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【#句子大全# #国庆节快乐英文怎么说说(精选50句)#】“China, happy National Day! We love you!”励志的句子小编花时间专门编辑了国庆节快乐英文怎么说说,国庆节距离我们越来越近,写一份国庆祝福语会表达自己对祖国妈妈的祝福。写好国庆节祝福语需要注意什么?非常感激您耐心看完这句话。


1、Let's celebrate our country's achievements and progress on National Day.

2、May the unity, harmony, and dignity of our country inspire us to be better citizens and global citizens.

3、This National Day, let's reaffirm our commitment to our shared values and goals.

4、Happy National Day, China! May your diversity, unity and history inspire the world for generations to come!

5、Happy National Day! Let's all take pride in our country's rich history, culture, and traditions.

6、Today we celebrate the greatness and richness of our country. Happy National Day!

7、Celebrate the diversity of our nation and its unique cultural identity this National Day! 庆祝我们多样化的文化背景,阔步同行奔向更美好的将来!

8、Cheers to our country, our people, and our future. Happy National Day!

9、Today is the day we celebrate the founding of the People's Republic of China.

10、Rejoice and feel proud to be an integral part of this great nation!

11、Happy National Day, China! Let's continue to work towards greatness and prosperity!

12、Let us all work towards a society that is free from discrimination and prejudice on this National Day!

13、Let's come together and celebrate the diversity and richness of our nation on National Day.

14、Wishing you a very happy National Day!

15、May our country's education system continue to foster creativity, critical thinking, and lifelong learning for all.

16、Happy National Day to all those who have worked towards promoting sports, fitness, and wellness in our nation!

17、Wishing you a wonderful and unforgettable National Day, my Chinese friends!


18、Happy National Day, China! May your technological advancements and innovations benefit the humanity as a whole!

19、May the red flag with the five stars wave proudly for generations to come! 愿五星红旗永远在未来的几代人中自豪地飘扬!

20、Happy birthday China! Here's to another year of growth and prosperity!

21、Happy 71st National Day China! Let's make it a day filled with joy and happiness!

22、May our country always be peaceful, prosperous and strong! 愿我们的国家永远和平、繁荣、强大!

23、May the Chinese people continue to shine bright like the stars on this National Day and every day!

24、Happy National Day to all the brave soldiers who fight for and defend our nation!

25、May this National Day be a reminder of the remarkable history, culture, and progress of our beloved Chinese nation!

26、Wishing you a wonderful National Day filled with joy and celebration.

27、May our nation continue to shine and make a mark on the world stage! Happy National Day!

28、May our nation continue to grow stronger, richer and more prosperous this National Day and beyond.

29、Let's all cherish and preserve our nation's rich cultural heritage! 让我们珍惜和保存我们国家丰富的文化遗产!

30、Happy National Day to all the children, teenagers, and young adults who will shape the future of our country.

31、Congratulations on another successful year of progress and growth!

32、Happy National Day to all my fellow countrymen and women! 祝所有祖国人民国庆节快乐!

33、Let’s honor our country’s heritage and traditions on this National Day and always.

34、May the beauty and diversity of China shine bright on this National Day!


35、Let's celebrate National Day with love, unity and pride!

36、This National Day, let's come together in harmony and share in our national pride.

37、Happy National Day, China! Let us all continue to work towards a better and brighter future for our nation!

38、China, happy National Day! We love you!

39、May the Chinese legal professionals, judges and law enforcement officers continue to fulfill their duties with integrity, impartiality and humanity on this National Day and beyond!

40、Here's to a wonderful National Day full of unforgettable memories!

41、Sending my warmest wishes to all my Chinese friends and colleagues on this special day!

42、Happy National Day! Let's remember the sacrifices made for our freedom and honor our country's founders.

43、May the glory of our nation continue to shine bright! Happy National Day!

44、On this National Day, let us all remember our country's rich culture and heritage.

45、Let’s all wave the Chinese flag with pride on this National Day!

46、Happy National Day! Let’s continue to build a prosperous and peaceful China.

47、Let's take a moment to remember the sacrifices of our forefathers on this National Day.

48、Our ancestors worked hard to create this great nation and we must continue to work hard to make it even greater. 我们的祖先辛勤劳作创造了伟大的祖国,我们也必须努力让它变得更加伟大。

49、Happy National Day to all those who love and take pride in our country!

50、May our nation continue to grow and prosper under the guidance of our great leaders! Happy National Day!


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    国庆节是一个非常隆重的节日,我们国家能有今天的强大完全离不开大家的努力,那在这么一天,我们也应该送上我们最真诚的祝福祝愿国家繁荣昌盛。下面是由励志的句子网站小编为大家整理的“国庆节怎么发说说? 国庆节怎么发祝福语?”,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。