励志的句子 · 作文

本杰明巴顿观后感 篇1

有这样一个人,出生时相貌如同八旬老者,没有一丝啼哭,没有一丝叫喊,就安安静静的来到了我们的世界。他安静的降临并不代表他便可以被这个世界接受,从出生就受到人们以异样的眼光看待,说他是个怪物,他的出生是那家医院的耻辱,对那个接生医生是一种侮辱。 从出生就引起这样的波澜,注定他的一生不会平凡。






本杰明巴顿观后感 篇2










本杰明的养母是个伟大的母亲,她虽然读书不多,但她仍旧深谙生活之道,对生活总是充满了热情,在本杰明面对挫折和迷茫时,对他说“你永远也不清楚接下来会发生什么”, 用积极的态度带领着本杰明,操持着整个家。生命中不经意遇见了一些人,错过了知道的珍贵。虽然我们很小,但对于这个世界上的一些人来说,我们也是重要的人。


本杰明巴顿观后感 篇3



如果生命是一首交响曲,在平淡的序曲之后,他开始了第一乐章。 那是一位神乎其神的神父,激昂的祷告竟然真的让老迈的婴儿站立行走,虔诚的欢呼声中他邂逅了生命中第一个高潮,遇见到了黛西,第一个认为他不是老人的女孩儿,第一个触摸自己苍老脸颊的女孩儿,如今的你我都知道这样的第一次给予懵懂青春的意味。


不能飞行的鸟是悲哀的,不能相爱的青春亦然。异样的生命就要承受异样的痛苦,眼看着自己所爱的人一个个衰老,离开这个世界,明白了这一点的时候他选择了主动离开,追逐有更具内容的生活,而非逆来顺受。那一年,他17岁。 他开始习惯了生活,酒和女人,只是,战争来了,带走了一些人,他身边的一些人,那些在我们记忆中仅占据一小块地方的人却让我们记忆深刻,这些人用离成熟了他面对生活的心。








这注定是一部典型的制作精良的好莱坞生活史诗,地位将与《Forrest Gump 》比肩,只是本杰明蕴藏了巨大的戏剧张力,这源于人类妄图纠正过往,完美人生的欲望。




本杰明巴顿观后感 篇4














本杰明巴顿观后感 篇5





an analysis on language features of english business correspondence







2011年 7月18 日



table of contents

abstract1i. introduction2

1. synopsis2

2. classic sentence3

ii. about the author4

iii. review5




review of the curious case of benjamin button


the reason why i choose this book is it makes me fell the time goes on and the love between benjamin button and daisy. i like the details in this book, it’s so amazing so i want to introduce the good book to everyone. i will introduce all the information about this book include the synopsis, the writer and view.

key words: time, life, love



ⅰ. introduction

1. synopsis

this story's hero is a stranger called benjaminbarton. he violated the law of nature, born with old people’s image, after living longer and younger, growing backwards. 1919 benjamin button was born in baltimore, when he was born he had a 70-year-old "old" face, his father abandoned him casually in the street.

fortunately, a kindly black woman adopted him, she taught her wisdom to him through all the years. in 1930, benjamin 11-year-old (he looks 60 years old), he encountered a 6-year-old daisy, only 6-year-old girl daisy, she's cute and innocent ***pletely conquered the "old man" barton's heart. and barton’s sincere, clear heart also touched little daisy, the meaning of love between the two began to grow ……

ten years later, world war ii was more fiercely burn the whole world. button like many americans, took the boat came to britain from the united states to contribute to anti-fascist war. during this period, benjamin came to the uk from the united states by boat, the way he met a wide variety of characters, and saw the real tragedy, but also to experience the greatest glory of human nature.

among these, he met elizabethabbott, have a brief affair, while she was the other married, and soon left. after world war ii, benjamin returned to the united states. at this point, he already had cast off old appearance, gradually grow into a middle-aged.

he reunited in new york met daisy who is now a successful dancer. by this time daisy already had another lover, benjamin had to leave. in 1950, they finally seem about the same age benjamin and daisy were got together, spent the best time of their lives.

however, when younger and younger benjamin was, he realized that he could no longer live with daisy together; daisy needs a more normal life…

2. classic sentence

⑴ it isn't how well you play, it's how you feel about what you're playing... we're meant to lose the people we love. how else would we know how important they are to us.

