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励志的句子句子大全(编辑 神秘剑客)考试的题目越来越难了,我真是痛恨考试升级版。考试是每个人学习路上必不可少的一段,攀登更高水平,扎实学习。祝愿你取得满意的成绩,以下是一些优秀的考试祝福语供你参考。为了更全面地了解“考试的题目越来越难了,我真是讨厌考试升级版”,请认真阅读以下内容。相信这些技巧会对你有所帮助!


1、The government should take immediate and necessary measures to deal with the problem.

2、Will my English listening and speaking test scores be considered by employers?

3、If I can get the job/can be employed, I will try my best to do it well.

4、The exam will involve factors that go beyond memorization.

5、What was the outcome of the experiment?

6、Is there a fee to take the English listening and speaking test?

7、Will I be able to use a microphone or other equipment during the speaking section?

8、I want to ask two days’ leave because I need to be physically examined.

9、This is the lesson we should learn.

10、Can you identify the use of onomatopoeia in the poem?


12、The exam will be on a single or multiple topics.

13、We can realize that science is playing a more and more important part/role in modern agriculture and industry.

14、Will the exam be offered in other languages besides English?

15、It is very important to live in harmony with one another/each other.

16、The exam will have a time limit.

17、He thanked me for having helped him out of trouble.

18、What kind of jobs or opportunities will be available to me if I perform well on the exam?

19、It is Sunday today. This morning we had a social activity---visiting a car factory/ a farm/ a theme park.



21、I am writing to ask whether you have made a final decision to study abroad.

22、How would you summarize the main idea of the passage?


24、Poor as he is, he never gives up his studies.

25、Can I review my responses after taking the English listening and speaking test?

26、Compared to the year before last, it is obvious that the number has fallen sharply.


28、Can you recommend books to improve my listening skills?

29、The exam will require me to write an essay.

30、a big appetite 胃口很好


32、More people are rich enough to afford such things as traveling.


34、How does the author create suspense in the story?


36、What topics are you most confident about discussing in English?

37、I think I can be the right/suitable person you want. I want to be a volunteer.

38、make one’s mouth water 使人垂涎三尺,想吃




41、Such is Hong Zhanhui, a poor but strong-minded and great person.

42、What is the theme of this poem?

43、Five minutes later, some firefighters with an ambulance arrived.



46、The number stays nearly the same, indicating that reading remains an important way that people acquire knowledge or find information.



49、We must learn to get on well with others.

50、The exam will require me to express my thoughts clearly and effectively.

51、Hong Zhanhui, aged 23, a college student, is one of the top ten people who moved China in 2005.




55、When I arrived at your home, you happened to be out, so I left the message.

56、He treated well/ took good care of his 11-year-old sister like a father.



58、Do I need to take notes during the listening section of the exam?

59、Can I ask the examiner to repeat a question in the speaking section?

60、I am writing to thank you for having given me so much help.

61、to let one’s hair down 放松,好好玩

62、May I have your attention, please, everybody? I have an announcement to make.

63、I am writing to tell you that we will have a get-together/ party next week.


65、How can I stay focused and alert during the exam?

66、I am writing to make an apology to you for what I have said about you and what I have done to you.

67、I am glad to receive your letter/e-mail saying that you are coming here next month. I am glad to know that you have been admitted to your dream university.

68、Something small may cause a big/great disaster.

69、What’s more, our government can offer allowance to poor students for their life and study.

70、Will there be any breaks during the exam?

71、Living in the country, people can refresh themselves, breathing the fresh air.


73、The exam will show what I have learned in the class so far.


75、The exam will be marked by the teachers.

76、What inspired you to pursue your current interests?


77、The exam will be held in the school hall.


79、Also, bank loan is another way.

80、I know from it that you have a vacancy for a typist/driver/secretary, etc.

81、It was the boy’s bravery and cleverness that saved the people on the train.

82、I need to stay focused and confident throughout the exam.

83、Can I take breaks during the English listening and speaking test, especially if I have a medical condition?

84、The exam will test our knowledge of English grammar.

85、Is there a minimum age requirement for taking the English listening and speaking test?

86、Do you think it is important to have a positive attitude? Why or why not?


88、I need to have a good night's sleep before the exam.

89、As can be seen from the table, there have been great changes in the ways of people getting information.


91、How can I know that I have adequately prepared for the English listening and speaking test?

92、The exam will test my creativity.



95、I read your advertisement in yesterday’s newspaper.


96、I need to be well-prepared for the exam.

97、a bitter pill to swallow 吞下苦果

98、Can you provide more detail?


100、How can I know if I am eligible for special arrangements during the English listening and speaking test?

101、The exam will be in written form.

102、Therefore, we can see it is a natural process with the development of science.

103、The exam will test my reasoning abilities.

104、Through our joint efforts, we managed to do it/made it/succeeded in catching the thief.

105、I need to avoid negative self-talk before the exam.


107、What do you think is the best way to overcome language barriers?

108、Have you prepared well for the upcoming English test?

109、How does the use of dialogue contribute to the story?

110、Do I need to memorize any specific phrases or sentences for the speaking section?


112、The exam will be stressful, but I can handle it.


114、They can win a scholarship through hard work.



116、I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with that term.

117、How do you see English-language proficiency impacting global communication and understanding in the future?

118、How can I evaluate my performance and identify areas of improvement after the exam?

119、Though burdens/loads on farmers’ shoulders are reduced, yet most of them still have financial problem in sending their children to colleges or universities.

120、Students can have different ways to pay for their schooling.

121、Can you tell us about any English language certifications you have obtained?

122、Yes, I agree with you completely.

123、What kind of topics will be covered in the speaking section of the exam?

124、Never shall I forget the activity!



127、I'm nervous about the speaking part of the exam. Can you give me any advice?

128、How long will I have to respond to each question in the speaking section?

129、By riding bicycles, people can produce, in a certain degree, no pollution to the environment.


131、I am very interested in the job.

132、From the activity we have learned a lot.

133、In your opinion, what are the most important language skills to master for success in your future career?


134、Can you describe the setting of the story?

135、What time of day will the exam take place?


137、You ain't seen nothing yet.你还没看过更好(烂)的;好戏还在后头

138、The exam will involve reading texts and responding to them.

139、What is the tone of the passage?

140、In recent years costs in colleges and universities/hospitals tend to increase.

141、We must do by ourselves what we can do.


143、Will there be any grammar exercises on the English listening and speaking test?

144、As we can see from the chart, the number of people who use mobile phones is increasing steadily.

145、Remember me to your family. Good luck!

146、How can I ensure that I am well-rested and prepared for the exam?

147、Besides being good at typing, I have fluent/excellent spoken English.

148、Costs should be reduced reasonably.




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