励志的句子 · 句子大全

励志的句子句子大全Is there a bus to the city?是否有机场巴士可到市区?~~许多人喜欢读一些有趣的句子,或许你正在查找类似"暖心的英文短句200句"这样的内容,不妨参考一下。希望你喜欢!


1、We are not sure whether some people are good or not.They can not be

2、This is just as good an example as the other Does John work as hard as Henry?

3、Can you come doical hotel?是否可建议一间较为廉价的旅馆?



6、The girl: I will not go until you pay because I have to pay my pander.(女孩:我不会去,直到您支付,因为我付出我的迎合。)

7、Our room is a little larger than theirs and it has more furniture in it

8、Congressman Edwards, thank you for your eloquence and your very moving remarks.(爱德华兹议员,你刚才的发言意味深长,非常感人,谢谢你。)

9、twenty-fen stamp, please.(买一张两毛的邮票。)


11、In popular culture, it remains as much of a symbol of Seattle as the Space Needle, the persistent drizzle and the excellent, ubiquitous, coffee shops.(在流行文化中,它仍然是西雅图的象征,就像太空针塔、绵绵细雨和无处不在的咖啡馆一样。)


13、They use dead elm saplings from nearby woods as stakes, start most of their plants from seeds in reusable pots and trade seedlings with other gardeners.(他们用附近树林里死去的榆树树苗作为树桩,用可重复使用的花盆里的种子种植大部分榆树,并与其他园丁交换树苗。)

14、It was fashionable to fray the bottoms of your jeans.(曾经时兴把牛仔裤磨毛。)


16、- 门卫老头明天开始又要工作了,你难道不生开学的气么?,(三金子!原创)

17、Are you going to goof off everyday?(你是不是打算每天都混日子过?)



20、My mother — everyone, even kids, had called her Sunny — used to follow us to school quasi-surreptitiously.(我母亲——每个人,每个孩子都称呼她作“阳光妈咪”——过去常半明半暗地跟着我俩去学校。)



22、Naturally artistic, these folks also gravitate toward jobs involving design, music, or dance.(优雅世艺术的气质使他们很适合从事设计、音乐和舞蹈方面的工作。)

23、Pinocchio answered with another blow, and that was the signal for the beginning of the fray.(皮诺乔回敬了他一下,这就是开始战斗的信号。)

24、But I have my untimely leave in the middle of the day, in the thick of work.(但我已经在正午,在厚重的工作中不合时宜的离开。)

25、抄袭的 永远比原创好,这是真理。

26、Any unhappy is a waste of time.

27、Others joined the fray.(其他人加入了这场斗争。)

28、Chinese entities haven't entered the fray to shore up Wall Street firms in recent weeks.(近几周来,中国企业并未加入到拯救华尔街机构的热潮中。)

29、My best friend won the high school senior goof-off award .(我最要好的朋友赢得高三的“游手好闲”奖。)

30、Responsible editors and reporters like to think they do not pander to people's basest interests, but rather guide and educate them.(那些负责任的编辑和记者们会在更高层次去引导和教育他们的受众,而并非一味迎合人们的低层次需求。)

31、The failures and reverses which await men - and one after another sadden the brow of youth - add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do.尽避失败和挫折等待着人们,一次次地夺走青春的容颜,但却给人生的前景增添了一份尊严,这是任何顺利的成功都不能做到的。

32、Mistake is temporary regret but missing is the forever one.

33、You make my heart smile.My eyes are the stars over your window,Gazing affectionately at you every night.我的心因你而笑。我的目光就是你窗前的星星,每夜都在深情地注视着你。

34、In 2011Dubai’s state-owned and quasi-sovereign entities are due to repay $18 billionof principal.(在2011年,迪拜的国有控股、参股企业需要偿还总共180亿美元的本金。)

35、In a few months his lips won't crack, the blood and bruises and grime will be gone.(几个月里,他的嘴唇不会再破裂,血迹、淤青、污垢也会消失。)

36、In fact, the leaves and stems of tomatoes are poisonous (but they can be used in moderation for food flavoring).(事实上,西红柿的叶子和茎确实有毒(但调味时可以适量使用)。)

37、You naturally gravitate toward people with shared values.(你自然而然地被具有共同价值观的人吸引。)

