth


19、an African animal一只非洲动物

20、不健康的饮料 unhealthy drink



22、May I go out of half a life and return to be still a teenager. May my flashy all over my body, with my original heart unchanged, happy birthday to myself. Thanks for my sister's birthday present. I like it very much!

23、Time is like bricks and tiles, building our lives, happiness is like colorful, decorating our lives, I wish you a warm and sweet life, happy birthday!

24、go home from work 下班回家

25、I wish to receive the instruction of the years with my sincere heart.

26、lie in the sun 晒太阳

27、I wish you peace and happiness in the future.

28、^v^Happy Birthday, my love. A hundred kisses from me to you.^v^

29、英文名字 English name

30、turn on / off... 打开/关闭.....

31、put paper in the printer 把纸放到打印机里面

32、start lessons开始上课

33、What would you like for your birthday?

34、The woman next to Daming is his aunt.


36、I send email to my friends and play computer games.

37、去购物 go shopping

38、中国的首都 the capital of China

39、好的, 好吧 all right

40、在左边 on the left


41、The past is the preface.



44、Where do I write the name?


46、Wang Hui is my friend, but he is not in my class. 王辉是我的朋友,但他不在我班。

47、对……好be good for

48、check the times of trains 查看火车时刻表

49、It happens every year, but not on the same day. 春节每年都会来,但不在同一天。


51、We can't hear the sound of nature, the sound of earth, the sound of human beings, and the sound of things; in the sixty-six nights of bitter music, the only thing I can feel is the rhythmic beat of my heart in my body,,. Happy birthday to myself!

52、A person's birthday is also very happy!

53、It is important to remember: eat well, stay healthy, and don't get fat.

54、it's time to do sth/ it's time for sth

55、Far away, far away.


57、May your birthday be the start of a more wonderful journey!

58、他的妹妹 his sister

59、There is always a moment, because a person's words, just like being thrown a basin of cold water, brush once, from head to foot! Happy birthday to myself!



61、Eat an egg, and don't buy anything.

62、Happy birthday, may you smile with the sun, the card is all money!

63、Happy birthday to you! May the joy of your birthday contain all perfection!

64、Not every morning there is a sunrise, not every night there is cool, not every sailboat can sail far, not every life has glory, but every birthday has my blessing never forget, I wish you happiness and health, smile often on your face!

65、I hope there is no loneliness in my days. Happy birthday to myself!

66、The panda eats about 30kilos of bamboo and as well as other plants.


68、We're enjoying the school trip a lot.

69、We start work at nine o’clock.


71、Gather praises and wish me a long life.

72、write a name for the document 为文件命名

73、对……有益 be good for

74、make lanterns制作灯笼

75、They are on sale at the shop.

76、It likes water and is good at swimming.

77、Peace and joy are what you want.

78、I don't want to listen to big ideas, I just want to eat *** all cakes.

79、We are having a good time.

80、More and more people leave, and the people who stay are more and more important. Time is too fast. Don't be too slow. Mom and dad worked hard, happy birthday!


81、years old, what a beautiful and holy word.

82、go to concerts去听音乐会

83、Treat yourself, happiness is incomparable, treat others well, happiness is incomparable, treat life kindly, health incomparable! Happy birthday to myself!

84、在餐厅 in the dining hall


86、Thanks for your care, the fairy is growing well.

87、be busy with sth/(in)doing sth 忙于做某事

88、check one’s email 检查电子邮件

89、Learn to love yourself and spoil yourself, leaving more opportunities foryourself.

90、It's strong and catches many kinds of animals for food.

91、你最喜欢的食品 your favourite food






97、a silk dress 一条丝裙


99、First, connect the screen to the computer.

100、在同一家医院at the same hospital


101、Broken shell happy, not much to say, the journey is long, let's go together! Happy birthday to myself!


103、No matter how old you are, long live happiness.

104、Memorable days, the original world because of you and more beautiful, happy birthday.


106、I wish I have no fear of wind and rain, flowers all over the road.

