励志的句子 · 祝福语


1、圣诞树挂满我对你的思念,圣诞袜装满我对你的爱恋,美丽的圣诞蜡烛点燃我对你的祝福,可爱的圣诞老人带去我对你的问候,祝你圣诞快乐! The Christmas tree is filled with my longing for you, Christmas stockings are filled with my love for you, beautiful Christmas candles light my blessings for you, and the lovely Santa Claus brings my greetings to you. Wishing you a happy Christmas!


3、祝你圣诞节开心快乐,浪漫甜蜜! I wish you a happy christmas, romantic and sweet!






9、祝你有个温馨的圣诞节! Have a warm christmas!



12、在雪还没飘下,圣诞老人还没睡醒,圣诞树还未长高,袜子还没挂上窗前,礼物还未准备好,大家的祝福还没有漫天弥漫之前,先祝你圣诞快乐,天天开心! Before the snow drifts down, Santa Claus hasnt woken up, the Christmas tree hasnt grown tall, socks havent hung up in front of the window, gifts havent been prepared, and everyones blessings havent spread everywhere, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy day!

13、我盼望我等待圣诞节,手心里拽着精心制作的圣诞贺卡,寄给揣在怀里的名字,送去最真的祝福:圣诞快乐! I hope to wait for Christmas, holding a carefully crafted Christmas card in my palm and sending it to the name in my arms, sending the most sincere wishes: Merry Christmas!


15、送你圣诞浓浓祝福,愿你快乐幸福久久。 Send you a christmas greeting. May you be happy for a long time.




19、圣诞节有着美丽的传说,美丽的节日送上美好的祝愿。一份祝福就有一份快乐,珍藏这快乐的短信,让我的祝福由它传达,祝你节日快乐。 Christmas has a beautiful legend, and beautiful holidays bring good wishes. A blessing brings happiness. Treasure this happy message and let it convey my blessings. Wishing you a happy holiday.


21、快乐圣诞!什么使圣诞快乐?不是那快乐的阳光,也不是鸟儿的啁啾;那是愉快的念头和幸福的笑容,是温馨慈爱的问候。 Happy Christmas! What makes Christmas happy? Not the happy sunshine, nor the chirping of birds; That is a joyful thought and a happy smile, a warm and loving greeting.

22、圣诞节就快到了,我把收藏了一年的喜气、福气、财气、瑞气、运气统统装进一个精美的盒子里,在圣诞节那天,让圣诞老人带去送给你,祝你圣诞快乐! Christmas is coming soon, and I have packed all the blessings, blessings, wealth, luck, and good luck that I have collected for a year into a beautiful box. On Christmas Day, let Santa Claus bring them to you and wish you a happy Christmas!




26、圣诞到好运到,吉祥之船为你靠,财神对你很关照,快乐将你紧紧抱,幸福送你大微笑,此刻你就要看到,我的短信为你跳,祝你圣诞快乐! Good luck arrives at Christmas. The auspicious ship is for you to dock, and the God of Wealth takes great care of you. Happiness holds you tightly, and happiness sends you a big smile. At this moment, you should see my message jumping for you. Wishing you a happy Christmas!

27、春花秋月何时了,节日知多少?圣诞节现在又来到,快乐祝福不能少。问君能有几多愁,恰似一堆节日过不休。也罢,随大流!圣诞快乐,祝你幸福。 When have spring flowers and autumn moon arrived, and how many festivals are known? Christmas is here again now, and happy wishes cannot be missed. Asking you how much sorrow you can have is like a pile of holidays that never stop. Anyway, go with the flow! Merry Christmas, wishing you happiness.


29、叮叮当叮叮当,铃儿响叮当,白雪飘,鹿铃儿敲,圣诞到,贺卡我把祝福表,平安首先来报到,快乐随后跟着跑,幸福甜蜜不可抛,开心如意乐逍遥,圣诞处处是美好! Dingding, jingling, jingling, jingling, white snow drifting, deer bells ringing, Christmas is here. I put my blessings on the greeting card. First, come and report for safety, and then follow with happiness. Happiness and sweetness cannot be thrown away, happiness and contentment are carefree, and Christmas is always beautiful!





34、我对着圣诞树默默许愿,希望看短信的你,每天晚上美梦甜甜,每天早上精神奕奕,每天工作顺顺利利,每天生活开开心心,圣诞快乐满满! I silently make wishes to the Christmas tree, hoping that you, who are reading text messages, have sweet and beautiful dreams every night, be energetic every morning, work smoothly every day, live happily every day, and have a happy Christmas!