38、In the work of service mode, exercise eloquence and interpersonal skills.(在工作中体会办事方式,锻炼口才和人际交往能力。)


40、don’t look at me like that. 别那样看着我。


41、It was very funny the way in which the penguins to waddle.(企鹅走路的样子真是滑稽可笑。)

42、have never been tempted to pander to everyone.(我从不追求让所有人都喜欢。)

43、You can feel the sweat in his voice, the grime in his guitar.(你能在他的声音里感到汗,在他的吉他里的尘垢。)

44、If you just loaf around in college, you will flunk out.(如果你在大学里无所事事,你会被踢出去。)


46、put down my fiddle immediately and turned.(我马上放下琴转过身来。)

47、What steps could you take to get closer to number 5, or to get a stronger foothold therein?(该采取哪些步骤来更靠近5号人物(译注:专家),或者是在身处的位置上找到更好的落脚点?)

48、We find it more fun — and more satisfying — to goof off when we're supposed to be working or running errands.(我们觉得这更有趣——更满足——当我们需要工作时却休息。)


50、St-Germain becomes ubiquitous and it has won fans thanks to a light, flowery taste that is not as cloying as, say, a litchi martini.(圣日耳曼变得无处不在,它清淡、绚丽的味道不像荔枝马蒂尼那样令人生厌,因此赢得了众多粉丝。)

51、Better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember

52、The core target of the this stage is the exaltation of the service ability.(这一阶段的核心目标是服务能力的提高。)

53、If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets.


55、Didier Drogba says Chelsea are paying in Europe for the Anders Frisk affair.(德罗巴称切尔西正在欧洲为弗里斯克裁判事件买单。)

56、It was a good table too, sturdily constructed of elm.(这也是一张好桌子,榆木做的,很结实。)



59、Read the passage about Wei Fen and answer the questions.(阅读关于魏芬的短文,然后回答问题。)

60、Sometimes our hearts just need time to accept what our heads already


61、To illustrate the importance of harmonious, fractional divisions consider this diagram.(下面的图示说明了协调、细微的划分的重要性。)


63、真想和你一起走第一场下雪的大地上 送给最爱的人 / 我非原创、不喜勿喷

64、never stopped loving you, I just stopped showing it.

65、i never want to see your face again! 我再也不要见到你64. that’s terrible. 真

66、It's all very well for skaters to forswear risky behavior when performing in front of a beautiful onlooker, but humans struggle to put promises like these into practice.(当然,滑板者发誓在漂亮女性观众面前表演时不做一些高危险的行为这是很好的,但是人们难以将类似于这样的承诺付诸实践。)

67、What a goof you are!(真是个傻瓜。)

68、one can rival him in eloquence.(在口才方面没有人能与他匹敌。)

69、我们都没有资格抢夺别人先拥有的幸福. 无论对方是谁 (原创) _ 致那些小三

70、Remember, not many people manage to scrape together the gumption and cash to experience travel and appreciate foreign cultures.(记住,能成功做到有那个精力和金钱来体验旅游和欣赏外国文化的人并不多。)

71、You see, fractional reserve banking works both ways.(那你看,部分准备金银行制度在两个方向同时运作。)

72、t very nice, goof lens and more.(不怎么好看,穿帮镜头多。)


74、On Saturday afternoons, I like to go to a movie or just goof off at home.(星期六下午,我喜欢去看场电影,或者待在家里什么事也不做。)

75、You laugh if the peach, like a red red rose, Fen Yan wins.(你笑若桃花,似一朵红尘里的蔷薇花,芬艳夺人。)

76、Frisk your home.(搜查你的家。)

77、Yes. We have eight famous wines in China. I say you try a cup of Fen wine from Shanxi?(我们中国有八大名酒。我说您来一杯我们的山西汾酒吧。)

78、If you ask him to do anything, he will just goof off.(求过你什么,所以这次请你帮帮我。)

79、The agreement to negotiate a fissile-material cut-off treaty (FMCT, to disarmament buffs) involved a patchwork of compromises.(核分裂物质减量条约(FissileMaterialCut-OffTreaty)作为核武裁军的缓冲垫,获得各国同意再展开谈判,牵涉到各国的折冲樽俎。)



81、Her mood of ecstatic fidelity was a dangerous exaltation.(她苦行主义的忠实气质是一种危险的升华。)

