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【#句子大全# #爱情英文小短句200句#】“你是我心中永远的星辰,每一颗都在为你闪耀。”













4、I still love you, but with less persistence.




8、In fact, you never tamed me. I just put my tusks away when I love you.

9、Joy for one man, loss for one man.

10、love is not geting but giving.爱是付出,不是占有。


12、Its not that you cant afford to love, but you cant hurt.


14、just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to, doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have. 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那其实不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。


16、Don't dare to face your eyes, I'm afraid that every look in my eyes is expressing.

17、I am still in a dream because of my infatuation. A sigh blows your green silk.

18、You can only meet me once in your life. Please think twice.

19、I think I will love you as much as I do now in years.

20、Thank you dear husband, let me finally understand love, believe in love.

21、Pray for Sansheng, jishenyou, holding a promise for life.


23、Somewhere between the laughter and the tears, their love story lost its way and ended in heartbreak.

24、Dont be silly, how can people who dont care about you care whether you are sad or not.



27、If you cry for missing the sunset, you are going to miss the stars.


29、I thought I could be strong without you, and finally I knew I couldnt.

30、To meet you, every step is from that day.

31、Flying snow, and floating to the depths of memory, so, I tell you, I really miss you!




35、Handsome, it is impossible to show off for a lifetime.


37、dont waste your time on a man/woman, who isn’t willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上花消耗时间间的人而浪费你的时间。

38、Sweet smile is fire, sincere happiness is pot, pious blessing is spareribs.

39、Wait a minute. Ill wash my hair before I love you.

40、经常会莫名其妙的微笑,才发现原来这微笑是 Often inexplicable smile, just found that the original smile is about you.





45、The world is a huge doll machine. I just want you through the glass.



48、In the end well all realize that what we need isnt someone whos perfect, but someone whos right.

49、The west wind thin rain, from then on a person.


51、Hidden behind her smile, were the scars of a broken heart that no one could see.

52、This life has you, is destiny.

53、In the last year, its just too hard to miss.

54、The point of love is that the other party loves you more.

55、Lost love, indifferent to their own thoughts.

56、How dare I grow old before you come.

57、I even want to show off a punctuation mark you gave me.

58、Once suspected should give up the idea of white head, as if lost in the spirit of the disciple.

59、Butterfly in the dream, you are like my heart, just like melancholy gently.

60、Do you really like it or just want to fall in love.

61、There are two reasons why I wake up in the morning, the alarm clock and you.





66、Adults all over the world, one persons children.


68、Let the impermanence rise and go out one by one, and my heart for you will last forever.

69、the worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can’t have them. 失去或人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身边,却犹如远在天边。

70、Yep. Im wondering if you will give all yourself to me when I need you.

71、The past is not read, the heart only read you, sorrow and joy are not talked about, only talk about you.



74、Just want to send you a hug, gentle enough to go through the universe.

75、As long as I see you, my heart is full.

76、Its normal to get hurt in such a chaotic world.

77、Not that you have all the looks I like, but that I like all the looks you have.


79、You are the most beautiful memory in my life.

80、I miss you. I miss you. Do you miss me?

81、Let the dead have the name of immortality, let the living have eternal love.

82、在爱情上,没有相互的忠诚,就没有相互的信任。In love, there is no mutual loyalty, there is no mutual trust。


84、Look at the stars in the sky, thats all my wishes especially for you.




88、As long as you are around me, rich or not, I am the happiest person in the world.

89、Love is like dream, there is no shortcut, only business.

90、No more evidence of our love.

91、Love with tears is the most moving.


93、Ten thousand people chase, not as one person pain; ten thousand people spoil, not as one person understand.


95、Between people, as long as they dont love each other, everything can become very simple.


97、The foundation of all true love is mutual respect.


99、什么时候结婚最好?你最傻的时候,就是最好的结婚时候了。when is the best time to get married? You are the most silly of, time is the best wedding。

100、You sound like youre lamenting, a butterfly whining like a dove.

101、When we love a person, there is always a little fear, afraid of getting, afraid of losing.

102、I love you so deeply and widely.


104、Time will change the way you and I look, but cant change the way I love you.

105、Through the shattered pieces of their relationship, she tried to hold onto the last fragments of their love.

106、Sometimes the right person for you was there all along You just didn't see it because the wrong one was blocking the sight 有时候,那个人就在你身边。只是你不知道他的存在,因为错误的人挡住了你的视线。


108、You forget to remember, I forget to forget.

