励志的句子 · 范文大全


栏目: 英语课件

2023-08-08 13:08

在教学过程中,老师教学的首要任务是备好教案课件,准备教案课件的时刻到来了。 制作有针对性的教学课件可以满足不同层次学生的需求,写教案课件时应该注意哪些问题?以下内容是编辑为您整理的与您需求相关的信息:“英语的课件”,感谢您的收藏和阅读也请不吝帮我们传播这篇有用的文章!

英语的课件 篇1

English Pronunciation Courseware: A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Pronunciation


Pronunciation is a vital aspect of language learning, and it is an essential component of effective communication. Clear and accurate pronunciation helps to convey messages clearly and effectively, and it fosters better understanding between the speaker and the listener. In this English pronunciation courseware, we will explore ways to improve your pronunciation skills and achieve greater confidence in speaking English.

Section 1: Understanding English Pronunciation

English pronunciation can be challenging for non-native speakers due to the complexity of the language. In this section, we will explore the basics of English pronunciation, including:

- English vowel and consonant sounds

- English intonation patterns and stress

- English rhythm and timing

- Common pronunciation errors made by non-native speakers

Section 2: Tools and Techniques for Improving Pronunciation

In this section, we will explore various tools and techniques that can be used to improve English pronunciation, such as:

- Tongue twisters and other pronunciation exercises

- Speech therapy apps and software

- Recordings of native speakers

- Dictation exercises and quizzes

- Pronunciation drills and practice sessions

Section 3: Common Pronunciation Problems and Solutions

In this section, we will identify common pronunciation problems that non-native speakers face when learning English, such as:

- Incorrect vowel and consonant sounds

- Misplacement of stress and intonation

- Rhythm and timing issues

- Overuse of a non-native accent

- Difficulty with certain sounds or words

We will also explore solutions to these problems, such as:

- Practicing specific sounds in isolation

- Focusing on natural stress and intonation patterns

- Listening to and imitating native speakers

- Developing an awareness of common pronunciation errors

- Breaking down complex words into syllables for easier pronunciation


The English Pronunciation Courseware is designed to be a comprehensive and engaging guide to mastering English pronunciation. By understanding the basics of English pronunciation and developing an awareness of common problems and solutions, non-native speakers can improve their pronunciation skills and achieve greater success in communicating in English. With practice and perseverance, anyone can learn to speak English clearly and effectively.

英语的课件 篇2


















14、专用名称下,横(浪)在下边(—— ﹏专用号)。









大并套小并,大并逗,小并顿。 并列谓和并列补,中间不要去打顿。

集合词语连得紧,中间不要插进顿。 概数约数不确切,中间也别带上顿。









英语的课件 篇3

1、能够听、说、认读Let’s read部分的短文,完成相应的活动。


1、本课重点是操练巩固本单元11个职业名称的单词和重点句型:What does he/she do? Where does he/she work? How does he/she work?

2、本课难点是帮助学生理解短文中的新语言,如:help the bank use their money well. likes helping people. help tourists find their way.以及三个小建议。


How many people are there in your family? Who are they?

What does your father / mother do ?

Where does your father / mother work?

How does your father / mother go to work?

How does your father / mother go to work?


I.T:Now, I will introduce some my friends to you. What do they do ? Can you guess?

T:OK!Let’s meet my first friend. (投影出示卡片:She works in the school. She teaches English in the school. She loves her children very much. What does she do? She is a ___________)


II.用同样的方法阅读第二个片断.(投影出示卡片:He works in a car company. He likes math and drawing very much. He can design(设计) many cool cars. What does he do? He is an ______________.)

师生齐读内容,出示单词卡,教读design。之后师问:What does he do ? can you guess?

S3: Maybe he is an engineer.T: Yes, he is an engineer. You are very clever!(揭示答案)

III.Now, let’s go on , meet my friends. I have many friends. (投影出示卡片:They like beautiful cities. They like traveling(旅游) very much. Who are they? They are ______________)

Can you read the passage? Have a try, please!



