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栏目: 英文求职信

2023-09-04 16:56


英文式求职信 篇1





我真诚地希望你。我会很乐意考虑我的申请。我向你保证,我会尽最大努力成为一名勤奋的工人和一名快速的学习者。如果有机会,我会在简历中附上一些相关文件。我会让自己有空。请打电话给我(055) 276-****。



英文式求职信 篇2

carolyn a. beatty

400 east 7th street home: (215) 557-4563

lansdale, pa 19407 office: (215) 883-9856

april 18, 20xx

ms. janet n. morse

vice president of human resourses

the utica corporation

100 woodlawn avenue

utica, ny 27716

dear mr. morse:

i am currently seeking a postion as training and development manager for a medium-sized manufacturing company. i am a hands-on, results-oriented leader with a comprehensive background in training design, development and delivery. the enclosed resume details the specifics of my experience and accomplishments.

my background spans(跨越) over ten years of diverse training and development experience, providing support to a variety of functional clients. in all cases i have been successful in getting strong client support and ownership of the programs delivered. the following highlights some of my key accomplishments:

-directed training of 200 person field sales organization for a major electronics distribution company

-used assessment methodology as the basis for constructing "high performance models" for certain key management jobs. assessed key managers against these models as the basis for defining key management needs/priorities.

-desingned and delivered company‘s first highly successful introductory course to total quality management-over500 managers trained across3 divisions.

-developed methodology for linking training needs with business strategy,and put in place a reliable method for providing quantitative measurement of the effectiveness of management training and development programs.

based upon my job experience and educational qualifications, i am confident that i can bring effective leadership to your training function and improve the overall human resource effectiveness and productivity of your company. i would appreciate the opportunity to further discuss my credentials with you during a face-to-face interview.

i hope to hear from you shortly.


ours very truly,


carolyn a. beatty


英文式求职信 篇3


(1)Scholastic aptitude(方面的才能)

a. Native intellectual ability(天赋)

b. Imagination(想象力)

c. Creativity(创造力)

d. Capacity for analytical thinking(分析思考能力)

e. Intellectual curiosity; spirit of inquiry(好奇心)

f. Ability to work independently(独立工作的'能力)

g. Memory(记忆力)

h. Accuracy(准确性)

i. Methodology(研究方法)

j. Capability for abstract reasoning(抽象推理的能力)

k. Potential as a researcher(研究的潜力)

1. Potential as a teacher(教学的潜力)

m. Ability to express his ideas orally and in writing(口头或文字的表达能力)

n. Capacity, desire and determination for good quality graduate work(获得学业成功的能力、愿望与决心)

o. Probable success as a graduate student(作为研究生成功的可能性)

(2)Academic performance(学业上的表现)

a. Breadth of general knowledge(知识丰富)

b. Knowledge of literature in his field(本专业领域知识)

c. Grade or achievement(成绩或成就)

d. Industry, diligence(勤勉)

e. Participation in discussion(讨论积极)

f. Academic maturity(学业上的成熟)


a. Ability to speak, understand, read and write the English language(听、说、读、写英文的能力)

b. Ability to read significant literature in other languages than English(英语以外的语言阅读能力)


a. Honesty; integrity(诚实)

b. Sincerity(诚恳)

c. Sense of responsibility(责任感)

d. Cooperation (合作)

e. Enthusiasm(热诚)

f. Conscientiousness(自觉性)

g. Ethical and moral standards(伦理与道德标准)

h. Reliability; dependability(可靠性)

英文式求职信 篇4






(3)强调你所受过的 培训、你的经历、技能和成就;



在西方,求职信和简历是一样重要的。而在我国,虽然有的雇主不要求写求职信,有的猎头顾问或是企业招聘人员也没时间仔细阅读 求职信 ,但求职信的作用还是不容小看。从最近网上的一份网上调查:“人事经理,您对求职信的关注程度如何?”34%参与调查的人事经理表示非常重视求职信、54%的人事经理表示将求职信作为重要参考、只有11%的人事经理是根本不看求职信。








英文式求职信 篇5










英文式求职信 篇6










英文式求职信 篇7

Dear HR Manager,

I would like to apply for the Global Management Trainee Program. As a third-year-postgraduate student major in Management Science and Engineering, I have some basic knowledge on management science .

I have a friend who is one of the interns of your last Summer internship Program. She told me many things about her experiences in your company.And that is why I am really fond of that kind of life: to corporate with

excellent workmates, to solve problems in a cha ……此处隐藏914个字……th a M.S. degree. My studies have included courses in textile chemistry and dyeing and finishing.

During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question. Besides, I am familiar with computer software including words, Excel and Power Point. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements.

I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

With many thanks,



英文式求职信 篇8

Dear Sir or Madam,

I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in____________(报纸名称)of________(广告发布时间).

Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for a __________(工作名称). In the one hand,_______________________________(第一个原因). On the other hand, __________________________________(另一个原因).

Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful. If you need to know more about me, please feel free to contact me at any time at _______________(电话号码)

Thank you for considering my application, and I am looking forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely

Li Ming

英文式求职信 篇9










英文式求职信 篇10

Dear leaders:

Thank you for your concern about the use of the valuable time of my cover letter!

My name is , and this years 22-year-old, height一米八zero, X years in on graduated from the University, his loyalty to honest and reliable; will be day-to-day operation of computers, has won numerous awards in the student and to participate actively in hospital the activities of school organizations, have a good life style and high sense of discipline in mind, the awareness of higher consciousness, to the implementation of good order, a strong sense of teamwork, hard work style, not afraid of hardship, and the courage first to. the work of a sense of responsibility strong, and ready to help others on the tasks assigned by the superiors motivated and good at learning on their own hard work, a certain degree of grass-roots management experience.

I have learned is the professional management of industrial and commercial enterprises, but I do not rigidly adhere to professional constraints, of all walks of life are full of confidence and love. Of course, in the spare time, I like to do is to read the Exercise and Sport . I like to see some kind of inspirational books, like her spare time for basketball, soccer and other ball games! I think that there is no good physical work conditions can not be backed up, there is no more flexible mind can not be!

Optional wood and good bird habitat, allow disabled persons to friends. An opportunity to co-operate, to me is a good start, for you are a wise choice. I was a Chollima, as you are pursuing the ability and insight to such a re - The horses only. sincerely hope you can give me a play to realize the value of life, in order to effect social development opportunities. language can only be moved by the people of time, the ability to prove I can. I believe that under your wise leadership, in my diligence efforts, tomorrow I will become a member of your organization best. My credo is: Opportunities favor only those people who are fully prepared.

I wish you every success for the cause,Waiting for your good news!



英文式求职信 篇11

Dear Sir,

I have been told by Mr. John, Manager of the Business Book Publishing, with whom I believe you are acquainted, that you are expecting to make some additions to your company in September. I should like to be considered an applicant for one of these positions.

I have had five years of varied experience in the book business.The companies for which I have worked have given me permission to refer you to them for information about the quality of the work I did while in their employ. In addition, I believe that my English is good enough for your needs. My typing speed is about 80 words.

If you desire an interview, I shall be most happy to call in person, on any day and at any time you may appoint.

Very truly yours,



本人曾从事商业图书工作达五年之久,积累了丰富的经验。我现任职的公司已同意 向阁下提供有关我在该公司服务的.资料。 此外,本人自信英文能力颇强,可以符合贵公司的需要。鄙人英文打字速度每分钟 80个字。

如贵公司有意面试,本人一定遵照所指定 的时日,前往拜访。


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