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【#范文大全# #人教版高中英语必修1教案(合集二篇)#】作为一位无私奉献的人民教师,时常需要编写教案,编写教案助于积累教学经验,不断提高教学质量。快来参考教案是怎么写的吧!下面是小编为大家整理的人教版高一英语必修一教案,希望对大家有所帮助。

人教版高中英语必修1教案 篇1
























人教版高中英语必修1教案 篇2



1). To learn the knowledge of the cultural relics.

2). Discuss how to protect our cultural relics.

3).Reading and understanding, catching the history and information of the Amber Room.

4). Functional item, how to tell the story about the Amber Room

5). Finish the comprehending exercises after the reading passage.

6). Use scanning; skimming and careful reading to learn the story of the Amber Room.


Key points

To understand cultural relics.

How to tell the story about the Amber Room


Talk about cultural relics at home and abroad in English freely.

To learn the story of the amber room.





1). Guessing:

Teacher present some pictures and statements ,let the students guess whtat or where it is.

The Great Wall; The Pyramid ; Taj Mahal

2)Teacher show some pictures. They are all very famous places in China or in the world. Ask the students to think these over:

A. Can you name them out?

Who have the right to own and confirm them?

(The shown pictures: Group 1;①Yuanmingyuan; ②Forbidden City

Group 2: ③Ming Dynasty vase ;④Taj Mahal; ⑤ivory dragon boat

and Mogao Caves)

Step I: Pre-reading

1).Ok, you have know something about cultural relics, have you ever seen a piece of amber?And what do you know about it?

Show some pictures of amber. Let students know what the amber is and its value.

color yellow- brown

feel like feel as hard as stone

Amber is the fossil(化石) form of resin(树脂) from trees.

It takes millions of years to form.

2). Can you imagine a house made of amber?Please preview “In search of the amber room.”

Step II: Fsat reading and thinking about the title:

1). Teacher give students the following questions to think:

When you see this title, what do you want to know?

What is the Amber Room?

Why was it called the Amber Room?

What was it made for?

What happened to it?

Why to search for it?

(Ask the students just remember these questions in their mind not find the answers.)

2). Fast reading to get the main idea:

The Amber Room , which _________________sent to the Russian people as a _____, was ____by the _____________ soldiers .

(Students read the passage quickly and fill in the blans)

3). Now, let the students try to answer the questions in part 1). (PPT 7)

(Teacher may give some necessary help)

Step III: Scanning

Ask the students to scan all the names of the person appeared in the text and find out what did they do to the amber room. Join the correct parts of the sentences together. (exercise 1 on page 2)

After do the above exercise ,teacher give students a picture of the people in the text and let the students try to tell theclue of the story according to the persons. (PPT 9)

Step IV: Skimming

Ask students to skim the passage and complete exercise 2 on page2.

( 3 ) How did the Amber Room become one of the wonders of the world?

( 5 ) How was a new Amber Room built?

( 4 ) How did the Amber Room get lost?

( 1 ) How was the Amber Room made?

( 2 ) Why did the King of Prussia give the Amber Room to the Czar of Russia as a gift?

Step V: Careful reading

Let the students read the text carefully and try to find some details to complete the form on PPT 11.

Step VI: Role play

Just now you have learnt the story of The Amber Room, now suppose you are a guide of The Amber Room, how will you intrduce the amber room to the visitors?

( Give students about 3 minutes to have a discussion in group of four ,then ask some of groups to make a role play before all the class.)


1. Read the story of The Amber Room again after class.

2. Write the introduction of the Amber Room you have discussed in class.

3. Prepare for next period by underline the difficult points in the text.


Blackboard Design

Unit 1 Cultural relics

Warming up & pre-reading

What is cultural relics?

A.a cultural relic is sth. that survived for a long time

B.a cultural relic may be a part of old thing has remained when the rest of it had been destroyed

C. a cultural relic is something rather rare

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