励志的句子 · 作文


感人故事作文 篇1


This story has been buried in my heart for many years, and has never been mentioned to anyone. When I saw the friends around me split up again, I remembered this incomparable, personally experienced, almost dusty story.


There seem to be a lot of birds singing behind the house. I went to the back and looked. There were about 100 swallows on the wire, on the roof and in the sky. Some of them circled and some jumped facing the roof. They were panicked and looked very nervous and helpless. I don't understand what happened. After a careful look, I found two swallows parked near the eaves.


The two swallows saw me without any fear when they brought the wooden ladder and climbed to the eaves. I saw a long red wool tied to a swallow's leg. Maybe it escaped from some naughty boy's hands, but it was tied to the iron wire at the eaves. The leg was red and swollen, and the two wings must be exhausted by the desire to survive.


The other swallow held the other end of the wool, and faced me to catch her hands. She did not escape or resist at all. I tried to take the wool out of her mouth. She seemed to bite hard, as if she wanted to share life and death with her lover.


I saw that her eyes were full of desolation and begging for gratitude. In order to alleviate her worries, I gently lifted her body with my left hand and slowly pulled out the wool with my right hand. At that moment, I was deeply shocked by the small swallow in front of me. I almost took the wool from her mouth with tears in my eyes. She swallowed more than 40 centimeters of wool. Maybe she thinks that she can save her lover by swallowing wool from one end, or maybe she wants to go through the last days with her lover hand in hand


When I untied the wool for her lover, she did not leave. Her heart still looked at me with doubts: "Save my lover!". A hundred swallows hovered, some of them swooped down on my head, some of them fell not far away from me, and they were closely watching my every move. The wool was tied tightly for fear that he would hurt. I was very careful not to hurt him. In order to let her and them not worry, I didn't take the wool cut off and untie it. I stood on the ladder until I untied it for him.


With the help of her partner, she and he flapped their wings and flew. When they hovered over my head for a long time, my tears rolled down from the corners of my eyes.


The next year, my mother told me that there were many swallows coming in.

12 燕不分飞 一个感人的故事讲的是一次我看到两只燕子停在靠近屋檐的地方。我看到一条长长的红色毛线系住了一只燕子的腿,另一只燕子含着毛线的另一端,含着毛线的燕子足足吞下去了40多厘米长的毛线,只为了拯救腿被绑住的燕子。 2 燕不分飞 一个感人的故事的故事点评

A touching story about the swallows flying together is about a time when I saw two swallows parked near the eaves. I saw a long red wool tied a swallow's leg, and another swallow held the other end of the wool. The swallow with the wool swallowed more than 40 centimeters of wool, just to save the swallow whose legs were tied. 2 Comment on a moving story of Yan Bufen


A swallow's leg is entangled by wool. Its lover has been holding on to the side and refused to leave. He also swallowed 40 cm of wool just to save his lover, or to live and die with his lover. It is really a very touching love. Animals are still like this, and people are the same. People also have true feelings. They are willing to do everything for the people who love them, and they are willing to share the suffering with the people who love them. I hope everyone can give more love, The world will become a better world.

感人故事作文 篇2




感人故事作文 篇3


Olympic Story (I)


The Chinese delegation's request to the tennis team is to win one game, because compared with other Chinese events, tennis is still in a weak position. However, Li Ting/Sun Tiantian played at a high level in the first round, and unexpectedly eliminated the combination of American famous player and one of the last women's doubles champions, Great Williams and veteran doubles player Rubin. This victory greatly encouraged the morale of Chinese players. As a result, the two Chinese women's doubles teams won another round and joined hands to enter the top eight. Li Ting/Sun Tiantian even reached the gold medal final. The Chinese girl, who was more confident in the Vietnam War, achieved a historic breakthrough in the final against the famous Spanish veteran Martinez and Pasquale, who ranked first in the world doubles.


