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栏目: 英文感谢短句

2023-10-01 16:08

“Thanks for the Gift (谢馈赠)。”在这里你可以找到关于“英文感谢短句”的一切信息,创造机会比等待机会更容易成功。在我们日常所接触的社会环境之中,相互分享句子是一件蛮常见的事,句子承载了作者的思考和情感通过阅读能够释放出独特的美感。




3、Thanks for One’s Congratulation (谢恭贺)

4、That no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.

5、Itapos;s easy to make money. Itapos;s a lot tougher to make a difference. Teachers make a difference!


7、Thanks for One’s Hospitality (谢款待)


9、Rivers pushes us to the vast sea, the dawn brings us bright morning; my dear teacher, you lead us to a magnificent life。江河把我们推向浩瀚的大海,曙光给我们带来明媚的早晨;亲爱的老师,您把我们引向壮丽的人生。

10、Thank you so much for your generous hospitality。非常感谢您慷慨的款待。


12、Your most courteous (considerate)(delightful)letter……您那彬彬有礼(体贴入微)(令人欣慰)的来信……

13、The limits of your language are the limits of your the heart, not from the book.


15、A person who keep gratitude heart forever。 Are not in trouble.一个永保感恩心的人。就比较不会陷入困境。

16、Thanks anyway. 无论如何,还是谢谢你。(注:本句用在对方虽然没能帮上忙,但你仍想表达谢意)

17、No one is born this to who well so we have to learn to be grateful.没有人天生该对谁好所以我们要学会感恩。


19、I can never thank you enough。我对您永远感激不尽。


20、Thanks for the Gift (谢馈赠)


22、Can-can you have given me as the essence of life,after years of grinding washing,and the resulting long-and more!您给了我灿灿如金的生活真谛,经过岁月的磨洗,弥久而愈明!

23、Thanks very much.非常感谢。

24、It is a hopeless(definite)(positive)understatement to say that I am deeply (sincerely)(truly)grateful。这就是说“我深深的(真挚的)(真诚的)感谢”远不足以(不能确切)(不能明确)表达我的谢意。

25、Our beloved teacher, you are the spring shower that moistens our hearts。 The love and care you have given us will encourage us to go through a long and arduous journey。 亲爱的老师,您就象那春天的细雨,滋润着我们的心田。您给予我们的爱和关怀将鼓舞着我们走过艰难困苦。


27、I should like to express my gratitude for your kidness.我向您对我的好意表示感谢。

28、Thank you for contacting us. 有人写信来询问公司的服务,向他们对公司的兴趣表示感谢。

29、I really don't know how a can thank you enough。我真不知怎样感谢你才好。


31、Thank you for your gracious hospitality。感谢你们的亲切款待。

32、I'm very much indebted to you for you kidness。我非常感谢你的好意。

33、You're the greatest。你最棒了。

34、Many thanks for your kind and warm letter。感谢您友好而热情的来信。

35、Thank you for one of the most memorable days of my trip.为了旅途中最值得留念的一天,谨向您表示感谢。

36、you must give me the chance to return your kindnewhen you visit here。希望您光临我处,使我能答谢您的盛情。

37、I'm really very grateful to you for your advice。我真的非常感谢你的劝告。

38、I really can't thank you enough for the invitation。我对您的邀请真是感激不尽。


39、I want to express my sincere thanks to you.





44、I look forward to hearing from you soon.

45、Many thanks.多谢。


47、You couldn't have given me anything that I would enjoy more。你送给我的礼物真是让我太高兴了。

48、Some people say, Shien mountain, because mountains Weiwei, revered。 I would also like to say, Shien like the sea, because the sea is vast, beyond measure。有人说,师恩如山,因为高山巍巍,使人崇敬。我还要说,师恩似海,因为大海浩瀚,无法估量。

49、Thank you so much.非常感谢你。

50、At the outset, I want to thank you for your kindneto me and for your compliments.首先,我要感谢您对我的友爱和问候。




54、hank you for coming。谢谢你的光临。

55、I should like to express my appreciation。我谨表示我的谢意。

56、Please accept ( I wish to expre)my sincere (grateful) (profound) appreciation for ……请接受(致以)真挚的(衷心的)(深切的)感谢……

57、Many thanks for your coming here。多谢你的光临。


58、Thanks a lot what youve told me.多谢你告诉我。


60、Im very much indebted to you.我非常感谢你。

61、Youth, is doomed to be bumpy, with sweat and tears, have a grievance, unwilling and failure.青春,注定了要颠簸,要有眼泪和汗水,有委屈、不甘和失败。

62、It was good of you to take the time and trouble to write, and I sincerely appreciate your kindness.

