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【#句子大全# #英文短句纹身爱情179句#】当我看到你,我的心跳加速,我的眼睛闪烁。~~你喜欢上面的短句吗?励志的句子的编辑收集并整理了“英文短句纹身爱情179句”,请继续阅读本文相关内容!


1、I wasnt kissing her, I was whispering in her mouth

2、Sometimes you realise too late that what you are looking for is exactly what you just let go——有的时候,你醒悟得太晚,不明白自己苦苦追寻的,其实就是上一秒放弃的。

3、Your love gives me wings. 你的爱给了我翅膀。

4、Every time I look at my tattoo, I'm reminded of the love that we share. 每次我看着我纹身,都会想起我们共享的爱。

5、My love for you is unconditional. 我对你的爱是无条件的。

6、In the art of love, our hearts are the canvas and our love is the tattoo.

7、Some memories are meant to be inked in our hearts, just like a love tattoo.

8、Two hearts, one love. 两颗心,一份爱。



11、Through ink and skin, our love flows like an eternal river. 通过墨水和皮肤,我们的爱如永恒的河流般流淌。

12、Love is a language spoken by the heart.

13、My love will always wait for you, no matter what happens.



16、In your arms is where I belong. 我属于你的怀抱。

17、The artistry of love is like a beautifully crafted tattoo, it takes time and commitment to create something everlasting.


19、Love is not about possession, but about appreciation and trust.

20、Our love story is like a tattoo, it may fade over time but the mark it leaves is still a part of us.


21、I am nothing without you, my love. 没有你,我一无所有。


23、I wear my tattoos as a badge of love, a constant reminder of you.

24、Two bodies, one love, etched in skin and ink.


26、I love being marriedIts so great to find one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life


28、Love is like a tattoo that leaves a permanent mark on your heart. 爱情就像一枚纹身,在你的心中永久留下了印记。

29、Love is silently waiting for each other in good and bad times.


31、A man falls in love througn his eyes,a woman through her ears

32、United by love, inked for eternity.



35、Love is a beautiful melody that resonates in our hearts.

36、Love never ends, it only leaves permanent imprints on our hearts. 爱永不止息,只会在我们心中留下永久的印记。

37、Your love is my anchor that keeps me grounded and safe.

38、Love is a journey we embark on, hand in hand, forever.


40、Love is the communication of souls that surpasses words.


41、It is good if you begin crying, that is the sign of cure能够哭就好,哭是开始痊愈的象征!

42、Our love story, written on our bodies, for the world to see.

43、True love is like a tattoo, it stays with you even when the world fades away. 真爱就像一枚纹身,即使世界褪去,它也与你同在。

44、Love is a gentle touch that has the power to heal even the deepest wounds.



47、A tattoo of love displays the depth of our affection for each other, even in the most intricate details.


49、I will wear this tattoo with pride, for it represents my love for you. (我会自豪地佩戴这个纹身,因为它代表着我对你的爱)



52、You are an irreplaceable part of my life.

53、Love forever tattooed on my heart. (永恒的爱在我心中刻印)

54、Through thick and thin, our love never fades.


56、You're my anchor, my eternal love.


58、Love is a timeless bond that surpasses any distance or time apart.





62、Love is a journey, let's walk together. 爱情是一段旅程,让我们一起走下去。


64、True love is worth the wait and the patience.

65、Love is the greatest adventure and the most beautiful journey in life.

66、Love is forever engraved on our souls - just like a tattoo.

67、In you, I've found the love of my life and my closest and dearest friend. (在你身上,我找到了我一生的爱和最亲密的朋友。)

68、Together, we can conquer all obstacles and build a beautiful future.



71、Two star-crossed lovers in perfect harmony Just give me a chance and you will agree I was meant for you And you were meant for me

72、Our souls entwined forever, inked on the canvas of love. 我们的灵魂永远交织,刻在爱的画布上。

73、Love is the art of giving and receiving, in perfect harmony.




77、Our love is like a beautiful piece of art that I want to wear on my skin forever. 我们的爱情就像一件美丽的艺术品,我想永远把它刻在我皮肤上。

78、Every scar tells a story, every tattoo embodies love. (每一道疤痕讲述了一个故事,每一个纹身体现了爱情)


80、Love written in permanent ink, our souls connected.


81、This tattoo is a reminder of the love we share. (这个纹身提醒我们分享的爱)

82、The pain of getting a tattoo is nothing compared to the joy of our love. 纹身的痛苦与我们的爱之喜悦相比微不足道。

83、Your love is my anchor in stormy seas. 你的爱是我在暴风雨中的锚。

84、A tattoo is not just a design, it's a declaration of love. (纹身不仅仅是一个图案,更是一份爱的宣言)

85、Forever and always, no matter where we are. (永远在一起,无论我们在哪里。)

86、Your smile brings me endless happiness.