82、Frisk was forced to abandon the match between Roma and Dynamo Kiev in September 2004 after being hit by an object thrown from the crowd.(2004年9月罗马与基辅迪纳摩的比赛中,弗里·斯克曾因被球迷投掷物砸伤而中途退场。)

83、His business is foreclose.(他的生意失败了。)

84、to mount the floppy drive on /mnt.(将软驱挂载到/mnt。)

85、The function of sugar melting machine is to prepare for liquid sugar for flavoring.(打糖机被用来准备调味用的液体糖浆。)

86、Covered or smudged with grime.(满是污垢和汗水的脸。)

87、Neon, argon, and krypton are obtained from fractional distillation of liquid air.(氖、氩、氪都能够通过分馏液态空气获得。)

88、It's about the untimely death of a poet.(它讲的是一个诗人的早逝。)

89、She had the gumption to write directly to the company man ager and persuade him to give her a job.(她有魄力直接写信给公司经理并且劝说他给她一个工作。)

90、Supermans happiness needs salted eggs, my happiness needs you

91、Assignments in early quartos and First Folio texts will use Internet texts and facsimiles.(早期的四开本和首页对折文章的作业将使用因特网正文和传真。)

92、This drink contains no artificial flavoring or coloring.(这种饮料不掺人造香精或着色剂。)

93、The city was swept up in the mood of exaltation.(该城被兴奋的情绪给席卷了。)

94、Day after day, this love never changes Year after year, the situation is getting more and more thick! Mother pay no regrets, I always warm I have no chance to say thank you, thank you, I wish you a happy mothers day!


96、And get the further exaltation in your school.(并在你们的学校里得到进一步提高。)

97、You can even use a jug.(你甚至可以用坛子。)


99、To see a game through to the final whistle while maintaining high performance, a player needs to be as fit as a fiddle.(要想在保持高水平表现的同时把比赛进行到底,运动员需要非常健康的身体。)

100、[ 今年的压岁钱绝对不能给爸爸妈妈了 嗯 就这么愉快的决定了 ] 邓戥戥-原创


101、And in his pride he shall awake, and forswear his dream of pain.(骄傲的君王,他必将觉醒,誓言弃绝痛苦的梦境。)

102、Early rising makes for good health.早起有助于身体健康。

103、If the building goes bankrupt, the lender will foreclose on the ownership of the common area, but individual apartment owners will not be affected.(如果该栋建筑物房产破产,贷方会取消公共区域的赎回权,但个人部分不受影响。)

104、Of course, be about to see your eloquence and shift here.(当然,这里就要看你的口才与手段了。)

105、There are many people around happy,but I am not one of them。周围幸福的人有很多,但是我却不是其中一个。

106、Excuse me, Is there....... nearby? 请问附近有没有...?

107、In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.

108、Since we cannot be joyful, there only remains the road of agony, of mad exaltation.(因为我们无法喜悦,我们唯有痛苦,唯有疯癫的兴奋。)

109、Softhearted is sick,but you are life。


111、was walking across the campus — maybe you saw this too, corner of Elm and College.(我走在校园里,也许你也看到了,在榆树路和学院路的一角。)

112、The hedgerows were planted with elm.(这一排排树篱是用榆树植成的。)

113、The most short-sighted man could see that at a glance, with his naked eyes," said Martin

114、What you'll notice very delicately is that there's not all that much to this so-called floppy disk.(你会很细微地注意到所谓的软盘其实并没有那么多。)

115、终究有一天所有的感动被生活磨灭 爱过的错过的都会忘却 随遇而安便好。 [原创]

116、Young Guangming, energetic gumption, Young social work of Guangming new district like the warm weather in Spring, bright like the star.(年轻的光明,朝气蓬勃,开拓进取;年轻的光明新区社工,暖如春日,灿若明星。)

117、You can explicitly specify the character pattern for how you want positive, negative, fractional, and exponential Numbers to appear.(您可以显式地指定字符模式,用以确定如何显示正数、负数、小数和指数。)

118、As long as your heart is sunny,no rain in your life。只要你的心是晴朗的,你的人生里就没有雨天。


120、Miss as miss, miss read as offering, the chief read do not read.


