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【#句子大全# #三八妇女节吐槽句子89句#】Women are too materialistic.~~读了这些句子有什么感触?励志的句子小编经过整理,为你编辑了三八妇女节吐槽句子89句,供你阅读参考,并请收藏本页面!


1、Women can never take a compliment.

2、Women want equal rights, but they don't want equal responsibilities.

3、Women are always looking for something to complain about.

4、Women's Day is just a way for women to guilt trip men into giving them what they want.

5、Women are always jealous of other women.

6、Men are expected to do everything, while women sit back and watch.


8、Women want equal pay, but they don't want to work the same hours as men.

9、Women are always late.

10、Women are always trying to get attention from men.

11、Women's Day is just another excuse for women to play the victim.

12、Women are too high-maintenance.

13、Women are too needy.

14、Women always want the best of everything.

15、Women are always playing mind games.

16、Women are too picky.

17、Women use too much toilet paper.

18、Women want equality, but they don't want to give up their special privileges.

19、Women may be good at talking, but they can't back up their words with actions.



22、Women always want to be the center of attention.


23、Women are always playing the victim.

24、Women want to be treated equally, but they don't want to work as hard as men.

25、Women are always quick to blame men for their problems.

26、Women's Day is just another way for women to get what they want.

27、Women always manipulate men.


29、Women are always trying to change themselves to fit in.

30、Women can’t handle pressure.

31、Women's Day is just an excuse for women to bash traditional gender roles.

32、Women are too emotional to make logical decisions.

33、Women's Day is just an excuse for women to complain about everything.

34、Women are always nagging.

35、Women's Day is just another chance for women to play the victim and gain sympathy.

36、Women's Day is just another excuse for women to bash men for no reason.

37、Women can’t take a joke.

38、Women want equal rights, but they refuse to take on equal responsibilities.

39、Women always play the "sexist" card when they don't get their way.

40、Women's Day is just another opportunity for women to make themselves out to be victims.

41、Women are never satisfied, no matter how much they are given.

42、Women want power, but they can't handle it when they get it.

43、Women's Day is just another opportunity for women to play the victim card.

44、Women are always playing the "gender card" to get what they want.


45、Women are always trying to compete with men.

46、Why do we even have Women's Day? Men don't have a day dedicated to them.

47、Every year it's the same thing, women wanting more for doing less.

48、Women's Day is just an excuse for women to push their agenda on others.

49、Women's Day, just another excuse for women to demand special treatment.

50、Women want to be treated equally, but they can't handle criticism like a man can.

51、Women are always complaining about their weight.

52、Women can never make up their minds.


54、Women always think the grass is greener on the other side.

55、Women are always playing games.

56、Women's Day is just an excuse for women to demand more rights than they already have.

57、Women's Day is just an excuse to promote feminist propaganda.


59、Women are terrible listeners.

60、Women always make things more complicated than they need to be.

61、Women never stop talking.

62、Why do we even celebrate Women's Day? Women are already equal to men.

63、Women are terrible drivers.


65、Women's Day is just a reminder of how much women complain.

66、All this Women's Day talk is just a bunch of whining from entitled women.


67、Women's Day is just another excuse for women to demand more than they merit.

68、All women are drama queens.

69、Women are always thinking about themselves.

70、Women never apologize.

71、Women always want more, but never want to work for it.

72、Women are never satisfied with anything.

73、Women claim they want equality, but they really just want special treatment.



76、Women want to be equal to men, but they can't handle the same amount of pressure.


78、Women always have to be the boss.

79、Women are too emotional.

80、Women are always trying to change men.

81、Women are too sensitive.

82、Women always take forever to get ready.

83、Women want equality, but they still expect men to pay for everything.

84、Women want equality, but refuse to take on the same responsibilities as men.

85、Women are too emotional to handle important decision-making.

86、Women's Day is just another excuse for women to get attention.

87、Women are always gossiping.

88、Women are always trying to one-up each other.

89、Women are too materialistic.


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    导读:又到妇女节,女人解放就得出格。学嫦娥登天揽月,学七仙鹊桥表白,学武曌胆色双绝,学飞燕凌波微步,学貂婵迷得男人吐血。累了?再叫小男人把脚捏捏。以下是由小编J.L为您整理推荐的三八妇女节句子,欢迎参考阅读。 又到妇女节,男人干活女人歇;假如不听话,叫他一边墙上贴;妇女半边天,开心莫要烦。三八节,愿

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  • 三八妇女节的句子

    一、今天是三八节,男人要争做一天奴隶:让朝东咱不朝西,让爬凳咱不爬梯,让吃面咱不吃米,让喝白咱不喝啤,让逛街咱不游戏,望相互转告,认真执行! 二、女性朋友们,咱们的节日到了,我们要放下工作寻找开心,放下家务得到舒心,放下孩子免得累心,放下压力有颗健康的心,三八妇女节,好好给自己放个假,休息一下吧。

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