87、Love is a language that only our hearts understand. 爱是一种只有我们心灵可以理解的语言。


89、In the name of love, we embellish our skin with the unrestrained imaginations.

90、Together we stand, divided we fall. 众志成城,孤掌难鸣。


92、A tattoo is a symbol of our love that will never fade away. 纹身是我们的爱情标记,永远不会消逝。

93、Love's mark on my body is a testament of the passion flaming within my heart. 爱在我身上的印记是我心中炽热激情的见证。


95、With you, I have found my happily ever after.

96、Our love inked on our bodies, a symbol of unity between two lovers.

97、Love doesnt make the world go roundLove is what makes the ride worthwhile



100、Forever and always, my love. 永远、永远爱你。



102、Love is a light that can destroy all barriers.

103、Together forever, love till the end.

104、Much like our love, these tattoos are permanent, a reminder of the bond we share.

105、In you, I found my everything.


107、Tattoos may fade, but the love they symbolise is forever.

108、Your love is the music that fills my soul. 你的爱是填满我灵魂的音乐。

109、Soulmates for life. 终生的灵魂伴侣。

110、Holding hands, facing the world together. 手牵手,一起面对世界。

111、Love conquers all. 爱可以战胜一切。

112、Forever in my heart. 永久铭刻在我心。

113、the first thing that Id like to do is to save every day until eternity passes away

114、Love is the language that transcends all barriers and brings us closer.

115、When you love someone,all your saved-up wishes start coming out


117、Follow your heart, it knows the way. 跟随内心,它知道前方的道路。

118、Love is the greatest adventure. 爱是最伟大的冒险。

119、Sometimes love is like a beautiful tattoo, it leaves an unforgettable mark on our hearts.

120、In your eyes, I see my reflection, my truest self, and the depth of your love.


121、True love is permanent, like a tattoo etched on our souls.

122、My love for you is endless. 我对你的爱无尽无穷。

123、In the language of tattoos, our love speaks louder than words. 在纹身的语言中,我们的爱比言语更响亮。



126、You are the light that guides me home. 你是照亮我回家的光。


128、Love forever marked, our souls forever intertwined.

129、Love is forever. 爱情永恒。

130、Soulmates with ink, our love immortalized.

131、Love is not perfect, it's just true. (爱情不是完美的,它只是真实的。)


133、Two hearts intertwined, forever united.

134、Tattooed love, is a kind of permanent imprint, a root can't erase the pain, also can't fade away love.

135、Tattooed love - an indelible symbol of our deep affection.


137、Every heartbeat reminds me of your love, forever.

138、I carry your heart with me, I carry it in my heart. (我把你的心带在我心里。)

139、You complete me. 你让我完美。

140、With you, I have found my happily ever after. 有了你,我找到了我所期望的美满结局。


141、In your arms, I have found my safe haven and my true happiness.


143、This tattoo is a symbol of my devotion to you. (这个纹身是我对你爱的承诺)

144、Love is the music that fills my heart with joy.

145、Inking your name on my skin is my way of showing you that I'm committed to our love. 把你的名字刻在我的皮肤上,是我表达对我们爱情承诺的方式。

146、Our love is written in the stars. 我们的爱情被写在星星上。

147、I will make you happy when you are depressed。 I will make you delighted when you are in great sorrow! 在你抑郁的时候,我就是你的开心果。在你忧伤的时候,我愿作你的忘忧树!

148、Your love is my inspiration, the fuel that drives me to become a better person.


150、You and me, against the world.

151、A true lover always finds ways to make their love last forever. (真正的爱人总是能找到让爱持续永远的方式。)

152、A heartbeat tattoo to remind me that love is an eternal rhythm. 一个心跳的纹身,提醒我爱是永恒的节拍。


154、Your love is the bridge that connects our souls, forever intertwined.

155、Your love gives me the strength to overcome any challenge.


157、Her name is the ink on my skin. (她的名字是我皮肤上的墨水)



160、what do yu think you are° 我已经不想再在意你了。





164、Youre always there for me When things tend to go wrong

165、Love is like a tattoo, it's painful to get but stays with us forever.


167、Love is not about possession, it's about appreciation. (爱情不是关于占有,而是关于欣赏。)

168、Love knows no boundaries, only the meeting of true hearts.

169、Our love is a journey, with a destination being each other.




173、Love tattoos speak when words fail.

174、Love is a beautiful chaos that makes life worth living.

175、These tattoos bind us together, an indelible mark of the love we share.


177、Love is an eternal flame that lights up my soul.

178、Love, like a tattoo, etched deep into my soul, branding me forever. 爱,像一枚纹身,深深刻在我的灵魂里,永远标记着我。



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