励志的句子 · 句子大全


1、Taste the ups and downs, to understand that life is not easy.

2、How much I want to walk with you in the snow, a careless white head.

3、The excellency of hogs is fatness,of men virtue. 猪的优点在于肥壮,人的优点在于美德。 Don't throw stones at your neightbours,if your own windows are glass. 假如你家的窗户是玻璃做的,别用石头打你的邻居。

4、To an optimist every change is a change for the better.

5、society can make a perpetual constitution, or even a perpetual law.

6、Too much desire is easy to numb, to know how to be content is the happiest.

7、For the study of digging Wells, the more difficult the well the deep soil, if unhappy heart to the end, or to see a fountain?

8、If you do what you should not,you must hear what you would not.

9、excuses for failure, to find ways to success。

10、There is no man so bad,but he secretly respects the good.

11、Breaking up was like a turning point in my life.

12、There a people only do two things: you are successful, h jealous of you; You have failed, he laugh at you。

13、Endure other people can't endure the pain, eat other people can't eat bitter, to harvest not harvest。

14、People are also often the truth and error together to teach, and inst on wrong。

15、Law can nerver be enforced unless fear supports it.

16、one can predict the future destiny, but we can use the joyful expression in the face of fate。

17、Complacency a terrible trap our; And, th trap we dig myself。

18、Again long way, step by step, also can go through, again a short road, do not stride feet can't reach。

19、Do not worry about the poor, do not aspire to wealth.

20、matter how beautiful the dream of a wise man is, it is not as good as the footprints of a fool.
