励志的句子 · 范文大全


2024英语高中教案英文版 篇1

本单元的核心教学内容是学习和使用祈使句。通过教Open the door,please。及否定句Don’t open the door。两种方式,其教学内容与学生的实际生活息息相关,因而对学生来说不难理解,关键是单词的学习及句型在实际生活中的准确运用。本节课我是安排的以肯定祈使句为教学重点的,让学生掌握“请别人干某事”的英语表达方法。在教学过程中,我用英语来组织教学,我通过手势、眼神、动作、夸张的表情与音调还有简笔画等为学生创设学习英语的环境,培养学生直接用英语思维、表达的习惯。如eat,drink,在看、听、模仿过程中给学生以感性认识,发展直觉思维,促进智力活动,收到了良好的效果,还运用了chant,提高他们的学习兴趣,激发他们学习积极性,为学习英语创造了快乐。如教draw时,画简笔画创设真实情境,给学生表现机会,并要求学生在学习和交流过程中注意文明礼貌,充分运用已学的`日常交际用语,从而发展学生语言技能,提高实际运用语言的`能力。

The core teaching content of this unit is learning and using imperative sentences. By teaching Open the door, please. And the negative sentence Dont open the door. The teaching contents of the two methods are closely related to students real life, so it is not difficult for students to understand. The key is to learn words and accurately use sentence patterns in real life. In this class, I arranged to focus on affirmative imperative sentences, so that students can master the English expression of "ask others to do something". In the process of teaching, I use English to organize teaching. I create an environment for students to learn English through gestures, eyes, movements, exaggerated expressions and tones, and stick figures, and cultivate students habit of thinking and expressing directly in English. For example, eat and drink give students perceptual knowledge, develop intuitive thinking and promote intellectual activities in the process of watching, listening and imitating, which has received good results. chant is also used to improve their interest in learning, stimulate their enthusiasm for learning and create happiness for learning English. For example, when teaching draw, draw stick figures to create real situations, give students opportunities to express themselves, and ask students to pay attention to civility and politeness in the process of learning and communication, and make full use of the learned everyday communication terms, so as to develop students language skills and improve their ability to actually use languages.

在课堂上我注重用比较法、由旧知引出新知的方法,让学生更容易记住单词。例如在学drink时,我把dress,think与drink作比较;学习read时,还由jeans,please,tea中的tea引到eat 。因为tea,eat他们的字母组成是一样的,只不过是顺序颠倒了一下;还有right与write,copybook与copy之间作比较,因为他们之间有相同的部分或者是读音相同,用这种方法可以为学生背诵单词打下坚实的基础。

In class, I pay attention to the method of comparison and drawing new knowledge from old knowledge, which makes it easier for students to remember words. For example, when learning drink, I compare dress, think and drink; When learning read, tea in jeans, please and tea leads to eat. Because tea and eat have the same letter composition, but the order is reversed; There are also comparisons between right and write, copybook and copy, because they have the same parts or the same pronunciation. This method can lay a solid foundation for students to recite words.

2024英语高中教案英文版 篇2



我能说句型:Is this your skirt ? Yes , it is . Is that your T-shirt ?No, it’s not .Whose is it ?It’s my T-shirt.并能在情景中运用。


我能欣赏并会唱《My Clothes》





掌握句型:Is this your skirt ? Yes , it is . Is that your T-shirt ? No, it’s not .Whose is it ? It’s my T-shirt.


