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栏目: 结婚英文文案

2023-12-23 08:39

【#文案# #结婚视频英文文案#】“你就是我的永远幸福。”新人走向他们的婚礼,这是双方家长最期待的幸福时刻。当送上结婚祝福语,新人会感到十分感动。那么,在写好结婚祝福语方面,有什么要点呢?为了帮助您,我们特为您准备了有关“结婚视频英文文案”的精选信息。


1、花烛笑迎比翼鸟,洞房喜开并头梅。 Candles laugh at the winged birds and the cave opens happily with plums.

2、The moment we said "I do," the world became an enchanting canvas painted with love and romance.

3、Two hearts united as one, a lifetime of love and happiness has begun.


5、作为朋友,我要把深深的祝福送给你,祝你们一生幸福,一辈子相依。 As friends, I want to give you my deep wishes. I wish you a happy life and a lifetime of interdependence.



8、As we exchange vows and rings, we promise to cherish and support each other through all that life brings.

9、Through our journey of love and companionship, we have reached the destination of marriage, where we will create a lifetime of beautiful memories together.

10、As we say "I do", our hearts dance with joy, knowing that our love is forever and cannot be destroyed.

11、In each other's arms, we find solace and strength, forever bound by the sacred vows we'll take.


13、They made a commitment to each other, got married, and then welcomed their child into the world.

14、Love brought us together, and today, love will guide us as we say our vows. With you by my side, I am confident that we can conquer any challenge and create a marriage filled with joy, laughter, and endless love.

15、洞房昨夜停红烛,待晓堂前拜舅姑。妆罢低声问夫婿,画眉深浅入时无? The cave stopped red candles last night to pay homage to uncles and aunts in front of the dawn hall. Make up and ask your husband in low voice. Is the eyebrow deep and shallow?

16、They chose to spend their lives together, got married, and embraced the joys of parenthood.

17、相亲相爱到永远,海枯石烂心不变! Dear and dear to each other forever, the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten and the heart remains unchanged!

18、As we walked down the aisle, our hearts were filled with excitement and anticipation for the journey ahead as husband and wife.

19、As we walked down the aisle, a symphony of butterflies fluttered in our stomachs, and our hearts whispered promises of eternal love.

20、Their love for each other blossomed, leading to marriage and the birth of their first child.


21、Their love story unfolded into a beautiful marriage and the arrival of their firstborn.

22、兄弟,我终于喝到你的喜酒了,我真是太开心了,你可要与新娘好好的。 Brother, I’ve finally drunk your wedding wine. I’m so happy that you can have a good time with the bride.


24、From the first look to the last dance, our wedding day was a breathtaking masterpiece of love, expertly crafted by destiny itself.

25、新娘如此可爱,新郎必定英俊不凡。 The bride is so lovely that the groom must be handsome.

26、From the moment we said "I do," our lives intertwined, creating a bond that will last a lifetime.

27、海枯石烂同心永结地阔天高比翼齐飞,好事连连好梦圆圆合家欢乐双燕齐飞。 The sea is dry, the rocks are rotten, the sky is wide and the sky is high, the good things fly together, the dream is round, the family is happy, the two swallows fly together.

28、You are my happily ever after.

29、今夜洞房,两头鸳鸯,先生儿子,再生姑娘。 Tonight in the cave, there are two mandarin ducks, Mr. son, and a new girl.

30、Love is a journey that starts forever and never ends.

31、Today, we commit to building a special bond that will forever be our sanctuary. Through the highs and lows, our love will remain steadfast, and our marriage will be an anchor of strength and happiness.

32、In the presence of friends and family, we declare our love for one another, promising to support and stand by each other for eternity.

33、祝你们永结同心,百年好合,新婚快乐。 I wish you all the best in your life and a happy new marriage.


35、Together, we embark on a new journey of love and commitment. Our wedding day is a testament to the beginning of our forever.

36、With every step towards you, my heart brimmed with anticipation, as if a thousand fireworks were dazzling the night sky, celebrating our union.



39、真是郎才女貌,祝福你们夫妻感情增,早生贵子,家庭美满,永结同心。 It’s really a talented woman. I wish your husband and wife more affection, younger children, a happy family and a lasting union.


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