109、爱情要完结的时候自会完结,到时候,你不想画上句号也不行。Love to end will end, when the time comes, you don't want to end。


111、As the night fell, she found solace in the tranquility of her tears, for it was the only way to let go of the pain inside.

112、Do you still love him? Forget it. Let go.





117、The more people like you, the more naive they will act on you.

118、Ive seen so many setbacks that I wont cry.

119、Tangled, heart filled with silk pain!

120、Its nice to hold someone you like.


122、As she watched him walk away, she realized that sometimes love was just not enough to make things work.

123、You are a beautiful country, girl. I love you very much.

124、In the silence of her loneliness, she wondered if love was just a beautiful lie they all chased after.

125、The more optimistic people,the more he hid the heart more heavy。



128、You did not have me in the first half of your life, so let me accompany you for the rest of your life.

129、Make sweet and happy dreams, sweet and happy dreams, happy dreams.


131、Its OK. You just need to be OK.


133、Through the curtain, see your beauty.

134、Love makes a coward bold, but a brave man a coward.




138、This life,this life,because no longer have you,so love bite the old.


140、In the depth of his sorrow, he couldn't find the words to express how much he missed her.

141、Love you like the wind, implicit and free and easy.

142、In the midst of her tears, she found strength to heal and believe that love would someday find her again.

143、With every shattered promise, she became more guarded, afraid to let love break her heart once again.

144、If a man really loves you, distance is not a problem, it will only become a growth of the power of love. 如果一个人真的爱你,距离不是一个问题,它只会成为一种滋长爱情的力量。

145、All love can be love conquer of constancy.

146、Maybe when I leave you, you will know my existence.

147、爱情就像财富,有赖于命运之轮,它始终处于剧烈的上下颠簸之中。Love is like wealth, depends on the wheel of fortune, it's always in the midst of an intense bumpy。

148、One person, one heart, all smashed.

149、I love, nothing to say, just see you smile in the opposite.

150、We put down our dignity, personality and stubbornness just because we cant let go of a person.

151、深情是我担不起的重任,情话只是偶然兑现的谎言!Deep feeling is I can't afford to bear the burden of prattle just accidental to lie!

152、Lets lock in romance and live without regret.

153、Understand the gain and loss of life, master the secret of life happiness.


155、I love three things in this world.Sun, moon and you.Sun for morning,moon for night ,and you forever.予独爱世间三物。昼之日,夜之月,汝之永恒。

156、There is no trace of wings in the sky, but the birds have flown.

157、trueloveisnotaboutfindingyourselfinanother don’tfallinlove,orthinkyou’reinlove,justbecauseyouwanttofindyourself.youridentityisnottobesomeone’sotherhalf?it’stobeyourself!don’tgetsosweptupinyourpartnerthatyoubecomethem.youdon’tneedtobethenumberonefanoftheirfavoritebandorreadallthebookstheyread.keepyourinterestsandhobbiesandyou’llbemoreinterestingto,andinterestedin,yourpartner.



160、I would like to use my whole life to care for you, to protect your whole life.

161、The brain is amazing. Even if you are too busy, you can leave a little gap to think of you.

162、A person to put down, the next life.

163、If you dont understand my silence, you will never understand my words.

164、你爱我,为了我的幸福,你愿意放弃一切——包括我。Do you love me, for the sake of my happiness, you are willing to give up everything - including me。



167、Only act coquettish to you and be your girl.



170、With a heavy heart, he watched her leave, knowing that love wasn't always meant to last.


172、It's better to let one suffer more than three.

173、How long is the heartbeat. Ill love you for as long as I can.



176、no man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won’t make you cry. 没有人值患上你流泪,值患上让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

177、If you have a lover, you will get married, and the right person will eventually come together.

178、Dont be afraid to lose. What you can lose is not yours.


180、I will always love you, my dear, until the sea is dry.

181、Bing single means that you are strong enough and patient to wait for the one who deseres you.单身意味着你足够坚强,有足够的耐心去等待值得拥有你的那个人。

182、I dont want much, just you. I dont have much, all for you.


184、As the memories of their love faded, she realized that sometimes the saddest stories are the ones left untold.

185、There is at least one heartbreaking secret hidden behind every single person.



188、Like this, in the blue of the sheets, children look far away from memory.

189、Whether you will or not. I choose to wait.


191、Love you to the end of the world, love you to the corner of the sea.


193、Im glad Im the one you love.

194、Goodbye tears, lonely scenery.

195、Its a pity that Im not sitting next to you.


197、As the seasons changed, so did their love, fading away like an autumn leaf carried away by the wind.



200、Commitment is often like a butterfly, beautiful Frisbee spin and then disappear.


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