⑵. you can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went... you can swear, curse the fates, regretted everything you ever did.

but when it ***es to the end... you have to let it go...

⑶. when i was a boy i would love to wake up before anybody else and run down to the lake to watch the day begin. it was as if i was the only one alive.

⑷. there is always something that i should remember for the rest of my life.

⑸. maybe some things last.

⑹. everybody feels different about themselves one way or another. we're all going the same way, just taking different roads to get there...

you're on your own road, benjamin.

ⅱ. about the author

f. scott fitzgerald was one of the major american writers of the twentieth century -- a figure whose life and works embodied powerful myths about our national dreams and aspirations. fitzgerald was talented and perceptive, gifted with a lyrical style and a pitch-perfect ear for language.

he lived his life as a romantic, equally capable of great dedication to his craft and reckless squandering of his artistic capital. he left us one sure masterpiece, the great gatsby; a near-masterpiece, tender is the night; and a gathering of stories and essays that together capture the essence of the american experience. his writings are insightful and stylistically brilliant; today he is admired both as a social chronicler and a remarkably gifted artist.

fitzgerald was born in st. paul, minnesota, on september 24, 1896. his father, edward fitzgerald, was descended from maryland gentility; he was dapper and well bred but lacked ***mercial acumen and, after a series of business failures, was forced to rely on support from his wife's family.

fitzgerald's mother was mollie mcquillan, an intelligent, eccentric woman whose irish immigrant father had made a success in st. paul as a wholesale grocer. the fitzgeralds lived conventionally -- "in a house below the average / on a street above the average," wrote young fitzgerald in a poem.

as a boy he was precocious: handsome and socially observant, he wrote plays for the local dramatic society and produced fiction and poetry for the school news*****. in 1911 his parents sent him east to a catholic prep school, the newman school in hackensack, new jersey, where he came under the influence of a sophisticated priest, monsignor sigourney fay, and an anglo-irish author named shane leslie.

these two men ignited his literary ambitions and encouraged him to develop his considerable talent as a writer. fitzgerald entered princeton in the fall of 1913. he was captured immediately by the great beauty of the university and by its aura of high striving and achievement.

he labored under social disadvantages there -- he was a midwesterner and an irish catholic -- but his enthusia** and literary talent won him some successes during his first two years. he wrote musical ***edies for the ******** club, published fiction and poetry in the nassau literary magazine, and accepted a bid to the prestigious cottage club. he was an indifferent student, though, and his poor marks eventually caught up with him, denying him the awards he had dreamed of.

fitzgerald never took a degree from princeton; he made a semi-honorable exit from the university in 1917, answering the call to colors and serving as an army officer in world war i.

to his great regret, fitzgerald "didn't get over." his battalion was waiting in new york to embark for europe just as the armistice was signed in november 1918. fitzgerald never saw the front, but the war years were momentous for him in other ways.

in the summer of 1918, while in a training camp near montgomery, alabama, he met zelda sayre, a beautiful and unconventional belle, the daughter of a prominent local judge. fitzgerald fell in love with her -- with her passionate nature and adventurous spirit -- and they became engaged. after his discharge from the army he took a job in advertising in new york city, determined to make a success in business so that they might marry.

fitzgerald was a failure as an ad man, though, hating the work and chafing at his separation from zelda. she lost faith in him, believing that he could not support her, and broke off their engagement in june 1919. after an epic bender, fitzgerald quit his advertising job and spent his last few dollars on a train ticket home to st.

paul. he meant to prove himself to zelda by writing a novel: "i was in love with a whirlwind," he later recalled, "and i must spin a *** big enough to catch it out of my head.

"fitzgerald began this improbable quest by resurrecting the typescript of a novel that he was calling "the romantic egotist." he had finished the narrative during army training camp, working on it in the officers club during nights and weekends. the book had been rejected twice by charles scribner's sons, a prestigious new york publishing house, but a young editor there named maxwell perkins had recognized fitzgerald's promise and had told him to keep trying.

during the summer of 1919, working diligently in the attic of his parents' home in st. paul, fitzgerald reconceived "the romantic egotist" and transformed it into this side of paradise, a daring and experimental novel. perkins accepted the book in september for publication the following spring.

backed by this success, fitzgerald rekindled his romance with zelda. they renewed their engagement and were married in st. patrick's cathedral in new york on april 3, 1920, just a week after publication of this side of paradise.

the novel was an immediate hit, with enthusiastic reviews and excellent sales, and the fitzgeralds became famous overnight. fitzgerald found that he was in demand as a writer; his price for stories rose quickly, and he began to write much ***mercial short fiction -- a dependable source of money for the extravagant life that he and zelda now were leading. these triumphs in literature, love, and finances gave fitzgerald great faith in his talent and luck.