Olympic Story (II)


When Korean Zhang Meilan lifted 172 at the women's weightlifting competition in Athens Olympic Games. At 5kg, many Chinese spectators are desperate, because Tang Gonghong's clean and jerk can only win gold when it is more than 180kg. "If you can't lift it, you are all heroes, and you will die on the weightlifting platform." 182。 5 kg! Tang Gonghong held the barbell firmly above her head! She succeeded and broke the world records for women's weightlifting of 75 kg and above in clean and jerk and total results! At the Athens Olympic Games, Li Ning, who won the gold medal above 75kg and broke the clean and jerk and was 19 years old, was known as the "prince of gymnastics". It was a splendid Li Ning era. Before 1988, Li Ning was full of energy and glory. He was a star idol in the hearts of the people all over the country, with flowers, applause, spotlight, five-star red flag, national anthem, and of course, training sweat and injuries. However, in 1988, Li Ning's gymnastics road was rewritten. At the Seoul Olympic Games that year, Li Ning was unexpectedly defeated in the last competition and fell off the rings. Although he walked off the court with a smile as usual, when he returned to the Capital Airport, Li Ning, who lost his gold medal, could not help feeling dejected and walked alone through a lonely passage


Later, Li Ning announced his retirement. That year, he was 26 years old. Two world records in total (182.5kg in clean and jerk, 305kg in total).


Olympic Story (III)


Derek Redmond. A black athlete, an Englishman. At the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games, he participated in the 400 meter race. In the 400m semi-final, Derek's leg injury recurred just after running 250m - his right leg muscle was torn, and he fell heavily on the track! Other athletes ran past him one by one and arrived at the end; The rescuers also ran up quickly to carry him onto the stretcher. But when he woke up, he howled and pushed the paramedics away, got up from the ground and rushed to the destination with tears streaming down his face


Derek has had five operations to participate in the Olympic Games. The game is over, only Derek. Redmond is still jumping towards the end. At this time, his father also ran down from the stands, held Derek's arm, and walked slowly towards the end with his son


The stadium is boiling! The 65000 spectators stood up spontaneously, applauded and cheered, applauded the athlete who symbolized the Olympic spirit, and paid tribute to the father's love shown by this great father... "


The scene was very touching and became a classic moment in the history of the Olympic Games!

感人故事作文 篇4








感人故事作文 篇5

丁铃!门上的铃当响了起来,一个三十多岁,穿著笔挺西服的男人,走进了这家飘 散着 浓浓咖啡香的小小咖啡厅,




















感人故事作文 篇6


In the May 12 earthquake, many people suffered. However, we were touched by the actions of many people. Now let's take a look at the touching story.


At 15:30 p.m. on May 13, it rained heavily, and a group of four companies learned that a child cried in a collapsed house in Luoshui Town, Shifang City. He Yan, the leader of Class 5, immediately took 4 soldiers to rescue. After arriving at the scene, the soldiers heard a very weak cry from the ruins, and immediately threw aside their arms to dig the channel and remove the stones. After 40 minutes of emergency excavation, the debris of surface buildings was finally removed. Suddenly, a touching scene appeared in front of the soldiers: a two-year-old girl with a pale face and dull eyes was dancing her hands in the corner of the wall. She was pressed by an old woman with a downward face and an adult man. There was almost nothing in the man's body intact, but he was able to withstand the falling broken beam; The old man's head has dropped down without any response, but his hands tightly hold the little girl under his body... There is no time to wipe off the tears that burst from his eyes. He Yan hurries to embrace the little girl who is breathing weakly, and runs to the rescue center in the disaster area.


It is understood that the old woman is the little girl's grandmother and the adult man is the little girl's father. The tragic scene of the three generations of the family moved and shocked the soldiers on the scene. When it was spread to the army, it encouraged the officers and soldiers to fight to the death and rescue the touching story of their mother as soon as possible


Everyone has a loving mother, so do I. But since my father and mother had conflicts, my mother had moved out, so my mother and I always get together less and leave more. Although I have few opportunities to meet my mother, her teaching and care for me as a child have lingering memories in my mind.


I remember one time, it was a hot summer, and the ground temperature could boil raw eggs under the strong sunlight. Because my hair was too long, my mother wanted to take me to the town for a haircut. I liked to sleep late at that time, but my mother didn't want to wake me up from sleep. As a result, she arrived in the town at 9:30 in the morning. It's past ten after the haircut. The sun has risen high and it is extremely hot. There are few pedestrians on the road, and everyone is sweating. At this time, my mother wanted to take me home with her bike. It was already hot enough. This time, she had to take me with her. It was even more heavy. Mother asked me whether it was hot, regardless of her own heat? He also wrapped the towel on my face and put on the straw hat to protect me. But she herself was already sweating and pretending to be relaxed. I saw it in my eyes and felt it in my heart. Sure enough, my mother got sunstroke in the afternoon. She could not move in bed and didn't even eat.


In my mind, my mother has lingering memories.

感人故事作文 篇7




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