学习本课难点句子:Help the tourists find their way.并引导学生用英语描述路线。


(出示提示句子) Look! I think Zhou Jielun is a singer. He goes to work by car. He likes singing very much. What do you think of Zhou Jielun?(学生看提示语和同位讨论)


投影出示句子。Zhou Jielun is a singer. He goes to work by car. He likes singing very much.



用同样的方法讨论交流并学说句子:helps the bank use their money well.



VIII.投影出示刚才的三段短文。Can you read the passages by yourselves?学生看投影自由阅读。

T:Can you answer these questions? Ask and answer in your groups.


1. What does Zhou Jielun do?

2. What does Xiao Hong do ?

3. Who works in a school?

4. Who likes singing?

5. How does Miss Liang go to work?

6. Who help the bank use their money well?





A. How many friends do we have?

B. Who are they?

A. Wang Li is an engineer.

B. She likes reading English very much.

C. She designs many cars and buses.

D. She goes to work on foot.

A、 Li Xiaobin is a policewoman.

B、 He works is a hospital.

C、 He helps the bank use their money well.

D、 He goes to work by bus.

第三段:can you answer my questions?

A、What does Yuan Yuan do?

B、What does Yuan Yuan like?

C、How does Yuan Yuan go to work?


Let’s read all the passages together, OK?(齐读全部课文一遍)

Now questions for you? can you answer the questions on your English books?

Ask and answer in your groups, then write the answers on your English books.






T: Look! there are three tips here.(课前将文中的三条建议贴在黑板上)

老师读完三条建议后说:I want to be a singer, because I like singing very much. What about you?

S1: I want to be a teacher, because I like children.

T: Thank you. What else?

S2: I want to be an accountant. Because I like math very much.

T: Thank you. What else?

S3: I want to be a teacher, because I like students.

T: Thank you. What else? What about you?

S4: I want to be an English teacher. Because I like English very much.


(1)T: Now you are the managers in the many companies, and you need somebody work for your company.请你根据你们公司的工作性质,到人才市场去聘用一些人员为你的公司服务。(课前在学生的桌子上分好小纸条,上面写着虚拟身份的相关信息,每组为一个公司。)


Zhang Yong is a happy man. He likes helping the sick(病人)people.He likes white.

He wants to be a doctor. So I choose Zhang Yong. Because he wants to be a doctor, and Yongxin hospital needs a doctor.

I work in Yongxin hospital. I choose Zhang Yong. Because Yongxin hospital needs a doctor. And Zhang Yong wants to be a doctor.

Can you tell me? What about you?

Now you can stand up and look for the personnel for your company. OK?




(5)T: Boys and girls, toady, it’s very difficult to find a nice job. So we must work hard, and make a new day. OK?


英语的课件 篇4




(1)能够掌握本课时的四会单词:younger, older, taller, shorter, longer。 (2)能够掌握本课时重点句型:How tall are you ? I am ......metres. I am taller. You are shorter aller than me. You’re youngerolder than me.



1、重点:学习单词:younger, older, taller, shorter, longer;掌握句子:How tall are you ? I’m 1.61 metres.I’m taller. You’re older than me,too.




1、Greeting:Nice to meet you again. How are you today?

2、Let’s chant

Tall, tall, tall, who is tall?

Tall, tall, tall, I am tall.

Short, short, short, who is short?

Short, short, short, I am short.

Big, big, big, whose(谁的) eyes are big?

Big, big, big, her eyes are big.

Small, small, small, whose eyes are small?

Small, small, small, his eyes are small.

Do some actions,review the words:tall、strong、short 等。


1、教师请几位高矮胖瘦不同的学生到台前来,让学生分辨Who is tall /strong/old/young/short?,然后让学生回答。

教师指着比较高的A和比较矮的B问: Who is tall ? S :A. T: A is taller than B , 用动作来示意学生,帮助学生理解。然后出示taller的单词卡片,示范读taller.