37、烦恼不理你,健康暗恋你,快乐是你的左膀,幸福是你的右臂,让我的祝福化作真情,流露我的真心,对你说声:“圣诞快乐!” Worries ignore you, health secretly loves you, happiness is your left arm, happiness is your right arm, let my blessings turn into true feelings, reveal my sincerity, and say to you, "Merry Christmas!"

38、没有雪花,依然浪漫。即使寒冬,倍感温暖。烛光摇曳,华灯璀灿。炉火熊熊,张灯结彩。圣诞树下,礼物如山。钟声敲响,吉祥浪漫。祝福声声,幸福永远! No snowflakes, still romantic. Even in the cold winter, I feel warm. The candlelight flickered, and the lanterns shone brightly. The fire was blazing brightly, with lights and decorations. Under the Christmas tree, gifts are like mountains. The bell rings, auspicious and romantic. Blessing voice, happiness forever!

39、雪花飘飘,是我的思念;彩灯闪闪,是我的祝福;清风缕缕,是我的拥抱;快乐连连,是我的礼物,祝你圣诞快乐! Snowflakes drifting, its my longing; The sparkling colored lights are my blessings; The gentle breeze is my embrace; Happy and continuous, its my gift. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!


41、幸福的圣诞树上,挂满开心灯,缀满梦想星,拉上甜蜜锁,悬上幸运卡,衬着青春松,陪着平安夜,摆满洪福酒,围满知心人。祝你圣诞节快乐。 On the Christmas tree of happiness, it is adorned with happy lights, dream stars, sweet locks, lucky cards, and youthful pine trees. Accompanied by Christmas Eve, it is filled with Hongfu wine and surrounded by kind-hearted people. Wishing you a happy Christmas.


43、纷飞的雪花曾是我美丽回忆的书签,月光中在五彩圣诞树下翩翩起舞曾是我可爱的梦想,在这特别的日子,让我用真心的问候祝你圣诞快乐! The snowflakes were once bookmarks of my beautiful memories, and dancing gracefully under the colorful Christmas tree in the moonlight was my lovely dream. On this special day, let me extend my sincere greetings and wish you a happy Christmas!

44、叮叮当叮叮当愿鹿车上的铃铛摇响温馨的圣诞歌,带给你平安夜的舒心祥和;愿短信里的美好祝福化作绚丽烟火,点缀你圣诞节的缤纷灿烂!圣诞快乐! Dingding, Dingding. May the bells on the deer cart ring a warm Christmas song, bringing you the comfort and peace of Christmas Eve; May the beautiful blessings in the text messages turn into colorful fireworks, embellishing the brilliance of your Christmas! Merry Christmas!



47、圣诞到,心欢笑,张灯结彩真美妙;鹿儿跑,礼物到,铃儿叮当响云霄;雪花飘,梦儿好,一声问候幸福绕;花儿开,鸟儿叫,好运心意齐报道。圣诞快乐! Christmas arrives, with a joyful heart and beautiful decorations; Deers run, gifts arrive, bells jingle in the clouds; Snowflakes drift, dreams are good, a greeting of happiness surrounds; Flowers bloom, birds chirp, good luck and good intentions report together. Merry Christmas!


49、相识系于缘,相知系于诚,也许岁月将往事褪色,或许空间将彼此隔离。但值得珍惜的依然是知心的友谊。向你道一声:圣诞快乐! Acquiring each other is based on fate, knowing each other is based on sincerity. Perhaps time will fade away the past, or perhaps space will separate each other. But what is still worth cherishing is the close friendship. May I say to you: Merry Christmas!


51、知道我现在想什么吗?想你!知道为什么想你吗?喜欢你!知道为什么喜欢你吗?因为你有味道!知道你有什么味道吗?剩蛋的味道!祝圣诞快乐! Do you know what Im thinking now? Missing you! Do you know why I miss you? I like you! Do you know why I like you? Because you have a taste! Do you know what flavor you have? The smell of leftover eggs! Wishing you a Merry Christmas!




55、平安夜刚过,平安相陪伴;圣诞节来到,祝福早起草;短信准备了一条又一条,只是为了把心意表。在欢乐的节日里,传递出我的真诚问候:圣诞快乐!永远幸福! Just after Christmas Eve, be safe and accompany each other; Christmas is here, and wishes are drafted early; I prepared one message after another just to express my feelings. In the joyful holiday season, convey my sincere greetings: Merry Christmas! Forever happiness!

56、一起狂欢,一起喝彩,点亮圣诞树,写下新祝福,让感动在心间流动。 Carnival together, cheer together, light up the christmas tree, write down new wishes, let the moving flow in the heart.


