励志的句子 · 句子大全



1、花烛笑迎比翼鸟,洞房喜开并头梅。 Candles laugh at the winged birds and the cave opens happily with plums.


3、With every step towards you, my heart brimmed with anticipation, as if a thousand fireworks were dazzling the night sky, celebrating our union.

4、With great joy, we announce our marriage, grateful for the love we have found in each other and the love we receive from our friends and family.


6、Today, we gather to witness a love that knows no boundaries. Two souls that have found solace in each other's arms, ready to embark on a lifelong adventure that is destined to be extraordinary.


8、Love is not something you find. Love is something that finds you. 爱情不是你找到的,而是找到你的。

9、Love brought us together, and today, love will guide us as we say our vows. With you by my side, I am confident that we can conquer any challenge and create a marriage filled with joy, laughter, and endless love.

10、As you embark on this new chapter of your lives, may your love be a shining example to all those around you. Congratulations and best wishes!

11、灯下一对幸福侣,洞房两朵爱情花,金屋笙歌偕彩凤,洞房花烛喜乘龙。 A couple of happy couples under the lamp, two love flowers in the cave room, the golden house singing together with the colorful phoenix, and the cave flower candles are happy to ride on the dragon.



14、新娘真慷慨,新郎好人才;好语讲归载,为着您相爱。 The bride is so generous and the groom is so talented; the good words are recorded for your love.





19、I vow to always have a patient and forgiving heart towards you.

20、好事连连,好梦圆圆,祝新婚快乐,百年好合。 Happy New Marriage and a Century of Harmony.



22、Two hearts united as one, a lifetime of love and happiness has begun.



25、After finding love, they took the next step and got married, ready to start their own family.

26、Love is not about finding someone you can live with, but finding someone you can't live without. 爱不是关于找到一个你能够共度一生的人,而是找到一个你无法没有的人。

27、Through our journey of love and companionship, we have reached the destination of marriage, where we will create a lifetime of beautiful memories together.

28、Celebrate the joining of two hearts, as their love blossoms into a lifetime of happiness and togetherness.


30、Love brought us together, and marriage seals our forever bond.



33、In the sacred union of marriage, two lives intertwine as they promise eternal devotion and embrace a future filled with love.

34、Love conquers all. 爱能战胜一切。

35、春暖洞房鸳被叠,柔情蜜意交相。 Spring warmth cave mandarin ducks are folded, tender and sweet.

36、The moment we exchanged rings, we knew our lives would forever be changed, as we embarked on this incredible journey as partners for life.

37、We exchanged vows and promised to love and cherish each other for the rest of our lives.


39、A love story meant to last a lifetime, they said "I do" and began their forever in each other's arms.

40、Wishing you a lifetime of love and laughter together. May your journey as a married couple be filled with beautiful moments and endless joy.


41、Congratulations to the newlyweds! Here's to a lifetime of love, companionship, and unforgettable memories. May your love story continue to inspire others.


43、From this day forward, we promise to inspire each other, to be each other's rock through thick and thin. Together, we will create a love story that will be remembered for generations to come.


45、In a world full of chaos, they found solace in each other's arms. Today, we honor their commitment to love, cherish, and support one another.

46、祝你们永结同心,百年好合,新婚快乐。 I wish you all the best in your life and a happy new marriage.

47、As we say "I do", our hearts dance with joy, knowing that our love is forever and cannot be destroyed.

48、Love is not about how many days, weeks or months you've been together, it's about how much you love each other every day. 爱不是关于你们在一起多少天、多少周或多少月,而是关于你们每天彼此多么相爱。

49、Our wedding day was a dream come true, adorned with roses and tears of joy, as our love story unfolded amidst a fairytale atmosphere.

50、Together, we embark on a new journey of love and commitment. Our wedding day is a testament to the beginning of our forever.

51、May your marriage be filled with joy, laughter, and endless blessings. Congratulations on finding your perfect match!

52、Two beautiful souls, one incredible love story. Congratulations on your wedding and may your love story always be filled with happiness and bliss.

53、开心锣鼓双截棍,红梅绽雪贺新婚。劳斯莱斯红地毯,礼炮齐鸣喜震天。 Happy gongs and drums, double truncated sticks, red plums blossom snow to congratulate the newlyweds. Rolls-Royce red carpet, salutes burst into joy.


55、Our wedding day is a dream come true, a day we have eagerly awaited to express our love and commitment to each other in front of everyone we hold dear.

56、Congratulations on your wedding! May your love grow stronger each day, and your marriage be filled with happiness and harmony.


58、As we exchange rings today, let them be a symbol of the unbreakable bond we are about to create. Our love will be everlasting, our commitment unwavering, as we embark on this incredible journey of matrimony.

59、In each other's arms, we find solace and strength, forever bound by the sacred vows we'll take.

60、With the touch of your hand, my heart danced to the rhythm of love, as we exchanged vows in the most romantic setting.


61、相亲相爱到永远,海枯石烂心不变! Dear and dear to each other forever, the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten and the heart remains unchanged!

62、洞房里面样样新,满屋闹房是笑声。新郎新娘百年好,幸福生活万古春。 The cave is new and full of laughter. The bride and groom live happily ever after.

