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栏目: 少儿课件

2023-09-15 18:14


少儿茶课件 篇1









少儿茶课件 篇2




1.1 课程目标


1.2 课程内容


1.2.1 水粉画的基本知识介绍:引导孩子们了解水粉画的起源、分类和特点。

1.2.2 水粉画材料介绍:学习水粉画的常见材料,如颜色、纸张、刷子等等,并了解他们的不同特点和使用方法。

1.2.3 水粉画的调色技巧:教授如何正确搭配颜色,调整颜色的明暗和亮度,使画面更加生动。

1.2.4 水粉画的基本技法:包括湿法、干法、湿干混合等技法的介绍和实践。

1.2.5 创意实践:通过引导孩子们进行创作实践,培养他们的想象力和创造力,鼓励他们用水粉画表达自己的思想和情感。


2.1 课程导入


2.2 教学内容呈现


2.3 实践环节


2.4 创意提升



3.1 互动性强


3.2 学习的趣味性


3.3 学习效果明显



少儿茶课件 篇3

Even though “friend” is a term of endearment used to describe many people in our lives, we often have a hard time knowing what the term means. Psychologists identify friends as those who accept each other, confide in each other and feel responsible for each other.

In our transient cultures, we depend more on friends for things we once got from families-emotional support and often even financial help. With so many people living away from their families, and so many people single into their thirties, friends provide essential companionship.

Friends can occur any place-even (surprise!) in a marriage. This was the case with me. I met and fell in love with Milton Brothers at university. He became my husband soon after, and we were together 39 years-until he died at the age of 62.

He was my best friend, and I still miss him desperately. Since he died, my sister, with whom I fought fiercely when we were younger, has

become one of my best friends. And I’m also very close to my only daughter, Lisa

Friends ranks with marriage and kinship as one of the most important relationships in our lives, yet it can be the most neglected. Friendship outside familial ties or marriage plays such an important role in life because with a friend, we can be the person we want to be. Their acceptance affirms that self and lets us develop as individuals.

We make no vows to a best friend, yet we have unstated expectations: understanding, caring, concern. We expect a friendship to last.

Most of us have been making friends since childhood, so we tend to think the process is instinctual. Then we find that the heart of friendship-how to make the relationship blossom, grow and survive-requires more attention and skill than we thought. To Ralph Waldo Emerson, “the only way to have a friend is to be one.”

Becoming friends involves a process of sharing, a gradual relaxation of vigilance over what partners reveal to each other about themselves. Friends must learn to balance the inclination to be open with the need to be protective of each other’s feelings. A best-friendship gets out of balance when the intensity becomes too one-sided. Total disclosure isn’t what makes intimacy in a relationship; it’s the listening and sharing.

Increasing numbers of people are finding that gender doesn’t matter when it comes to friendship, as the sexes mingle more often today.

Making friends with someone of the opposite sex can be an eye-opening experience. Michael told me what he discovered: ”I was working on the assembly line with Marcia, just as I would with a guy. And she kept pointing out how patronizing I was, offering to do the work for her because I felt she was less capable.

Then Michael realized he was hearing the same complaint from his girlfriend. So he invited Marcia out for a beer and they talked. “I learned about today’s women from her. What I knew about women I’d learned from my father. I was a generation behind the times. Now I’m married to the girlfriend I had when I met Marcia, and I’m indebted to her for that. She and I are still good friends. Marcia and my wife are friends, too.”

Can you fix a broken friendship? If you feel a close friend has hurt you, it’s worthwhile to sit down and say, “If I didn’t care about you, I’d just shrug my shoulders and go my own way. But since I do care, I’d like to straighten this out.” Then calmly talk about what has happened. You might find it’s just a misunderstanding.

I can’t say I headed a broken friendship with my sister-our sibling rivalry was nothing unusual. But since Milton died, she and I found each other again, and it means a lot to me. The longer I live, the more important it is to feel connected. And that is what we do through friends.

Near the end of his battle with cancer, Milton sent me to see our new grand-daughter. I held her and kissed her for both of us. When I told

Milton I’d done this, he said, “I’ll always be with you, because part of me is in her, in each of our grandchildren.” He died a day or so later. I have four grandchildren now, and what Milton said is true. I take them, one by one, on adventures all over the world, and each time I find new friendships. And Milton, my best friend, is always with me.

1. Psychologists identify friends as those who accept each other, confide in each other and feel responsible for each other.