3、教师用同样的方法教学其他四个四会单词stronger 、older、 younger、 shorter。



6、教师领读几遍后,请学生根据实际情况说句子,比如“I’m taller than ….I’m short than ….”等。教师要及时鼓励表述好的学生。

7、教师把一高一矮的学生叫他们站起来,然后说You’re taller than your classmate! 引导学生做出相应的回答:Yes! 教师问,How tall are you ?学生答I’m 160cm

8、教师和另一个学生对话作示范,How tall are you ?I’m 150cm tall. I’m taller than you. I’m 4cm taller than you ..学生分组开火车练习,最快的为优胜组。





1.每名学生尝试用句型“I’m ---- than ----“来描述自己。至少三句话。


3.Let’s chant。


1.Let's play 学生小组玩游戏。




2. 询问他人年龄、身高、体重。

(运用句型How old/tall/heavy are you? )


Unit 1 How tall are you

A Let's learn

I'm taller than you.

tall-taller short –shorter

young-younger old-older


英语的课件 篇5




中英文课件(中文名称叫做电子课件,英文名称叫做Teaching Multimedia Courseware),是一种以计算机技术为基础,运用多媒体技术制作的一种辅助教学工具。它可以将文字、图片、声音、视频等多种形式的教学材料集成在一起,使得教学内容更加生动、直观、互动,有利于强化学生的记忆效果和理解能力。






















英语的课件 篇6

Title: The Importance of Learning Chinese and English


Chinese and English are two of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Being able to speak, read, and write in both languages is becoming increasingly important to succeed in today's globalized world. In this presentation, we will discuss the importance of learning Chinese and English and the benefits it can bring to individuals and society.


1. Economic benefits

China and the United States are two of the world's largest economies. With the increasing economic integration of these two countries, there is a growing need for people who can speak both Chinese and English. Many businesses and organizations are looking for employees who are bilingual, especially in China and the US. Learning both languages can increase one's job opportunities and income potential.

2. Cultural enrichment

China and the US have rich cultural histories and traditions. Learning Chinese and English can help individuals better understand and appreciate the culture of the other country. This can lead to greater cross-cultural understanding, tolerance, and cooperation. In addition, learning a new language can broaden one's perspective and promote personal growth.

3. Educational opportunities

China has become an attractive destination for international students seeking higher education. The country has a number of top-ranked universities that offer a wide range of academic programs. However, to fully take advantage of these opportunities, it is important to be able to speak, read, and write in Chinese. Similarly, many students from China come to study in English-speaking countries. Knowing English gives them an advantage in their studies and future careers.

4. Improved international relations

The relationship between China and the US has been complex and challenging at times. However, learning each other's language can help build trust and communication between people from these two countries. This can lead to improved diplomatic relations and a more peaceful and stable international environment.


In conclusion, learning Chinese and English is important for personal and societal reasons. It can bring economic benefits, cultural enrichment, educational opportunities, and improved international relations. As the world becomes more interconnected, being bilingual in Chinese and English is an asset that can help individuals and societies thrive in a globalized world.

英语的课件 篇7















英语的课件 篇8

Hello, dear teachers,

My name is . I’m very glad to be here to share some of my teaching ideas. Today my topic is the greeting and self-introduction in PEP primary English book3 Unit 1 Part A Let’s talk. I divide my lesson into 6 parts as follows: teaching material, teaching aims, difficult and key points, teaching methods, teaching procedures and blackboard designing.

Part1. My understanding of teaching material

This unit discusses about the self-introduction and greetings. And this lesson is the first one of this unit. It requires Ss to introduce themselves and greet others when two meet. It is a hot daily talk, so the Ss will be interested in this new lesson.

Part2. Teaching aims

Now , I will talk about the teaching aims .

First, the basic knowledge aim is enable students to use and master the sentence structures: Hello. / Hi. I’m…

Second, the ability aim is to develop Ss basic ability of listening and speaking, and enable Ss to communicate with their partners with sentence form in a real situation .

Third, the emotion aim is to develop Ss’ consciousness of cooperation and competition and improve their interest of learning English.

Part 3. Difficult and key points :

Thirdly, I’d like to talk about the difficult and key points . The key point is that students can read and use the key sentences “I’m … / Hello. / Hi. ” in a real situation such as greeting people around them.

