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Could you give me some context for that question?~~你在收集类似的相关句子吗?下面,我们为你推荐了英文考试语录(精品200句),供你参考,希望能够帮助到大家。



2、Is it necessary to have a certain level of English proficiency before taking the English listening and speaking test?

3、Please use the restroom during the break.

4、Can I retake the exam if I am not satisfied with my results?

5、Can I take any breaks during the English listening test?

6、Despite my nerves, I was able to remain calm and composed during the exam.

7、Can I request extra time for the exam if I have a disability or accessibility issue?


9、You will receive one point for each correct answer.



12、The speaking test will start in five minutes.

13、What is the passing score for the exam?

14、How long will it take to receive my exam results?


16、Are there any study materials provided for the English listening and speaking test?

17、The exam was timed, so I had to manage my time effectively in order to finish all the questions.


19、How will the exam be proctored?

20、I'm not sure if I can finish this project on time. 我不确定我是否能按时完成这个项目。




23、What kind of listening materials should I practice with before the exam?

24、How do I know if I am registered for the correct date and time for the English listening and speaking test?



27、You are not allowed to bring any electronic devices into the exam room.


29、The exam was very challenging, and I struggled to complete it in the allotted time.

30、The exam required a lot of memorization, so I made sure to review my notes extensively.



33、Please make sure to read the instructions for each section carefully.


35、The exam was challenging but I did my best and feel pretty good about my performance.

36、You must complete all sections of the exam.

37、How will the speaking portion be conducted? Will there be an interviewer present or will I be recording my responses?


39、This is the final exam for this course.

40、You will not be allowed to leave the exam room for any reason during the exam.


41、I was relieved to see that the exam was multiple choice, as it made it easier to guess when necessary.


43、You are not allowed to speak to anyone else during the exam.

44、How long will I have to wait for my English listening and speaking test certificate?


46、How long is each section in the English listening test?

47、Can you give me some more details to help me answer the question?


49、I was able to recall information easily during the exam, thanks to my thorough studying.


51、How can I practice my pronunciation effectively?

52、Is the English listening test multiple choice or essay format?

53、How can I find a testing center near me?

54、Will my English listening and speaking test scores affect my scholarship eligibility?

55、You will be given one point for each correct answer in the listening section.

56、The exam was quite challenging, but I was able to use my critical thinking skills to work through the questions.

57、Please make sure to fill in the bubbles completely on the answer sheet.

58、You will hear a recording and then answer the questions.




61、I hope I do well on the exam.

62、I'm not confident in my answer. Can you review my work?

63、I want to learn more idiomatic expressions to improve my speaking.

64、The exam was difficult, but I did my best and am proud of my effort.

65、I was surprised by some of the questions on the exam, which seemed unrelated to what we had studied in class.

66、That's a tough question. Let me try to break it down.



69、Please pay close attention to the recording and take notes if necessary.


71、Can you give me an example?

72、What are the consequences of cheating on the English listening and speaking test?

73、I was able to apply the concepts I had learned in class to the exam questions.


75、Please make sure to use your time wisely during the exam.

76、You will be given one minute to review your answers after the exam.

77、I'm not sure if I'm on the right track with this. Can you confirm?

78、I was surprised by the format of the exam, which didn't match what I had expected.

79、Can you explain the reasoning behind the answer?

80、Can I use a translator during the English listening and speaking test?


81、Can I get a tutor to help me prepare for the exam?

82、The exam is just a few days away.


84、Could you explain the correct answer?

85、Can you show me step by step how to do this?

86、This exam is worth 30% of your grade.

87、I want to speak fluently and confidently.

88、The exam questions have been carefully designed to test your knowledge and understanding.

89、Can I use notes during the English speaking test?

90、I was disappointed to see that I had made a few careless mistakes on the exam, which brought down my score.

91、You cannot leave the exam room until you have completed the exam.

92、Can you suggest ways to improve my skills in multiple-choice questions?

93、I was able to easily identify the key points of the exam questions, thanks to my strong analytical skills.

94、I'm not sure if I'm understanding this correctly. Could you clarify?

95、The exam was quite long, and I started to feel fatigued towards the end.

96、Can you give me a moment to think about it?

97、What kind of questions can I expect in the listening section of the exam?

98、How can I improve my English pronunciation for the speaking test?




101、I was pleased to see that I had performed well on the exam, and achieved a high score.