Paraphrase: Psychologists regard friends as those who accept each other, trust each other and be responsible for each other.


Identify…as: to find out exactly what sth. is 把…确认为…

2. In our transient cultures, we depend more on friends for things we once got from families-emotional support and often even financial help. Paraphrase: In our cultures in which things change quickly, we get more things from friends, like emotional support and even financial support, which we got from families before.


desperately: adv.极其; 绝望地; 不顾一切地,拼命地

rank: v.分等级; n军衔, 职衔; 地位; 社会阶层; 排; 横列; 行列

3. Friends ranks with marriage and kinship as one of the most important relationships in our lives, yet it can be the most neglected.

Paraphrase: Friendship, together with marriage and family relationship, is one of the most important relationships in our lives, but sometimes we overlook it and pay very little attention to it.

友谊, 同婚姻和亲情一样,是我们一生中最重要的关系之一。

4. Then we find that the heart of friendship-how to make the relationship blossom, grow and survive-requires more attention and skill

少儿茶课件 篇4






少儿茶课件 篇5


To help achieve this, the Digital Libraries Initiative-Phase 2 plans to: 1. Selectively build on and extend research and tested activities in promising digital libraries areas; 2. Accelerate development, management and accessibility of digital content and collections; 3. Create new capabilities and opportunities for digital libraries to serve existing and new user communities, including all levels of education; 4. Encourage the study of interactions between humans and digital libraries in various social and organizational contexts.

为了达到这一目标,《数字图书馆首倡计划》第二阶段要 完成如下任务:1.针对发展前景看好的数字图书馆领域, 有选择地开展研究和实验活动;2.对数字化内容和数字化 藏书要加速开发、提高管理水平和易用性;3.为数字化图 书馆创造新的能力和机会,为具备各种不同教育水平的现 有用户和潜在用户服务;4.鼓励有关方面研究在各种社会 环境和组织环境中人与数字图书馆之间的互动关系。

6)长句较多 为了严密地表达事物之间的逻辑关系,用长句较多。

7)以it为形式主语的主语从句和不定式短语作主语 为了叙述方便起见,经常采用以it为形式主语的主语 从句和不定式短语作主语的结构,避免句子结构滞重。

Itisforhuman-centereddigitallibrariesresearchtoseek forfurtherunderstandingoftheimpactsandpotentialof digitallibrariestoenhancehumanactivitiesincreating, seeking,andusinginformationandtopromotetechnical researchdesignedtoachievethis.

进行以人为本的研究,目的是为进一步了解数字图书 馆在提高人类创建、查询和使用信息的能力上具备哪些影 响和潜力,并推动旨在提高这些能力的相关技术研究。

科技英语词汇的特点是一词多义、同义多性、结构丰 富和新词汇层出不穷,要求我们应具备丰富的专业背景知 识及相关学科知识,了解词语的构成。

1)根据专业实际选择词义 比如fighter,可译为战士、战斗机

2)根据语言实际选择词义 …for dirt will weaken the weld,其中weaken为减弱, 如果直译,不好理解,可以译为“减弱…的强度”易于理 解。


Inthepost-coldwarworld,advancementsininformation technologyaredrasticallychangingthewayUSconducts warfare.

在冷战后的世界里,信息技术的发展极大地改变了美国的 作战方式。

InformationSystems(IS)providetheoperational commanderwiththeadvantageofobservingthebattle space,analyzingeventsanddirectingforces.

信息系统给作战指挥官创造了观测作战空间、分析事件和 指挥部队的有利条件。

Withoutadequateprotectionmechanismsinplace,sensitive militaryoperationsaresusceptiblenow,morethanever,to invasion,sabotage,and/orcorruption.

现在,足够的保护机制尚未到位,敏感的军事活动比以往 任何时候更容易受到侵犯、破坏与(或)讹误(e Wu)的 影响。

1)词义引申 在原词义的基础上将词义适当引申以确切表达原文 精神实质。在科技英语中只有原词义不能确切表达原义 或采用原意会造成误解时才采用这种方法。

名词的词义引申 A gunship deficit has existed for years. (短缺)

b. 动词词义的引申 The huge increase in oil prices in the 1970s cast a cloud over the development plans of many developing nations. (投下一抹阴影)

HanoiromanceditsAsianneighborsforsixyears beforewinningitsmembershipinASEAN.