121、There is nothing I like so much as playing football Nothing is so easy as this


123、Victory won'come to me unleI go to it. -- M.Moore胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。 -- 穆尔

124、Health systems will not automatically gravitate towards greater equity or naturally evolve towards universal coverage.(卫生系统不会自动增强公平性或自然实现普遍覆盖。)

125、[原创:     圣诞节前 给我妈偶遇个女婿 ]

126、例如:Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory


128、am not sad, but the heart is very painful.

129、The uranium or plutonium isotopes are referred to as "fissile," which means we can use them to induce fission by bombarding them with free neutrons.(铀或钚的同位素被称为裂变材料,即我们可以利用自由中子去轰击它们来产生裂变反应。)

130、The total for the eight days is five hundred sixty yuan and eighty fen.(8天来总计是560元8角。)

131、照顾不了你爱的人 你就很失败易紫晴(原创)

132、When they failed to repay the losses, Citizens reported their personal account as delinquent to credit bureaus, and six months after the theft threatened to foreclose on their home.(而当他们无法支付损失时,国民银行向征信所举报他们的个人银行账号欠债不还,还在失窃半后,威胁要将他们的房子赎回。)


134、It is also flavoring liqueur.(它也是利口酒的调味品。)


136、Its true hues may become obscured by grime and even buildups of salt.(它的原色可能会由于尘垢甚至是盐分的积累而变模糊。)

137、IBM gained the foothold for mainframe computers and has maintained their lead.(IBM获得大型主机这个立足点,并维护了他们的领导地位。)

138、But as for me, my feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold.(至于我,我的脚几乎失闪。我的脚险些滑跌。)

139、The manuscript you sent us has a folio missing.(你送来给我们的原稿有一面不见了。)

140、Since markets are interconnected and some Banks occupy quasi-monopolistic positions, we must consider breaking them up.(由于市场之间相互关联,一些银行占据着近似于垄断的地位,我们必须思考如何打破垄断。)


141、When I am not near the girl I love, I love the girl I near.

142、She offers the tease without the squeeze, attraction without satisfaction, frisk without risk.(她给予戏弄却不带纠缠,诱惑却不带满足,欢快却不带危险。)


144、can only love you one, because I have only got a full of love.

145、They didn't flunk out, but their records weren't so hot.(他们勃没有不及格,但成绩不太好。)






151、That's easy. I already eat potato chips every day, especially the ones with tomato flavoring. Yummy!(这个容易,我已经每天吃薯片了,我喜欢番茄口味的。好美味啊!)

152、That's a lot of work to foreclose on an 8, 000-mile-in-diameter ball of molten iron and rock.(在这个满是岩浆和岩石的直径有八千英里的星球上,那是很大的工作量。)

153、He knew every crookand hollow and foothold in the tree.(他了解这棵树的每一处弯曲的部分,知道哪里有树洞,哪里可以立足。)

154、Reducing weight speed to the exaltation is very effective and return and have the anti - aging effect.(对提高减肥速度很有效果,还兼具抗老化的功效。)

155、still not afraid.

156、But it's the audacity of dopes. Mr. Ryan isn't offering fresh food for thought; he's serving up leftovers from the 1990s, drenched in flimflam sauce.(然而,这是一种毒品般的大胆。瑞恩先生奉献的并不是什么新鲜的思维养料,而是上世纪九十年代的残汤剩饭,只是蘸着骗人的酱汁。)

157、You know what I mean? Going back to this one, if I said this jug was loud, what would you think?(你知道我的意思吧?回到这个上面,如果我说杯子很响,你觉得是什么意思?)

158、But do they need to pander to the irrational wishes and fantasies of this coterie?(但他们需要迎合非理性的愿望和幻想吗?)

159、Ryan cautioned that some foods labeled as ginger, such as ginger ale or ginger cookies, may contain only ginger flavoring.(赖安提醒大家,有些食品比如生姜啤酒或生姜饼干,它们的标签上虽然标着生姜,但也许只是包含生姜调味料而已。)

160、This segment of the middle class may lack the gumption to expand their businesses, or perhaps they know something about their prospects that their cheerleaders do not.(中产阶层中的部分人也许缺乏扩大自己经营的进取心,或者,也许他们知道一些旁人并不知道的事情。)


161、The move gives Chi-X its first foothold in the region.(此举让Chi-X在亚洲有了第一个立足点。)

162、He next makes his appearance I the republic of letters, and publishes his folio.(紧接着,他又在文学界崭露头角,出版了对开本的书。)