63、Two hearts have become one, as they embark on the greatest adventure of their lives. Join us as we celebrate their journey of love.

64、I cannot wait to spend forever with you.

65、Congratulations on your wedding! May your love for each other continue to grow stronger every day.

66、Wishing you a lifetime of shared dreams, laughter, and love. Congratulations on your wedding and may your future be filled with endless possibilities.

67、红妆带绾同心结,碧树花开并蒂莲。 Red make-up bands knot together, green trees blossom and Tilian.


69、You are my rock, my refuge, my everything. 你是我的坚定,我的避难所,我的一切。

70、看见你俩开始生活在一起,我内心充满了欢愉。 Seeing you two begin to live together fills my heart with joy.

71、Today, we declare our love to the world and pledge to be partners for life.

72、Love is not just a feeling, it is a commitment that we are ready to make together. Let's embark on this beautiful journey of marriage, hand in hand, forever.


74、With love as our guide, we take this step towards a lifetime of shared dreams and happiness.

75、In marriage, love is the mutual support and encouragement that enables two individuals to grow and thrive together.

76、灯下一对幸福侣洞房两朵爱情花金屋笙歌偕彩凤洞房花烛喜乘龙。 Under the lamp, a couple of happy couples in the cave, two love flowers in the golden room, singing and singing, and the colorful Phoenix in the cave, the candles are happy to ride on the dragon.

77、In that tender moment, under a sky filled with shimmering stars, our souls intertwined and vowed to walk hand in hand on the path of eternal love.

78、May your hearts be forever knitted together, and may your bond grow stronger with each passing day. Congratulations on your wedding, and may love guide you through this magical journey.





82、In the presence of friends and family, we declare our love for one another, promising to support and stand by each other for eternity.


84、The moment we said "I do," the world became an enchanting canvas painted with love and romance.

85、海枯石烂同心永结地阔天高比翼齐飞,好事连连好梦圆圆合家欢乐双燕齐飞。 The sea is dry, the rocks are rotten, the sky is wide and the sky is high, the good things fly together, the dream is round, the family is happy, the two swallows fly together.

86、Together we can conquer the world. 一起我们可以征服世界。


88、Love is not defined by just one moment; it's an intricate tapestry woven by countless cherished memories. Our wedding photos capture the essence of these memories, a visual reminder of the love that has been and will continue to blossom.

89、Love is not defined by grand gestures but by the little things we do every day. Today, we promise to love, respect, and cherish each other, truly understanding the power of these small acts in creating a fulfilling and lasting marriage.

90、As you begin this new chapter in your lives, may your love be like a guiding light, leading you through any challenges that may come your way. Congratulations and best wishes on your marriage!


92、No matter the storm, love will always be the shelter that protects us.


94、相亲又相爱,共苦与同甘,祝贺新婚快乐美满。 Best wishes for a happy marriage.



97、Warmest congratulations to both of you on your wedding day! May your love shine brightly, illuminating your path as you embark on this incredible journey together.



100、Our marriage symbolizes the merging of two souls, two lives, and two families.


101、In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. 在这世界上,没有一个人的心能像你的心一样属于我。


103、Best wishes to the newlyweds! May your love be as strong as the ocean waves, and may your days be filled with laughter, love, and endless joy.

104、Two souls, two hearts, now unite as one. As we say "I do" in front of our loved ones, let's celebrate the beginning of a lifelong adventure that is bound to be extraordinary.

105、May our wedded life be as beautiful as the love we share, surrounded by family and friends who care.




109、Join us on this joyous occasion as we unite in love and exchange our vows, creating memories that will eternally shine.

110、As we exchange vows and rings, we promise to cherish and support each other through all that life brings.

111、好事连连,好梦圆圆合家欢乐,双燕齐飞。 Good deeds come in succession, good dreams come round and family are happy, both swallows fly together.

112、Love is like a blooming flower that continuously blossoms in a marriage through the nurturing and care from a partner.




116、May your wedding day be just the beginning of a lifetime filled with love and happiness. Congratulations to the newlyweds!






121、Today, we commit to building a special bond that will forever be our sanctuary. Through the highs and lows, our love will remain steadfast, and our marriage will be an anchor of strength and happiness.

122、Wishing you both a lifetime of love and happiness as you begin this beautiful journey together.






128、Surrounded by family and friends, love enveloped us like a soft embrace, creating a magical tapestry of memories that will forever be cherished.



131、Today, as we become husband and wife, we embrace the promises of forever. Our wedding photos embody the hopes, dreams, and the pure happiness that fills our hearts as we begin this new chapter as partners for life.


133、The love and happiness we felt on our wedding day was shared by everyone present, creating an atmosphere of pure bliss and euphoria.

134、Our wedding ceremony was a beautiful testament to our love, surrounded by family and friends who supported and celebrated our union.


136、Celebrate the union of two souls, as we embark on our journey towards eternal love.

137、From the first look to the last dance, our wedding day was a breathtaking masterpiece of love, expertly crafted by destiny itself.