102、I was quite nervous about the exam, but I tried to stay calm and focused.


104、The exam required a lot of math skills, which I had practiced extensively beforehand.

105、Will there be any visual aids or props provided during the speaking section?

106、Can I receive a refund if I need to cancel my exam?

107、Please make sure to read the questions carefully before answering.


109、Sorry, I didn't quite understand the question. Could you rephrase it?



112、Can I appeal my score for the English listening and speaking test?

113、Can you give me a moment to think?

114、Please write your name and exam number on the front page of the exam.

115、So if I understand correctly...

116、How can I improve my answer?

117、I'm not sure if I have enough information to answer that.

118、How long is the listening section of the exam?

119、I need a bit more time to think about that. Can we take a break?



121、Could you provide tips on how to better understand native speakers?

122、The exam required a lot of writing, so I made sure to practice my penmanship leading up to it.

123、We have 60 minutes to complete the exam.

124、Can I bring a translator with me to the testing center?


126、I need more confidence in my speaking abilities.

127、I'm sorry, I didn't quite get that. Could you repeat the question?


129、I'm not confident about my answer.

130、The exam was quite subjective, meaning that my answers were open to interpretation.

131、What are the requirements for individuals with disabilities taking the English listening and speaking test?

132、Can you give me an example to illustrate your point?

133、Can you give me some tips on how to prepare for the exam?

134、Could you give me a minute to gather my thoughts?


136、I made sure to review all the material in preparation for the exam.

137、Can I use my phone during the English listening and speaking test?

138、We need to hurry if we want to catch the train. 如果想要赶上火车,我们得赶紧。

139、I struggled with time management during the exam, and wasn't able to answer all the questions.



141、Let me make sure I'm clear on what you're asking.

142、Can I bring food or drinks with me to the testing center?

143、The exam will cover many different topics.

144、Let me make sure I have all the information straight.

145、Is there a time limit for the English speaking test?

146、I was surprised by some of the questions on the exam, but overall I felt prepared.


148、How will the exam results be used by universities or employers?


150、You will be given one point for each correct answer in the vocabulary section.

151、What kind of questions can I expect in the speaking section of the exam?

152、Is there a certain accent I need to use during the English speaking test?

153、Please make sure to bring all necessary materials with you to the exam.

154、I'm sorry, I don't have an answer for that.

155、The exam covered a lot of material that I found interesting and engaging.

156、The exam covered a lot of material, so I made sure to study every day leading up to it.

157、I want to become better at analyzing literary works.


159、Are there any vocabulary requirements for the English speaking test?

160、I need to develop my critical thinking skills.


161、You will receive one point for each correct multiple-choice answer.

162、Please do not write any notes on the exam paper.


164、You will be given a topic to discuss for two minutes.

165、Please take the exam seriously.


167、The exam will include multiple-choice questions.

168、The exam was difficult, but I was able to complete it successfully.

169、I studied hard for the exam, but still felt nervous on the day of the test.


171、Let me get my thoughts in order before I answer that.

172、Sorry, I'm not sure what you're asking me to do.

173、The restaurant was very crowded, so we had to wait for a table. 餐厅太拥挤了,所以我们得等桌位。

174、Can you recommend resources to learn more idiomatic expressions?



177、I see your point, but I still think...

178、Are there any restrictions on the language or vocabulary I can use during the speaking section?

179、During the exam, I had to think quickly and strategically in order to answer all the questions in the allotted time.

180、I was disappointed to see that I had missed a few questions that I knew the answers to.


181、I need to wear comfortable clothes for the exam.

182、How can I develop my creativity while writing?

183、Please make sure to write your answers clearly.

184、You will be evaluated based on your understanding of the material covered in class.

185、Please mark your answers on the answer sheet provided.

186、Despite the challenging nature of the exam, I felt confident in my ability to do well.

187、I was pleased to see that I had scored well on the exam, despite my nerves.


189、I need to work on my grammar.

190、The exam was structured in a way that tested both my knowledge and my ability to apply that knowledge.

191、How important is the English listening and speaking test for college admission?


193、You will be given a passage to read and then answer the questions.


195、How can I prepare for the English speaking test without a native speaker to help me?

196、You will have thirty seconds to answer each question.

197、How do I prepare for the English speaking test?


199、Let me make sure I understand your question correctly.

200、Could you give me some context for that question?


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