58、圣诞至,祝福到,快乐给你个大拥抱,幸福生活对你笑,好运在你头上绕,吉运把你来关照,祥云在你头上飘,平平安安没烦恼,从今走上康庄道,圣诞快乐! Christmas arrives. Wishing you a big hug and a happy life that smiles at you. Good luck surrounds your head, good luck takes care of you, and auspicious clouds float on your head. You are safe and worry free. From now on, walk on the path of Kangzhuang. Merry Christmas!


60、乘着雪橇车,圣诞老人从远方而来,他将手袋中所装的所有美好送至每个人,包括你。善良的人总会得到深切的祝福,亲爱的朋友,圣诞快乐。 Riding on a sled, Santa Claus comes from afar, delivering all the beauty contained in his handbag to everyone, including you. Kind people always receive deep blessings, dear friends. Merry Christmas.


62、圣诞树下许美好,日子红火甜又甜;圣诞老人点头笑,鸿运当头福运开;圣诞歌谣哼一哼,幸福美满到永远;圣诞短信发一发,整个冬季乐悠悠:圣诞快乐! Under the Christmas tree, there may be beauty, and the days will be red, sweet, and joyful; Santa Claus nods and smiles, and good luck comes first; Christmas songs hum, happiness and happiness forever; Send a Christmas text message and enjoy the whole winter: Merry Christmas!

63、即使寒冬,倍感温暖。烛光摇曳,华灯璀灿。炉火熊熊,张灯结彩。圣诞树下,礼物如山。钟声敲响,吉祥浪漫。祝福声声,幸福永远! Even in cold winter, feel warm. The candlelight flickered, and the lanterns shone brightly. The fire was blazing brightly, with lights and decorations. Under the Christmas tree, gifts are like mountains. The bell rings, auspicious and romantic. Blessing voice, happiness forever!

64、星光闪闪,烛光闪闪,叮叮当,叮叮当,可爱仁慈的圣诞老人从天而降,带来人间无数温馨快乐,更带来我对朋友你的祝福:圣诞快乐! Starlight shining, candlelight shining, tinkling, tinkling, tinkling. The lovely and kind Santa Claus descended from the sky, bringing countless warm and happy moments to the world. I also wish my friend a Merry Christmas!



67、音乐卡是我的挂念,钟声是我的问候,歌声是我的祝福,雪花是我的贺卡,美酒是我的飞吻,清风是我的拥抱,快乐是我的礼物!圣诞快乐! Music cards are my thoughts, bells are my greetings, songs are my blessings, snowflakes are my greeting cards, wine is my kisses, the breeze is my embrace, and happiness is my gift! Merry Christmas!




71、圣诞节到了,没啥送的,就送点虚的,虚的文字编成祝福愿你平安,虚的语言凑成问候愿你快乐,虚的短信加上你的电话号码,愿你好运不断,虚的我的短信,送你真情快乐。 Christmas is coming, so if theres nothing to give, just give some virtual ones. The virtual words are combined to wish you peace, the virtual language is combined to greet you and wish you happiness. The virtual text message is combined with your phone number, and I wish you good luck. The virtual text message is mine, and I send you true happiness.


73、寂寞的我独自在风中摆弄手机,江湖上竟然开始流行关于我的传说。要说我也没做什么呀,只是给你发了条短信,也没啥具体内容,就是祝你圣诞快乐! Lonely as I was playing with my phone alone in the wind, legends about me began to spread in the martial arts world. If I had to say that I didnt do anything, I just sent you a text message without any specific content, just wishing you a happy Christmas!

74、这个迷人的圣诞,你躲在家里生蛋蛋,生了一堆恐龙蛋,还有一只小鸡蛋。猪,生蛋快乐! 圣诞节快乐。




78、洁白的雪花,五彩的圣诞树,绚丽的烟火一起映衬出多彩的圣诞节。我把我的祝福写成诗、绘成画来表达我的心意:圣诞快乐。 The pure white snowflakes, colorful Christmas trees, and splendid fireworks all complement the colorful Christmas. I write and draw my blessings into poetry and pictures to express my feelings: Merry Christmas.





83、冬日里的阳光,一如你温暖的笑脸。明媚却不失妖娆,温暖却不炙热,清亮却不刺眼。你照亮了我的世界,温暖了我的生命,明净了我的视野。我的阳光,圣诞节快乐! The sunshine in winter is like your warm smile. Bright yet enchanting, warm yet not scorching, clear yet not dazzling. You have illuminated my world, warmed my life, and clarified my vision. My sunshine, happy Christmas!

84、A christmas greeting to cheer you,my goodfriend. 献上令你开心的圣诞祝福,我的好友。


86、我愿化作圣诞树上轻轻飘落的雪花,为你送上温情祝福;我愿化作平安夜里悠扬回荡的钟声,给你带去平安问候! I am willing to transform into snowflakes gently falling on the Christmas tree, sending you warm blessings; I am willing to turn into the melodious and echoing bell of Christmas Eve, bringing you peace greetings!