163、We’d better struggle for the future rather than regret for the past。后悔过去,不如奋斗将来。

164、The first two sentences you see: I, too, dislike it. There are things important beyond all this fiddle.(前两行正如你们看到的:我,也非钟爱于此。世间有物,重要更甚于此琴。)

165、While I was walking along CES 2011, I tend to gravitate toward the booths that interest me personally.(伴随着CES到达2011年,我个人的兴趣倾向于品牌。)

166、Please quote your folio number without fail.(请务必提供您的页码编号。)

167、Michael Jackson 《You Are Not Alone》: I can hear your prayers. Your burdens I will bear. But first I need your hand then forever can begin.MJ的歌《你并不孤单》:我听到了你的祈愿,我愿肩承你的负担,但我需要先牵着你的手,才能告诉你什么是永远。

168、Monica: Well uh, you and I are just goofing around, I thought, why not goof around with him.(莫妮卡:嗯,你和我只是玩玩而已,我想为什么不和他玩玩呢?)

169、He examines a tattoo on his forearm. It's an overturned jug spilling liquid down a drain.(他仔细地看了看前臂上的一个纹身,那纹身图案是一个倒立的罐向下倾倒液体到水沟里。)

170、If someone truly loves you, they will never give you a reason to doubt

171、Even the test ban and a new treaty to cut off production of fissile material—both obvious first steps to a nuclear-free future—will be dogged with difficulty.(即使是禁止核试验和起草一份降低核裂变材料生产的新条约-----很显然,二者都是迈向无核未来的第一步----困难也将会如影随形。)

172、an air man

173、Frisk, who attended the game as a spectator, is no stranger to incidents at the Stadio Olimpico having refereed matches against Dynamo Kiev and Galatasaray where trouble flared in the stands.(弗里·斯克曾执法过罗马与基辅迪纳摩以及加拉塔萨雷的比赛,当时看台上也爆发了骚乱,因此本次作为观众的他对罗马奥林匹克球场的这一幕并不陌生。)

174、原创: 欢笑的六年,就变成一张死气沉沉的毕业照

175、painful than ever.

176、Can the leopard change his spots? 江山易改,本性难移。

177、We tend to gravitate toward people who are the most like us, at least in the ways that make us feel comfortable.(我们喜欢结识那些最和我们相似的人,至少他们做事的方式让人舒服。)

178、Kelly got the grime off his hands before rejoining her in the kitchen.(凯利擦干净手上的污垢,然后又回到厨房和她在一起。)


180、Because of the laziness, the boy was flunk in the exam.(由于懒惰,这男孩考试不及格。)


181、Laugh, make, quarrel, cry, now I need is indifferent.


183、揭秘试题背后的真相 是人性的扭曲还是道德的沦丧 [作业没写好的同学给原创一个花啊::_::]

184、love elm, but also love the character of elm, admire its strong will.(我爱榆树,更爱榆树的性格,佩服它那顽强的意志。)



187、He next makes his appearance in the republic of letters, and publishes his folio.(然后就是他如何在文坛出现,怎样发表了自己的对开本。)

188、eat one’s own bitter pill


190、The monk told her to take a large clay jug from his kitchen, fill it with water, and stand on the sidewalk in front of his house.(僧人让她从他的厨房里拿一个大陶壶,装满水,然后站在他屋前的人行道上。)

191、At some level of the brain, we think we are the guys in the fray.(在我们大脑的某种层面,我们把我们想象成了场上的队员。)

192、It’s useless/ no good / no use doing sth (做……是没有用的

193、The + 比较级 +主语+谓语, the +比较级+主语+谓语(愈……愈……

194、hope I love people who love me.

195、The Shanxi plain is watered by the Fen River which runs through it.(山西平元由流经这里的汾河灌溉。)


197、He's a nice enough lad, but he doesn't seem to have much gumption.(他是个不错的小伙子,但好像没有什么进取心。)

198、Fig4. Xiaoli: Oldwang is jumpy and weak-moral, so surely made no exception this time.(图四:小李:老王向来道德观薄弱,很少有冷静的时候,这次也不例外。)

199、knew that something was going to happen, and I was very jumpy.(我知道就要发生什么事,我心惊肉跳得厉害。)

200、Is there a bus to the city?是否有机场巴士可到市区?


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