河内对其邻国进行了六年的亲善努力后成为东盟 的一员。

Buttherun-uptothemeeting(TheEarthSummit inRiodejaneiro)hasbeencoloredbyacrimonyover financingthenewplan,andsharpdifferencesbetween developedcountriesanddevelopingcountries.

世界峰会将会在里约热内卢召开。会前的准备期 弥漫着一种不协调的气氛;在为这项新计划提供资金 的问题上唇枪舌战,争得面红耳赤;在许多问题上发 达国家与发展中国家立场观点尖锐对立。

1.Malaysia,whichposteditshighestgrowthrateinadecate, istheregion’snewstarperformer,withIndonesiacloseonits heels.

2.HungryjoinedthegrowinglistoftheEastEuropean nationsturningtheirbacksonSovietaircraft-makers.

东欧越来越多的国家不再订购苏联制造的飞机,匈牙利 也是其中之一。

Turningtheirbackson本义为背弃、抛弃、轻视、拒绝,变 为不再订购。

3.DemocraticPartyleadersmetinWashingtonyesterdayto beginthepost-mortemontheirthreesuccessivepresidential electiondefeats.

民主党领导人昨天聚会华盛顿,开始仔细剖析该党连续三 次总统竞选失利的原因。

Post-mortem本义为对尸体进行检验或解剖,以查明死者 的死因,变为仔细剖析。

词义化解就是不直译词或词组的意思,而是用一种曲 折的方式解释该词或词组在特定句子中的本义。

比如Thecommondenominatorwasfearofcrime.(他们这 样做出于一个共同的原因)

ThePanamanianleaderpubliclyindicatedthathepossessed compromisinginformationaboutMrBushthatwasliableto harmhisbidfortheWhiteHouse.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

任何一个作用力都有一个大小相等方向相反的反 作用力。

In practice, time is relatively easy variable to control.

LastyearthegovernmentofAmericaearmarked substantialfoundstoupgradethecountry’sinfrastructure.


InMarch,TheSovietUnionagreedtosellIndiaMig-27 fighteraircraft.Indiawillusethese,andanymoreinthe pipeline,toupgradeitsownmilitaryequipment.

苏联在3月份同意向印度出售米格-27战斗机。印度将利 用这些飞机以及酝酿中的更多的这类军火购买来改进自身 的.军事装备。

Streamliningtheworkforcewillmakeindustrymore efficient,butitcouldsparkunrestamongworkerswho fearbeinglaidoff.

精简劳动力会提高工业效率,但也会引发担心自身会被解 雇的工作闹事。

3. Shower 大量拨款,连续发问,大量地给予,雨点般溅 落或晒向

These10criticallyinjuredvictimswereshoweredwith blazingfuelfromacrushingaircraft.


US Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney capped a trip to Seoul.


Thebirthofthenewcommonwealthcappedayearthat turnedYeltsinfromadiscountedmaverickintooneof thegreatfiguresofmodernhistory.

这一年叶利钦从一个无足轻重的我行我素者一跃成为 现代史上的一位显赫人物,而新的独立国家联合体的 诞生则给这一转变划上一个圆满的句号。

Someanalystsspeculatethataircraftacquisitionsanda plethoraofnewrouteshaveseverelytaxedthefinancial resourcesofthiscountry.

汉语中没有冠词,而英语中的冠词使用广泛,因 此汉译英时应注意冠词的使用。

The rate of achemical reaction is proportional to the concentrations of the reacting substances.


An atom is thesmallest particle of an element.

If youknow the frequency, you can find the wavelength.


Leakge will cause a fire; youmust take a good care of it.


Likechargesrepeleachotherwhileoppositecharges attract.


Practicallyallsubstancesexpandwhenheatedand constractwhencooled.


More faster in the place wherethe body is being heated.


CMOS covers a wider range in supply voltages.


There existneither perfect insulators nor perfect conductors.

汉语里的范畴词像工作、现象、作用、方法、技术、过 程、效应、变化、方法、设备等,译成英语时通常可以省略。



Somemotionsappeartobeverysimple,butothersvery complicated.

Theprincipalfunctionsthatmaybeperformedbyvacuum tubesarerectification,amplification,oscillation,modulation anddetection.

这篇论文总结了电子计算机、人造卫星和火箭等三个方面 的新成就。

Thethesissummedupthenewachievementsmadein electroniccomputers,artificialsatellitesandrockets.

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