励志的句子 · 句子大全

励志的句子句子大全(编辑 悠游诗人)在学习、工作、生活中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。3篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?以下是小编整理的关于冬至的英语作文The Winter Solstice,欢迎阅读与收藏。

冬至英语主题的PPT内容 篇1

Today my mother call, I woke up.

Look at outside gray now, todays wind sister? Mother said: sister wind can blow the ash far, this day is blue, the sun will come out yellow, warm warm.

Climbing out of bed my mother help me to change out of pajamas, change flower long Johns - I love it.

Today I dont want to brush his teeth and DuRang: grandma help I brush my teeth! Grandma said: his brush.

No way, I had to climb the father as a small stool, a few simple loud gurgling water - because I was afraid of toothpaste that spicy.

Sit down at the dinner table, I asked my mother: red day is tomorrow? Mom: yeah.

Dad: today is the winter solstice, it is no wonder that like many people buy dumplings yesterday.

Me: dad what is the winter solstice?

Dad: is the day of the winter, then it will be very cold is very cold, to wear coat coat, its going to snow, to the New Year...










冬至英语主题的PPT内容 篇2


Today is the winter solstice, which happens to be Sunday. In the morning, grandma and I had dumplings. My sister and I had delicious food. Our little ears wont freeze. Adults say that after eating dumplings, our ears wont freeze.


It is said on TV that the winter solstice is the day with the longest night and the shortest day. Grandma said that the winter solstice is also a battle for winter. If the weather is sunny, it proves that the winter has been fought over. If it is cloudy, there may be no good weather in this winter. In the evening, my mother told me that the origin of the winter solstice is a fairy tale about the creation of women and children.


I didnt expect so many stories about the winter solstice.

冬至英语主题的PPT内容 篇3

Today is December 22, the winter solstice of the 24 solar terms. On this day every year, our family will eat dumplings together, and this year is no exception.

In the afternoon, our family gathered together to eat all kinds of dumplings, including mutton, big meat, radish... I suddenly thought of a question, eating dumplings on the winter solstice is the custom of the Chinese nation, but why eat dumplings on the winter solstice? I asked my grandma, and she said, "After eating dumplings at the winter solstice, you won't freeze your ears!" "But after the winter solstice every year, I still wear earmuffs. How can I explain this?"

"Don't worry, Grandpa will tell you," said Grandpa, "There is another story about eating dumplings on the winter solstice. It is said that there was a medical sage in ancient times. One day when he came home, he saw some poor people whose ears were cold and rotten. He felt very uncomfortable. He put some cold dispelling medicine into the pot to boil, and then made the shape of ears with noodles. He put them into the pot to boil, so that the poor people could eat them, and their ears would be better within half a month... Well, let's not say more, here comes the dumplings~~" I thought to myself, eating the hot dumplings, I never thought there was a story about eating dumplings. My knowledge is too shallow. I must supplement my knowledge!


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