"the ***pensation of a very early success is a conviction that life is a romantic matter," he later wrote. "in the best sense one stays young."

for fitzgerald the early 1920s were productive. he published a second novel, the beautiful and damned, in 1922; it marked an advance over this side of paradise in form and style, though it lacked the energy and charm of the earlier book. fitzgerald also wrote some of his best short stories during these years -- prophetic tales like "may day" and "the diamond as big as the ritz" and perceptive character studies like "dalyrimple goes wrong" and "the ice palace.

" he and zelda lived near new york city, in a cottage in westport, connecticut; later they rented a house on great neck, long island, where they socialized with the manhattan literati and the broadway theater crowd of the day. in the spring of 1924 the fitzgeralds and their young daughter scottie, born in 1921, traveled to europe and settled on the french riviera. fitzgerald needed quiet and freedom from distraction in order to ***pose his third novel.

he labored through the summer and by october had ***pleted a narrative called "trimalchio" -- a short, well-crafted novel of manners set on long island. his hero was a hazily depicted parvenu from the midwest named jay gatsby. fitzgerald mailed the novel to perkins in new york, and perkins had it set in type for spring publication.

fitzgerald continued to work on the text in galley proofs, however, rewriting two chapters, focusing jay gatsby's character more sharply, and infusing the story with an aura of myth and wonder. the novel, now titled the great gatsby, was published in april 1925. reviews were good but sales disappointing.

in the years that followed, however, gatsby would win much praise and ascend to a very high place in the american literary canon. today it is probably the most widely read american novel of the twentieth century.

the great gatsby established fitzgerald as a skilled professional. this is one of the paradoxes of his life: though he was sometimes frivolous and irresponsible in his personal behavior, he was thoroughly serious as an artist.

he had a good understanding of the marketplace and was ambitious and self-critical, aiming to create a body of writing that would survive him. his struggles to balance work against amusement, popular appeal against literary artistry, energized his career and gave ***plexity to the fiction he wrote. the fitzgeralds remained in europe during the late 1920s.

these were years of growth for fitzgerald; he read and traveled and observed, "seeking the eternal carnival by the sea" and capturing in his fiction the exotici** of the great european cities. he knew james joyce, gertrude stein, sylvia beach, sinclair lewis, and archibald macleish; his and zelda's closest friends were gerald and sara murphy, a sophisticated american couple who later served as partial models for dick and nicole diver in tender is the night. fitzgerald also met a talented young writer named ernest hemingway, and they became intimate friends for a time.

their relationship, however, was eventually eroded by ***petition and jealousy, mostly on hemingway's part.

the fitzgeralds' marriage began to disintegrate during their last few years in europe. fitzgerald's drinking increased as he struggled to produce a new novel; he managed to write some excellent short fiction, including the basil duke lee stories of 1928 and 1929, but failed to make much progress on the manuscript of his book. zelda's health deteriorated as she worked fervently to construct a life of her own as a ballet dancer.

talented and restless, she wanted an identity apart from her role as fitzgerald's wife. the strain of ballet training helped to bring about a mental breakdown in 1930 from which she never entirely recovered.

the family returned to america in 1931. fitzgerald managed to ***plete his novel tender is the night while living in baltimore. scribners published the book in april 1934 to generally good reviews but, again, to only moderate sales.

fitzgerald was greatly disappointed; he had worked on the book over a nine-year period, putting the manuscript through some seventeen drafts. tender is the night shows evidence of this labor on every page; it is a brilliantly written study of expatriate life, but its flashback structure causes difficulty for readers, and the fall of its hero, dick diver, seems overly precipitate.

fitzgerald's personal life went into decline after the novel was published. his health, never strong, had been damaged by the push to finish the novel, and his personal troubles had left him creatively and financially drained. zelda was being treated at johns hopkins hospital and later in clinics near asheville, north carolina.

in good periods she and fitzgerald lived toge...

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