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【#作文# #2024国庆节英语作文60(合集4篇)#】国庆节的时候,怎么向国外的人介绍我们自己的节日。下面小编为大家推荐国庆节英语作文(精选4篇),希望对大家有帮助。

2024国庆节英语作文60 篇1

Today is Thursday.I wake up at 7:00.In the moring,i washing my face and hands.It is clean,and dry my face and hands.


I ate breakfast.After breakfast,my brush my teeth.Now.I put on my clothes.,and go to school! I wark hard at school.Sunday i not go to school! In the evening.I wash my face and dry my hands.I brushmy teeth ahd wash my foot.Now.I am go to bed!


I wark hard at school .I washing my face and hands.It is clean,and dry my face and I am very like go to school!


2024国庆节英语作文60 篇2


The sun rose and the light shone on my body. "Dingding, my son is getting up and going to be late!" Mom called me outside. My mother said, "Todays midterm results are due, lets see how much you score." I was awakened by a lightning like force, jumped out of bed, and ran to school.


Dingling, Dingling, class is now. Its math class, and I think we need to give out the grades! The teacher started speaking, and my heart started to beat faster like it was about to jump out. I scored 93, whoa, thats great. I didnt take the exam for over 80, but I scored 80 on the Chinese exam and deducted three points from my essay. The teacher seriously named me, and the highest score was 94. I need to work hard in the future.


In the last class at noon, after class, I jumped over to the cafeteria. The delicious food was waiting for me, and my heart was really big. After getting this score, I still ate so much.


When it comes to self-study classes, its also my favorite class because I can do homework. After finishing it, I dont have to do it when I go home.


When darkness appeared in the night sky, my mother checked my homework and smiled, all right. Excitedly, I put away my backpack and went to bed.


At night, there is my sweet dream, my dreamland


My day has many happy things.

2024国庆节英语作文60 篇3

Learning lei feng in these days, I have a lot of experience, also has a lot of questions.

Previously, whenever I hear more of lei feng is story, I will think he is stupid, somebody else from unknown to him, why did he help them? And clearly mere, why am I still so happy? I dont understand, until one day.

I saw a little girl in pastry before the door, she pull a long face, do not know what difficulties, because today is her birthday, but she only 1 yuan money can buy a cake, next to her and a few friend, I think it is to accompany her birthday. At this moment, I found my pocket there a dollar money left for breakfast this morning, so I rushed forward, put the money into the hands of the little girl, the little girl smiled to smile toward me: "thank you sister." Say that finish, rushed into the pastry room with his friends hand, bought a small cake, sitting on the street chair, they smiled, somehow, I also follow to laugh, I revel in the course of a warm picture. At this time, I finally realized just how good to help others and how happy.

Uncle lei feng. We want to learn from you! Learning that you give, selfless dedication of the great spirit! Your spirit is worth us declare!

2024国庆节英语作文60 篇4

The National Day holiday in our school for seven days, I back to the countryside with my father and mother grandmas corn.

Early in the morning my mother took me from a warm woli wake up, prepare the mountain shell corn. After breakfast we set out, the whole family sitting grandpas car to the ground for a while. Mom and dad started to peel the corn, they strip soon, ear to ear golden corn are out, I see them corn peeling seems very simple, so I also start work, I learn to the appearance of the mother picked up one ear of corn, left peel layer right but it hasnt outcrop, maize peeling a layer off a layer or I didnt come to light, corn like "hide and seek" with me is not to come out, finally it took me only then stripped out the corn.

Ah! My hand so pain! So tired! Grandma and grandpa work every day is not easy! And mom and dad for I work every day, they are also very hard. The National Day is very memorable! I must study hard, to find a good job in the future to make more money, let them have a good life!



啊!我的手好疼啊!好累啊!爷爷奶奶天天干活可真不容易呀!还有爸爸妈妈每天为我操劳,他们也很辛苦。 这个国庆节好难忘啊!我一定要好好学习,将来找一份好工作多赚钱,让他们都过上好日子!

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