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栏目: 开业英文句子

2023-09-29 17:46


1、Congratulations on your successful launch. May your new business flourish and bring you happiness beyond measure. 祝贺你们的成功启动,愿你们的新业务蓬勃发展,带给你们无限的幸福。



4、After months of preparation, our new flagship store is finally open for business. 经过几个月的筹备,我们的新旗舰店终于开业了。

5、The wait is finally over! Our doors are officially opening on [date].

6、Never stop dreaming big and working hard. Congratulations on the opening of your business! 永远不要停止做出大胆的梦想并努力工作。祝贺你的开业!

7、Congratulations on achieving your milestone of opening a new business. May it be a huge success and bring you much happiness. 祝贺你们迈出创业的重要一步,愿新业务大获成功,带给你们莫大的快乐。

8、It is our pleasure to welcome you to our newest location, and we look forward to building a lasting relationship with you.

9、May your business bring joy to many and lead you to great success. 愿你的生意带给许多人欢乐,带领你走向成功。

10、We are excited to launch our new website, which offers a user-friendly experience.

11、May your business grow from strength to strength and bring you much prosperity. Congratulations on the grand opening and best wishes for the future. 愿你们的业务越来越兴旺发达,带给你们丰厚的财富和福祉。祝贺你们的开业,预祝你们未来事业成功。

12、We are proud to announce that our new venture is now open for business, and we are eager to serve our community.

13、Wishing you every success with your new business venture and may it bring you joy and satisfaction. 祝愿您的新业务项目取得巨大成功,并带给您快乐和满足。

14、Our newest location is now officially open for business, and we can't wait to show you everything we have to offer.

15、After months of hard work, we are thrilled to announce the official opening of our new store. 经过数月辛勤工作,我们很高兴宣布新店的正式开幕。

16、Business is thriving. Congratulations on your fortune!财源广进,生意兴隆!恭喜发财,开业大吉!


18、Don't miss out on the excitement – our newest store is opening soon!

19、We're proud to be joining this thriving business community and look forward to serving our customers for years to come. 我们很自豪能够加入这个繁荣的商业社区,并期待为我们的客户服务多年。

20、The moment we've been waiting for has finally arrived - our business is open for business! 我们期待已久的时刻终于到来了-我们的业务已经营业了!

21、Spring comes before spring.春意春前草,财源雨后泉。

22、Our new restaurant is now serving the finest cuisine in town.

23、Our new business is finally up and running, and we couldn't be more excited! 我们的新业务终于开始运营了,我们感到非常兴奋!



26、May your new business venture bring you satisfaction and fulfillment in both your personal and professional life. 祝愿您的新业务企划在私人和专业生活中都能带给您满意和成就。

27、We are delighted to finally open our doors and share our passion and expertise with you. Thank you for joining us on this momentous occasion.





32、Business is great! I wish you every success in your business.开业大吉!祝愿你的生意,蒸蒸日上,红红火火,日进斗金啊。


34、Wishing you a thriving business that exceeds even your wildest dreams. 祝愿你一门繁荣的生意,超越你的所有梦想。

35、We are thrilled to welcome you to join us for our grand opening celebration.

36、Best wishes for the grand opening of your business. May it be the start of a wonderful and prosperous journey. 开业大吉!祝你开启精彩而繁荣的旅程。


38、We are pleased to announce the opening of our state-of-the-art facility.


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