88、圣诞节,要快乐!想要好吃的菜,就交给胃,让它受受累。想到好玩的事,就交给脑袋,让它费费神。想要好听的话,就交给我吧。祝你好运连连,幸福永久。圣诞节快乐。 Christmas, be happy! If you want delicious food, leave it to your stomach and let it suffer. When you think of something fun, just leave it to your head and make it laborious. If you want it to sound good, just leave it to me. Wishing you good luck and everlasting happiness. Merry Christmas.


90、凡事喜怒哀乐发自内心,幸福苦恼完全取决于自己的感悟,对错也自行判断,天空晴朗明亮,乌云密布,经历多次,不经常联系,短信人事,祝一切顺利,圣诞快乐! Everything comes from the heart, happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy. Happiness and distress depend entirely on ones own perception, and one can judge right or wrong on their own. The sky is clear and bright, with dark clouds covering the sky. After experiencing it multiple times, one may not keep in touch frequently. SMS personnel, wishing everything smooth and a happy Christmas!

91、当星辰亮起时,我在天空写下你的名字;当流星划过时,我将思念与祝福送给你!让这真挚的祝福,平凡的心意,乘着爱的鹿车,送进你的心里!圣诞快乐! When the stars light up, I write your name in the sky; When the shooting star passes by, I will send you my thoughts and blessings! Let this sincere blessing, ordinary heart, ride in the chariot of love and be sent into your heart! Merry Christmas!

92、也许岁月将往事褪色,或许空间将彼此隔离,但值得珍惜的依然是知心的友谊。想再次对你说声:圣诞节快乐! Perhaps time will fade the past, perhaps space will separate each other, but what is still worth cherishing is the close friendship. I want to say to you again: Merry Christmas!




96、圣诞来到邀亲友,大摆宴席敬亲朋。火鸡烧烤美满溢,互送礼物庆圣诞。奔走相告联谊情,糖果送给亲朋友。表意连年都甜美,祝福老辈幸福享。圣诞快乐! Christmas arrives to invite family and friends, and a grand banquet is held to honor them. Turkey barbecue is full of beauty, exchanging gifts to celebrate Christmas. Spread the word of friendship and give candy to family and friends. The meaning is sweet all year round, wishing the elderly happiness and enjoyment. Merry Christmas!






102、送你棵坠满礼物的圣诞树,顶上最大最亮那颗是我的真心,下面挂的是我的痴心,丝带里缠绕的是我的一颗不变心。圣诞快乐! Im giving you a Christmas tree full of gifts. The largest and brightest one on the top is my sincerity, while the one hanging below is my infatuation. The ribbon is wrapped around my unchanging heart. Merry Christmas!

103、雪花飘,飘不尽我对你的思念;雪花飞,飞不走我对你的挂牵;雪花舞,舞不完我对你的依恋;雪花落,落下的都是我对你的点滴祝愿:祝你圣诞节快乐! Snowflakes drift, unable to fully capture my longing for you; Snowflakes fly, they cant fly away. My attachment to you; Snowflake dance, cant finish my attachment to you; Snowflakes fall, and all they fall are my little wishes to you: Wishing you a happy Christmas!


105、收一收,心情愉悦;读一读,幸福蜜甜;存一存,好运连连;转一转,财富源源;一张贺卡贺平安,圣诞快乐在眼前。提前祝你圣诞快乐,身体康健。 Collect and feel happy; Read it, happiness and sweetness; Save, good luck keeps coming; Turn around, the source of wealth; A greeting card to wish you peace and a happy Christmas before your eyes. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and good health in advance.



108、雪花飘舞圣诞到,吉祥如意身边绕。圣诞老人不可少,送来礼物一大包。小孩心愿都达到,追逐打闹开心笑。大街小巷都热闹,美满生活乐淘淘。祝圣诞快乐! Snowflakes dancing, Christmas arrives, and good luck surrounds you. Santa Claus is indispensable, bringing a big package of gifts. The childs wishes have all been fulfilled, chasing, playing, and laughing happily. The streets and alleys are bustling, with a happy life and a lot of fun. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

109、明月,一闪一闪,挂天边;思念,一丝一丝,连成线;回忆,一幕一幕,在眼前。在这圣诞来临之际,送上温情祝愿!祝您阖家幸福!圣诞快乐! The bright moon flickers and hangs on the horizon; Missing, a trace, connected into a thread; Memories, one scene at a time, in front of me. On the occasion of Christmas approaching, send warm wishes! Wishing you and your family happiness! Merry Christmas!


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