励志的句子 · 作文


我的爷爷英语作文 篇1

My grandpa is a retired worker. On summer evenings, we often sat together outside the house enjoying the cool air. It was the time that he told me lots of his experiences before liberation, some of which I've forgotten, but there is one I'll remember forever.

When my grandpa was fourteen years old, he worked in a coal mine. One day, when he and his two workmates were working in the tunnel an unfortunate thing suddenly happened. A part of the tunnel fell down, and they were shut in it. They had no food to eat. When they were hungry they only drank some water there. It was very cold in it. I order to keep warm they hugged one another. In the darkness, they didn't know whether it was day or night, they only felt they had stayed there for a very long time. They were too hungry to speak or move, and thought they would die. At last, the tunnel was dug through. They were saved. They had been there for fourteen days!

My grandpa said they had not been let out at once. If so, they would have died. They were kept at the entrance to the tunnel where it was very dim, and they were fed with some thin porridge. After a day or two, they had recovered a bit, and they were helped out.

After liberation, my grandpa worked very hard, and he was elected as an advanced worker every year. He is also a people representative of our city. He is loved and respected by everyone who knows him, and he lives the rest of his life happily.





我的爷爷英语作文 篇2

My grandfather is over sixty. He looks younger than his real age. He was a policeman before his retirement. He has a positive attitude towards his later years of life. He does physical exercises every morning. He can read books without wearing glasses. He is so strong that he is able to lift heavy things by himself.

He loves children very much. Every Monday afternoon he is invited to a nearby school to tell stories to the children about the life and work of the policemen. All the young pupils love him very much.




我的爷爷英语作文 篇3









我的爷爷英语作文 篇4

I have a nice grandfather. He is eighty years old. Although he is eighty years old, his body is still in good condition. He likes to listen to Beijing Opera. He often goes to do exercise, so many people ask him about Opera. He has a nice wife that is my grandmother. Grandfather is a good husband, and also is my good grandfather. His favorite color is red, because he thinks red stands for joyousness. I love my grandfather forever.



我的爷爷英语作文 篇5

I have a nice grandfather. He is eighty years old. Although he is eighty years old,his body is still in good condition. He likes to listen to Beijing Opera. He often goes to do exercise,so many people ask him about Opera.

He has a nice wife that is my grandmother. Grandfather is a good husband,and also is my good grandfather. His favorite color is red,because he thinks red stands for joyousness. I love my grandfather forever.



我的爷爷英语作文 篇6


My grandfatheris over sixty now,but he is in good health,and his hair is still black. He is tall and handsome,and looks like a gentleman.He is very kind to me.Believe it or not,he began to learn to drive last year,and now he drives his white Nissan every day.

My grandfather has taught English for about 35 years, and he has been to many countries, such as America, France and Canada. Now he is on holiday in Europe with my grandmother.



我的爷爷英语作文 篇7



我的爷爷英语作文 篇8









我的爷爷英语作文 篇9

我的爷爷(My Grandfather)

My grandfather is over sixty. He looks younger than his real age. He was a policeman before his retirement. He has a positive attitude towards his later years of life. He does physical exercises every morning. He can read books without wearing glasses. He is so strong that he is able to lift heavy things by himself.

He loves children very much. Every Monday afternoon he is invited to a nearby school to tell stories to the children about the life and work of the policemen. All the young pupils love him very much.

我的爷爷英语作文 篇10


My grandfather's name is Xia Zheng. He is 60 years old. He has grey hair and wrinkled face. He speaks slowly and has a good spirit. He is as delicate and healthy as flying.


My grandfather works hard in the factory and has good skills. He has brought many apprentices with him. The apprentices say that he is a good teacher. Because he has no reservation in passing, helping, guiding and teaching, the apprentices have learned a lot of skills in a short time.


Now I'm retired, and I'll spend my old age at home. He likes me very much. My sister and I are brought up by him. My grandpa is so hard! I love my grandfather. I hope he will live a long life.

我的爷爷英语作文 篇11

My grandfather is a famous professor. He is over sixty now, but he is in good health, and his hair is still black. He is tall and hand some, and looks like a gentleman. Believe it or not, he began to learn to drive last year, and now he drives his white Nissan every day.