63、Thank you for doing so much to make my trip to New York interesting (pleasant)(resultful).为了使我去纽约的旅游有趣(愉快)(大有收获),您做了许多事,特此致谢。

64、Im really very grateful to you.我真的非常感谢你。

65、I cannot tell you how delighted I was with the beautiful birthday present you gave me.我无法告诉你我收到你馈送的漂亮的生日礼物,我是多么的高兴。


67、With best regards to you, Mrs. Zhang, and the rest of your family

68、Your thoughtfulness has given me great joy。你的体贴关怀给了我巨大的欣慰。

69、Thanks for the Sending-off (谢送行)

70、Thank you for one of the most enjoyable visits we have had in many months。在您处的参观访问,是我们几个月中最愉快的一次。谨向您表示感谢。

71、Thank you very nuch for the book.非常感谢你给我这本书。

72、The world is so big but I met you, while the world is so small that I lost you in the end. 世界太大还是遇见你,世界太小还是丢了你。

73、Thanks a billion for the letter.谢谢你给我这封信。

74、I do appreciate your timely help.我的确很感激您的及时帮助。

75、I regret very much that I did not have an opportunity to thank you personally for ……未能面谢,深表遗憾。

76、every story has an ending.but in life, every end is a new beginning



78、We deeply appreciate your good wishes and congratulation.

79、It is very good of you to give me the book。你真是太好了,给了我那本书。



82、I hasten to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the kindness and hospitality you and your family accorded me all the while when I was in China.

83、Remembrance of things past, and so in the description, young age, is the teacher solemnly entrusted to us to correct deviation from the course, teacher solid hands Tuoqi our bright future。追忆似水年华,描述师生情深,在那青涩的年代,是老师郑重的嘱托为我们纠正了偏离的航向,是老师坚实的双手拖起我们灿烂的明天。


85、The original some do you think very important person, you not contact with him, and he really never reach you. 原来有些你自以为很重要的人,你不联系他,他就真的永远不会联系你。

86、I can never thank you enough for you generosity.我对您的慷慨大度永远感激不尽。


88、Sometimes, love is like a tour. You stop in many places, but there is always one that is your favorite.有时候,爱情就像一场旅行,你游览了许多个景点,而最令你向往只有一个地方。


90、This is to thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and to tell you how much I enjoyed seeing you once more.

91、Among the friends we make in life, there are only one or two who can be called ^v^ a special friend^v^and that's how think of you and why hope your birthday is the happiest of days!

92、It was nice(characteristically thoughtful) (more than kind) of you……承蒙好意(特别关心)(十二分好意)……


94、I want to be the reason to make you smile, be the people in your life who irreplaceable.我想成为你微笑的原因,做你生命中无可替代的那个人。

95、I love you more today than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow. 今天我爱你,比昨天多,但不如明天。


96、Don^v^t take it as an insult if I go to sleep during your speech; I^v^m very tired.

97、Thank you for contributing so much to the pleasure of our stay in ……感谢您为使我们在……的停留期间的愉快所作的许多努力。


99、I should like to say how grateful i am for his invitation。他向我提供了消息,我表示深切的感谢。

100、I’m much obliged.我非常感谢。



103、Your lovely Christmas card was most welcome.

104、the road of life is a spiral path, only swagger, flexible turning, can rise to the ideal.人


106、Looking forward to joining you at school as soon as possible.

107、Thanks for Recommendation (谢推荐)

108、it is the freshness of the deep spring of life.

109、Thanks a million (ever so much)。万分(非常)感谢。

110、I cannot tell you how much your letter delighted(relieved)(amused)(enchanted)me。我无法告诉您,您的来信使我多么高兴(宽慰)(觉得有趣)(陶醉)。

111、He gave you a favour, he gives you now, to express him!是他给了你恩惠,是他给了你现在,去感恩他吧!



114、Like stunned, heart must have another pure world. 喜欢发呆的人,心里一定有另一个纯净的世界。


115、it‘s true that we have been leading a difficult life, for we need not only to be under various external pressures, but also to be in the face of internal perplexities.you would be affected by the warmth of life if someone gives you a understanding look during your bitter struggle.even a mere glance would make you moved and inpired.

116、I'm just an ordinary person, I have my little emotion.我只是个*凡人,我也有我的小情绪。

117、I sincerely (deeply) (warmly) appreciate ……我真挚的(深深的)(热情的)感谢……


119、I can't remember when I had a more pleasant time。这是我度过的最愉快的时光。

120、Time is much more than money. At the end of your life, it's guaranteed you will be out of time and more than likely out of money as well, if you didn't value time.时间比金钱要重要的多。在生命尽头,你肯定会没时间,如果你不珍惜时间的话, 很有可能也没钱。



123、It's generous of you to take so much interest in my work( to give me so much of your time) (to show me so much consideration).承蒙对我的工作如此操心(为我花费这么多时间)(对我如此关怀)。


125、We were deeply touched by …………使我们深受感动。


127、Life is not a thankful,; The gratitude, all respect you. 感恩之心,人皆有之;感恩之人,世皆敬之。

128、心事重重 some thing weighs heavily on one s mind


130、Thank you again for your hospitality。再次谢谢你的热情款待。


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