The predicted point is the whole expression of self-introduction with “I’m…”

Part4. Teaching methods :

I’d like to analyze Ss and show you my teaching methods.

In our school, Grade 1 is the first year to learn English. Ss are very curious about English. They’re active and competitive. Also, they are good at imitating. But, their attention can’t be kept long. So it requires us to use attractive teaching manners to hold Ss’ attention. Based on such a situation, I mainly use the task-based method,

I’ve prepared activities such as TPR, singing, games, etc. I also arrange individual work, pair work and group work for Ss to practice. Besides, praise is very important. When they have a chance to speak, and have done a good job, they can get a star or something like that on their books. It’s very important to keep Ss’ interests.

Part5、Teaching procedure :

I’ll finish this lesson in five steps.

Step 1. Warm-up

1. Enjoy a song “Hello”

T: Hello, class. I’m Miss Xiao. You can call me “Miss Xiao”.(我叫肖老师,以后你们就可以叫我Miss Xiao)

S: Hello, Miss Xiao.

2. Free talk

Present a picture of the members in Cartoon Xi Yangyang and Hui Tailang. Ask Ss to tell the names one by one.

T: Hello, boys and girls. Look, who are they?

S: Xi Yangyang/ Mei Yangyang/…

T: Do you like them? I like Mei Yangyang very much. Now, I’ll say hello to Mei Yangyang. Hello, Mei Yangyang. 小朋友们,跟你们最喜欢的羊打招呼吧!

S: I like…

Purpose: Singing can easily take Ss into a free English environment. With the help of CAI, to present cartoon characters. Set a situation to help Ss say hello.

Step2. Presentation

1. Say hello to teacher

T: 小朋友,还记得老师的名字吗?接下来,老师要跟你们打招呼了。我们来比赛,看哪组小朋友已经最快记住老师的名字了? Hello/ Hi, Group 1. (分别跟四大组打招呼)

G1: Hello, Miss Xiao.

T: Very good. (竖起大拇指)

a. Pair work: say hello to your partners.

A: Hello/ Hi,... B: Hello/ Hi, …

b. Teach: I’m…

(1). T: Hello, I’m Miss Xiao. What about you? (Point to S’ ID card)

S: Xiao Ming.

T: Hello, Xiao Ming.

S: Hello, Miss Xiao.

T: I’m Miss Xiao. You can say “I’m Xiao Ming”.

Ask S to say it again and walk to other Ss and greet in the same way.

(2). Group work

Introduce themselves in a group of four.

Purpose: To present the key structures one by one is much easier for the Ss to learn and grasp the meanings. Proper competition can arouse the Ss’ interest in English learning.

Step 3. Practice

1. Looking for friends

Divide the whole class into 4 groups. Each student can leave their seats and make new friends with “Hello, I’m…” and remembers their names. Let’s say who has the most friends.

2. Get-on

Invite your new friends to your bus.

S1: Hello, S2.

S2: Hello, S1.

S1: Hello, S3.

S3: Hello, S1.

Purpose: Task-based teaching method is used here to develop Ss’ ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained. Games can also improve Ss’ interest.

Step 4 Homework

Say hello to your parents and friends and introduce yourself.

Purpose: Revision is so important that Ss should speak English as much as they as in class or after class. It is necessary for the Ss to do some extensive exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge they learned.

Part 6 . Blackboard design

Unit1 Hello! A Let’s talk

Hello. / Hi.

Hello, I’m Miss Xiao/…

My lesson is over. Thanks.