My grand father has taught English for about 35 years, and he has been to many countries, such as America, France and Canada. Now he is on holiday in Europe with my grandmother.

He is very kind to me. When I was only five years old, he began to teach me English. Now, I an good at it.

I am proud of such a grandfather.





我的爷爷英语作文 篇12

when memory began for me, my grandfather was past sity-a great tall man with thick hair becoming gray. he had black eyes and a straight nose which ended in a slightly flattened tip. once he eplained seriously to me that he got that flattened tip as a small child when he fell down and stepped on his nose.

the little marks of laughter at the corners of his eyes were the prodnct of a kindly and humorous nature. the years of work which had bent his shoulders had never dulled his humour nor his love of a joke.

everywhere he went, "gramp" made friends easily. at the end of half an hour you felt you had known him all your life. i soon learned that he hated to give orders , but that when he had to, he tried to make his orders sound like suggestions.

one july morning, as he was leaving to go to the cornfield, he said : "edwin, you can pick up the potatoes in the field today if you want to do that. " then he drove away with his horses.

the day passed, and i did not have any desire to pick up potatoes. evening came and the potatoes were still in the field. gramp, dusty and tired, led the horses to get their drink.

"how many bags of potatoes were there?" gramp inquired. "i dont know. "

"how many potatoes did you pick up?"

"i didnt pick any. " "not any! why not?"

"you said i could pick, them up if i wanted to. you didnt say i had to. "

in the net few minutes i learned a lesson i would not forget: when gramp said i could if i wanted to, he meant that i should want to.

gram hated cruelty and injustice. the injustices of history, even those of a thousand years before, angered her as much as the injustices of her own day.

she also had a deep love of beauty. when she was almost seventy-five, and had gone to live with one of her daughters, she spent a delightful morning washing dishes because, as she said, the beautiful patterns on the dishes gave her pleasure. the bird, the flowers, the clouds-all that was beautiful around her- pleased her. she was like the father of the french painter, millet, who used to gather grass and show it to his son , saying , "see how beautif ul this is ! "

in a pioneer society it is the harder qualities of mind and character that are of value. the softer virtues are considered unnecessary. men and women struggling daily to earn a living are unable, even for a moment, to forget the business of preserving their lives. only unusual people, like my grandparents, manage to keep the softer qualities in a world of daily struggle.

such were the two people with whom i spent the months from june to september in the wonderful days of summer and youth.

我的爷爷英语作文 篇13

My grandfather is in his seventies now. He is a kind and warm-hearted old man.

He used to live with my family. At that time he always spent more than one hour examining my homework every day. When I was ill, he took good care of me. He showed great concern.

Grandfather is very warm-hearted to his neighbors and is always ready to help them. One day, a girl who is one of his neighbors injured her leg carelessly. My grandfather took her to the hospital at once and paid the fees with his own savings.

Now my grandfather is living in another city with my aunt. My parents and I all miss him very much. And I hope that I can go to visit him soon.





我的爷爷英语作文 篇14

My grandfather is over sixty. He looks younger than his real age. He was a policeman before his retirement. He has a positive attitude towards his later years of life. He does physical exercises every morning. He can read books without wearing glasses. He is so strong that he is able to lift heavy things by himself.

He loves children very much. Every Monday afternoon he is invited to a nearby school to tell stories to the children about the life and work of the policemen. All the young pupils love him very much.

我的祖父是六十多岁了。他看上去比实际年龄小。他退休前是一名警察。他对晚年有一种积极的态度。他每天早上做体育锻炼。他不戴眼镜也能看书。他很强壮,能自己举起重物。 他非常喜欢孩子。每周一下午,他被邀请到附近的学校给孩子们讲述警察的生活和工作。所有的小学生都非常爱他。

我的爷爷英语作文 篇15

I have a grandpa, he is nearly 70 years old, it sounds old for him, but in his heart, he is really young. Two years ago, when I was in summer holiday, I went back to hometown and visited him. When I used my cellphone, my grandpa could say out which brand it belonged to, he also told me the advantage and disadvantage of my cellphone. I was so surprised, my grandpa said since I went to school, he had nothing to do, so he became interested in the digital products. He is familiar with all kinds of digital products, he is so cool to me. My grandpa is so lovely, he is so fashionable, he is never old.


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