138、Each smile in our wedding photos represents a thousand unspoken words, an unbreakable bond that will withstand the test of time. With every click of the camera, our love story is immortalized, reminding us of the happiness we share.




141、Love united two souls, and today we celebrate their bond in this beautiful wedding poster.

142、To a love that's meant to last forever, congratulations on your wedding and may your journey be as beautiful as your love for each other.

143、Our love story began with a simple "hello" and has now blossomed into a beautiful journey. Today, we capture this extraordinary moment of our lives through our wedding photos, a testament to our endless love and commitment.

144、From our first date to the moment we said "I do," our love has flourished in the face of adversity. In our wedding photos, we triumph over obstacles, showcasing the strength of our unity and the beauty of overcoming challenges together.


146、Our wedding day was a symphony of laughter, tears, and heartfelt vows, painting a picture of love that will adorn the walls of our hearts forever.

147、Love is like the wind, you can't see it, but you can feel it. - 爱情就像风一样,看不见,但可以感受到。


149、爱海无际,爱情永固,爱心永恒,白首成约。 Love is endless, love is eternal, love is eternal, white head contract.

150、兄弟,我终于喝到你的喜酒了,我真是太开心了,你可要与新娘好好的。 Brother, I’ve finally drunk your wedding wine. I’m so happy that you can have a good time with the bride.


152、Our wedding photos are the windows to our souls, revealing the depth of our love and the magnitude of our commitment. Through every shot, we invite the world to witness this extraordinary love story, one that will last a lifetime.

153、Their love story unfolded into a beautiful marriage and the arrival of their firstborn.

154、Today, we gather here to celebrate the merging of two souls, two hearts, and two families as we unite in matrimony.

155、Today, two hearts become one as you exchange your vows. May the love you share continue to blossom and fill your lives with happiness. Congratulations on your marriage!

156、As we embark on this new chapter of our lives, we glance back at our individual paths that led us here. Our wedding photos tell the tale of two separate lives merging into one, a breathtaking fusion of dreams and destinies.

157、Every photograph captures a story, and today, our wedding photos tell the tale of our love story that surpasses all barriers. In each frame, we radiate joy, contentment, and an unwavering bond that no words can describe.

158、祝你们两个在今后的日子里能够幸福快乐,恩爱一生。 I wish you two a happy and loving life in the future.

159、洞房昨夜停红烛,待晓堂前拜舅姑。妆罢低声问夫婿,画眉深浅入时无? The cave stopped red candles last night to pay homage to uncles and aunts in front of the dawn hall. Make up and ask your husband in low voice. Is the eyebrow deep and shallow?







165、In marriage, love is a commitment, a promise to give oneself completely to the other.

166、From falling in love to exchanging vows, they embarked on a journey that led to parenthood.




170、愿你们牵手人生风雨,永远不离不弃! May you join hands in the storms of life and never give up!

171、In this vast universe of love, we have found each other, and today we stand together, promising to conquer all challenges as a team. Our wedding photos reflect the start of this incredible adventure, a visual celebration of our united souls.

172、Our wedding day was a celebration of our love story, a day when two separate paths merged into one, forming a new and stronger foundation.

173、Congratulations on finding your soulmate and taking the plunge into eternal love. Wishing you a marriage filled with beautiful moments and a lifetime of happiness together.

174、Our wedding photos freeze time, preserving the magic of this day forever. With every glance, we are transported back to the beginning of our journey, reliving the emotions that filled our hearts and the dreams that brought us together.


176、Our love story continues, as we create a new chapter together in the institution of marriage.

177、In a world full of chaos and uncertainty, I found my anchor in you. Today, I choose you as my partner for life, to create a love story that will withstand the tests of time.

178、The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of the fact that we are not perfect. 生命中最大的幸福是确信我们被爱;被爱的是我们自己,或者更确切地说,尽管我们不完美,却也被爱。

179、As our eyes locked and our lips met in a passionate kiss, time stood still, and the world became a mesmerizing canvas that showcased our eternal love.

180、Today, we step into a new phase of life as husband and wife. As we exchange vows, we promise to support each other, cherish each other, and build a future filled with love and happiness.


181、真心愿你们福星高照,幸福每日递增。 I sincerely hope that your stars shine brightly and happiness increases daily.



184、Love is not words, it's actions. 爱情不是言辞,而是行动。




188、Love is not just looking at each other, it's looking in the same direction. 爱情不仅是互相看对方,而是朝着同一个方向看。

189、As we walked down the aisle, a symphony of butterflies fluttered in our stomachs, and our hearts whispered promises of eternal love.


191、Love knows no boundaries, and today we witness the union of two souls who conquered distance and found their forever in each other's embrace.

192、上帝赐福于你,愿你们一生一世都看见圣城耶路撒冷的好处! God bless you. May you see the good of the Holy City of Jerusalem all your life!






198、On this special day, I send my warmest congratulations to the happy couple. May your love story be a masterpiece, filled with joy, passion, and everlasting love.


200、祝你们永结同心,百年好合!新婚愉快,甜甜蜜蜜!互相照顾,祝福你们! I wish you all the best for a hundred years. Happy new marriage, sweet! Take care of each other, bless you!


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