英语的课件 篇9

学年康县第一期英语教学培训课程xxxx--xxxx 康县大南峪学校英语教师张瑛xxxx年xx月xx—xx日为期2天的英语培训已落下帷幕,在这紧张、充实而又快乐的日子里,我感受到了很多,也学到了很多。这次培训使我受益匪浅,虽然时间很短,但是培训的内容给了我教学上很大的帮助,听了来自挪威的阿斯媂老师的理论指导,也观看了一些教学实例,亲身体验了一些活动,让理论联系了实际,使得我更深刻、更透彻的领会了老师所讲的内容。以下是我的一些心得体会:

本课时Lets learn 部分学习 white, black, brown, pink, orange等颜色单词。热身、复习环节,主要复习所学的各种问候语和颜色单词。呈现新课时,教师接着第一环节中猜颜色的游戏,有意在最后出示一个学生没学过的颜色,从而引出新颜色单词的教学。教学新知时,教师让学生拿出蜡笔和水彩笔,学习black, brown, pink, orange。再利用颜色卡片,教师带读单词,同时要提示 white, black, brown等的发音。BINGO游戏可复习所学的全部颜色单词。在学生基本掌握新单词之后,教师可以让学生动手用所学颜色画把雨伞或做个陀螺。最后,教师让学生将所做的物品转动起来,说说所看到的颜色。通过此种活动形式,教师可充分发挥学生的能力,做事情、说英语。

英语的课件 篇10

英语数字课件: The Essential Tool for Learning Numbers


In the modern world, where English has become the global language of communication, it is crucial for learners, especially young students, to master the basics of numbers in English. Understanding numbers is not only essential for daily life but also plays a significant role in various academic subjects like mathematics, science, and finance. To facilitate this learning process, the development and utilization of interactive English number courseware has become increasingly popular. In this article, we will explore the importance of English number courseware and how it can effectively enhance students' understanding of numbers.

Understanding Numbers:

Numbers are the foundation of mathematics and play a vital role in our daily lives. Whether it is counting objects, measuring quantities, or solving mathematical equations, numbers are involved in almost every aspect of our routine. In the English language, numbers are also used to express time, dates, addresses, and phone numbers. Therefore, it is crucial for learners to develop a strong command of numbers in English to communicate effectively and comprehend various mathematical concepts.

Importance of English Number Courseware:

1. Interactive Learning Experience:

English number courseware offers an interactive learning experience that engages students in an enjoyable and immersive way. The courseware integrates various multimedia elements such as animations, videos, and interactive games to help students grasp number concepts easily. The interactive nature of the courseware ensures that students actively participate in the learning process, creating a fun and engaging environment that facilitates better retention of knowledge.

2. Visual Representation:

English number courseware utilizes visual representations to enhance students' comprehension of numbers. Visual learning is a powerful tool as it appeals to various learning styles, including visual learners. The courseware presents numbers in different forms, such as numerical digits, written words, and diagrams, making it easier for students to associate the visual representation with the numerical value. This visual approach aids in forming a connection between the English vocabulary and numerical concepts.

3. Progressive Learning:

English number courseware is designed to provide a progressive learning experience. It introduces numbers in a sequential manner, starting from basic counting and gradually advancing to complex mathematical operations. The courseware allows students to practice and reinforce their knowledge through interactive exercises and quizzes. This incremental approach ensures that students build a strong foundation and gradually develop proficiency in understanding and using numbers in English.

4. Personalized Learning:

English number courseware often includes features that facilitate personalized learning. It adapts to the individual needs of each student, allowing them to learn at their own pace. The courseware provides immediate feedback and corrective measures, enabling students to identify and correct their mistakes independently. This personalized learning approach promotes self-confidence and boosts students' motivation to continue learning numbers effectively.


English number courseware has become an indispensable tool for teaching and learning numbers. Its interactive nature, visual representation, progressive learning structure, and personalized learning features ensure an effective and engaging learning experience. As numbers are an integral part of our lives, mastering them in English opens up countless opportunities for communication and academic success. With the aid of English number courseware, students can confidently navigate the world of numbers, enhancing their overall learning experience and enabling them to become proficient in both mathematics and the English language.

英语的课件 篇11





1. 文化差异


2. 语言障碍


3. 个人经验



1. 学习他人的文化和语言

学习他人的文化和语言是消除误解的最好方法。了解别人的文化和语言,可以更好地理解他们的行为, 让人们更深入地交流, 从而互相打破刻板印象和负面评价。

2. 倾听并问问题


3. 避免使用固定模式


4. 保持冷静和理智


4. 结论


英语的课件 篇12





















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