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栏目: 有趣英语短句

2024-05-10 14:27

“Green glass globes glow greenly。”我发现句子是一种非常有效的表达方式能够表达我的心理和情感,网络的发展使信息传播的速度变得更快,借助一些手段摘录句子现在很流行。有时候我觉得自己的句子因为语言的限制而显得生硬不自然?经过提炼励志的句子小编为您整理了有趣的英语短句相关的用户评价,祈愿这些句子能够为您带来一些新的认知!此外,您还可以浏览句子大全栏目的对年轻生命逝去的感慨句子通用五十句

1、Elizabeths birthday is on the third Thursday of this month

2、Nonsense, I don't think his painting is any better than yours. 胡说,我认为他的画比你好不到哪去。(好吧??原来是说两个人画得都不咋样??)

3、”Younger Scout: How can I tell the difference between a mushroom and a toadstool(毒菌) ?Older Scout: Just eat one before you go to bed. If you wake up the next morning, it was a mushroom.年少的童子军:我怎样才能把蘑菇和毒蕈区别开呢?年长的童子军:上床前吃一个。如果你第二天早上醒来,那就是蘑菇。“

4、That took his breath away.

5、“Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won’t expect it back.” – Oscar Wilde“跟悲观主义的人借钱吧。他不会指望你会还钱。”——奥斯卡王尔德[/cn

6、Bake big batches of bitter brown bread

7、“When you go into court you are putting your fate into the hands of twelve people who weren’t smart enough to get out of jury duty.” – Norm Crosby“[cn]当你上法庭时,你将把你的命运托付给十二个不够聪明以至于无法摆脱陪审员义务的人手上。”——努姆克鲁斯比[/cn

8、I thought a thought But the thought I thought wasnt the thought I thought I thought If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldnt have thought so much

9、Green glass globes glow greenly

10、peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,a peck of pickled peppers peter piper picked.if peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. where’s the peck of pickled peppers peter piper picked?

11、“After burying his mother nine months earlier, a client of the local mortuary finally had enough money to purchase the expensive coffin he'd originally wanted. So we exhumed the body and transferred his deceased mother into the new steel casket. ”What's so special about this coffin?“ I asked the funeral director. He replied, ”It has a lifetime warranty.“在将母亲下葬9个月后,当地殡仪馆的一个客户终于攒够了钱去买那副他早就相中的价值不菲的棺材了。他把母亲的棺材挖了出来,将尸体转移到了那副新的钢制棺材中。“这副棺材有什么特别?”,我问葬礼的承办人。他回答说,“这种棺材终生保修。”

12、If you think he is a good man, think again.

13、”A newspaper organized a contest for the best answer to the question: “If a fire broke out in the Louvre, and if you could only save one painting, which one would you carry out?”The winning reply was: “The one nearest the exit.”一份报纸组织了一场竞赛,为下面的问题征集最佳答案:“如果卢浮宫起了火,而你只能救出一幅画,你将救出哪一幅?”获奖的答案是:“最接近门口的那一幅。”“

14、“One day, Tim's mathematics teacher looked at his homework and saw that he had got all his sums right.The teacher was very pleased-and rather surprised.He called Tim to his desk and said to him, ”You got all your homework right this time, Tim. What happened? Did your father help you?“”No, sir. He was too busy last night, so I had to do it all myself,“ said Tim.”一天,蒂姆的数学老师看了他的作业,发现他全做对了。老师很高兴,同时也十分惊讶。他把蒂姆叫到桌前说:“蒂姆,你这次的作业全都做对了,怎么回事?你爸爸帮你做了吗?”“不,先生,我爸爸昨天很忙,我不得不全由自己做。”“

15、“I intend to live forever. So far, so good.” – Steven Wright“[cn]我要永远活下去,长久又有意义”——史蒂夫莱特[/cn

16、If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch?

17、“Mother: I left two pieces of cake in the cupboard this morning, Johnny, and now there is only one piece left. Can you explain that?Johnny: Well, I suppose it was so dark that I didn’t notice the other.妈妈:约翰尼,我今天早上在橱子里放了两块点心。现在就剩下一块了。你能解释一下吗?约翰尼:嗯,我想是因为里面太黑我没看到另外那块。”

18、I wish I were what I was when I wished I were what I am

19、“People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.” – Isaac Asimov“[cn]那些以为自己什么都知道的人对于确实知道的我们来说是巨大的烦恼。”——艾萨克阿西莫夫[/cn

20、“Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong.” – Unknown“[cn]没有什么比在知道是自己做错的情况下还跟别人争论更糟糕的了。”——佚名[/cn

21、“One day in class, the teacher assigned his students to write a composition – if I Am a Manager.All the students began to write except a boy. The teacher went to him and asked the reason.“I am waiting for my secretary,” was the boy’s answer.一天课上,老师要同学们以“如果我是一个经理”为题写一篇作文。所有的学生都在动笔写了,只有一个男生例外。老师走过去问他为什么不写。“我在等我的秘书”。那孩子答道。”

22、“”i had an operation,“ said a man to his friend, ”and the doctor left a sponge in me.“一个男人对他的朋友说:“我动了一次手术,手术后医生把一块海绵忘在我的身体里了。””that's terrible!“ said the friend. ”got any pain?“ “真是太糟糕了!”朋友说道:“你觉得疼吗?””no, but i am always thirsty!“ “不疼,可是我总感到口渴!””


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