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栏目: 愿望名言

2024-02-24 13:55

【#句子大全# #关于愿望的名言精选#】“我一生只有一个愿望,那就是希望我所有的愿望都能实现。”大家在平常的学习中应该都接触过名人格言吧,名人格言可以提高我们的思想层次,那么你知道有哪些经典的名人格言呢?栏目小编特别从网络上整理了关于愿望的名言, 在此提醒你收藏本页,以方便阅读!




3、Desire is always good, reality is always cruel.

4、Our only sad, is living in the desire and no hope.

5、The most painful not you don't know I love you, but your wish I don't have the ability to help you achieve.

6、Anyone wishes, when the desire to achieve, people will call happiness?

7、Desire represents the pursuit, representing the hope. Hope can bring strength and desire. Desire can only lead to more.

8、People's happiness and continued success is only wish to meet, meet again to the rapid transition of desire.

9、When you reach your peak, you will feel desire to wish, just hungry to hunger, thirst for greater thirst.

10、Sacrifice. Wish. I was master bound by contract. Until his soul disappear.

11、The desire of the flowers is the heart is warm sun, li yan fragrance; Wish is suddenly missing, long feeling continous idea.


13、No matter how far apart, it can connect two people mind, the tree of desire.



16、All wishes, should be through their own efforts to achieve!

17、I'm not greedy. Only a small wish: life always have you.






22、People wish to god, the god of desire and to whom?

23、Remember that is my promise of a lifetime.

24、wish, is hope your wish, also have me.

25、I'm going to have to do my own freedom, and dare to dare to be myself.


27、In this world, not all reasonable and good can exist or implementation according to their wishes.

28、You owe me a wish. In fact, my biggest wish is you, take care of yourself. I tell you otherwise.


30、Have a desire to want to express, the results found that can express is not desire.

31、Wish to have multiple, the dream is how far from reality.


33、Desire, the more beautiful flower fade up the more appear harsh cuts.

34、And it doesn't matter, win or lose, this is the desire.

35、have a wish, wish is very small, only four words: a lifetime with you.


37、With my tears and write my wish at sea level.

38、29正义是给予每个人他应得的部分的这种坚定而恒久的愿望。 【古罗马】优士丁尼《法学总论》

39、The original miss you, can make me laugh, also can let me cry. I'm not greedy. I only have a small wish: life always have you.

40、In youth journey, even if you take the unreasonable, are just for the sake of the most simple wish.

41、My wish is to hold a girl in his arms, and save the world, is just passing.

42、Who's heart there are soft and durable, small desire is desire.


43、dream is the satisfaction of desire; The realization of the dream or fantasy and desire.

44、If life is only one wish, I hope all the wishes come true.


46、Contented with little desire, destined to finish big wish.

47、Life is to find love and can afford something, what matters is the desire to satisfy the desire can't mean time.


49、If god want to punish us, will let us do all the wishes!




53、良心是一种内心的感觉,是对于躁动于我们体内的某种异常愿望的抵制。 ... 作者:弗洛伊德

54、How much you are willing to use to achieve your wish?

55、My wish is that I have me in my heart is the desire of those who, like me.

56、If at first you put things they haven't come to hand in advance to others, you will lose the desire of the fight for.

57、Life belongs to you, you should according to their own desire to live.







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