107、在八点四十 at twenty to nine

108、托尼的表哥 Tony’s cousin

109、What lessons do we have on Friday?

110、Today is my birthday, a day to be remembered and proud of, a day of one's own!

111、There is a map of the world in our classroom. 教室里有一张世界地图。


113、It's a very large animal and usually lives alone.

114、上数学课 have maths/ have a maths lesson

115、They are Peter’s parents.

116、在……前面 in front of

117、Enjoy your special day to the fullest!

118、30 kilos of bamboo 30千克竹子

119、watch a film=see a film 看电影

120、对……不好 be bad for



122、你们的老师 your teacher

123、Thank you for your postcard from the Great Wall. 谢谢你从长城寄来的明信片。

124、May I be invincible and invincible.

125、I get up at half past seven in the morning, and then have breakfast.



128、I love history and I’m good at it.

129、Not yet mature, but on the way.

130、sb spend +时间/钱+on sth/(in) doing st

131、Every year is a good time.

132、It is not pleasure to seek pleasure, but gain and lose. Happy birthday tomyself.

133、have a drink 喝酒,喝饮料

134、Zhenping Jiqi, everything wins!

135、Next, connect the keyboard and the mouse to the computer.

136、在我的桌子上 on my desk

137、I don't want to be with you this time!

138、I hope that the new year will have a new beginning. To myself, happy birthday.

139、一位酒店经理 a hotel manger




142、In the evening, I watch TV and have dinner with my family.晚上我看电视和家人共进晚餐。




146、search for some information 搜索信息


148、Good day an house, auspicious day move, happy life depends on hard-working hands to create! Happy birthday to myself!

149、To live, you have to move forward. After two years of confusion, your goal, your dream, you must remember, always remember! Happy birthday to myself!

150、Please take some photos and send them to me by email. 请拍一些照片,并用电子邮件发送给我。


152、一位公交车司机 a bus driver

153、Day is my birthday, I have never forgotten to wish myself happy birthday, youth permanent, more and more beautiful girl!

154、It means lucky money.

155、hi from... 来自......的问候

156、use A to do B 用A来做B



159、……怎么样 what about

160、Cheese and fish are good for your teeth.


161、Happy birthday to myself! Hope that no matter what happens, we should faceit well!

162、Happy age of 23, no chicken soup, no quotations, to work hard, to be a lovely fairy, happy birthday!




166、(取的)名字 given name/first name

167、Congratulations on your birthday and wish you all the best in the coming year!

168、read magazines阅读杂志

169、^v^May your birthday be filled with smiles, sunshine, love, and

170、clean the house打扫房屋

171、go to the football match去看足球赛

172、Once a year, it's time to blow the candle!

173、Years are clear, happy birthday!

174、at a Chinese birthday party

175、Is there a panda called Lingling?

176、I don't want to be disturbed by the past, I only want to laugh for the rest of my life.

177、welcome to... .欢迎到......


179、见到你很高兴 Nice to meet you!

180、Meat is healthy food, but too much meat is not good for children.


181、Do you like maths? 你喜欢数学吗?



184、一个小城市 a small city

185、健康食品 healthy food

186、在图书馆后面 behind the library

187、Today is your birthday, and I have never forgotten to wish you a happy birthday and permanent youth on this special day.

188、God said there would be light, so I was born.

189、Would you like to come to my birthday party? 你愿意来参加我的生日派对吗?

190、Welcome to Beijing Zoo.

191、The library is on the right of the dining hall.

192、Today my birthday, Zhao Yuejun, happy birthday!

193、剧院经理the manger of a theatre

194、put sth away 收起,收拾好

195、There are twenty-five boys in our class.

196、It's time to go back to school now.

197、black and white黑白相间的

198、Tony and Betty are our friends.

199、In the past 50 years, a lot of the past events are just like yesterday. Life is like a dream. In a twinkling of an eye, I am over 50 years old! Happy birthday to myself!

200、sweep away bad luck扫除霉运


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