Is this your skirt ? Yes , it is . Is that your T-shirt ? No, it’s not .Whose is it ? It’s my T-shirt.在情景中的应用。


(一)Warmming up

1、跟着Let’s chant做动作


2、Guess thewords:


3、通过课件出示Alice的图片用Who’s this girl? She’s Alice. She’s Mike’ssister. Do you want to know “what colour is Alice ‘s skirt?”进行简单的.师生对话,从而引出新知,从而让学生看书找到答案。



教师简单的描述Let’s talk的对话情境。然后让学生听对话录音,试着简单的回答问题,让学生初步的感知对话。


通过呈现两个问题What colour is Alice ‘sskirt ??和Whose is it ?并且教师用肢体语言让学生了解两个问题的意思。然后让学生自读对话,试着回答问题。遇到问题教师及时辅助引导。本环节是为了更好的培养学生对不熟悉的短文及对话的阅读理解能力,同时也培养了学生的自学能力。










2024英语高中教案英文版 篇3


1.能听、说、读、写单词“sing English song”,“play the pipa ”,“do kang fu ”,“dance”和“draw cartoons”。

2.能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“What can you do ?” “I can …?”,激发学生进一步了解他人的欲望。

3.能完成“Ask and answer”部分的对话任务。






Step 1 lead-in

Morning children.

Today there are many teachers coming to our school. Let’s say good morning to them. More than that, to show ourwelcome, what can you do if we’ll have an welcome partyfor the teachers?

What can you do for the party? I have an idea. Let’s sing songs, ok?

Can you sing English songs? ABC song. Yes, I can…板书引导语气自信

Wonderful. She can sing English songs. How about you? Canyou sing songs? Wonderful…后面可以让学生自己问自己称赞。

Let’s sing an English songs for the teacherstogether.(music)

Step 2 Presentation

You can sing songs for the party. That is wonderful. Whatelse can you do?

出示单词图片听录音说单词dance do kungfu play the pipa/erhu/guzheng…

Draw pictures play chess cook clean the room…


引导学生问到老师what can you do? .

let’s chant

What can you do for the party? I can dance.

What can you do for the party? I can do kung fu.

What can you do for the party? I can draw cartoons.

What can you do for the party? I can play the pipa.

let’s say and do

Step 3 Finish the text

Next Tuesday, they’llhave an English party.

Look at the picture and guess. What can they do for theparty?

Listen to the audio and answer the questions.

What are they talking about? What can john do? Whatcan Zhang Peng do?

Silent read and underline the answers above.

Read in roles.

Sample made by T and S

What can you do for his birthday party?

Step 4 Communication

1 a crying baby 2 helping the old grandma

2024英语高中教案英文版 篇4


Starter Module1 Unit1 Good morning,Miss Zhou.


Listening and speaking







教具 多媒体、录音机




1. Greeting.

2. Warming-up

T: Class,Please stand up. Hello, class.

S: Hello, Ms…

T: Sit down please.

S: Thank you.

3. Drills

(1) 练习打招呼问好。

Hello ,Good morning, Good afternoon

(2) 练习告别语Goodbye。

4. Practise

1)Work in pairs part3

2) Complete the sentences.

5. Conclude

6. Homework

Complete part7 and part 8

2024英语高中教案英文版 篇5








Step 1Warming-up and lead-in (5 mins)


用本单元的阅读文Marty’s story来导入,引出残疾人的话题。

T: Hello, class. Inthe last lesson, we learnt Marty’s story. What’s the problem with Marty?

(He has a raremuscle disease.)

Yes, he’sdisabled.

But is Martyleading a miserable life due to his disability?


He is leading afulfilling life due to his own efforts. The disabled can live as good andcomfortable a life as we do. But it calls for more efforts.



T: We are lucky tobe able-bodied and study in such a beautiful school.

But every now andthen, I find such students in our school. What are their problems?

(They havedifficulty walking and they have to move around with walking sticks orwheelchairs.)

T: This is SongYaoguang, our classmate. Yaoguang, what happened to you?

Do you find itdifficult to walk around in our school with a walking stick?

Do you think itnecessary to have our school reconstructed for the students with walkingdifficulty?


T:If you have some suggestions, you can write asuggestion letter to our headmaster. Have you ever written such a letterbefore?

So in today’slesson, we are going to

1. read asuggestion letter

2. discussproblems with the school facilities

3. write a suggestionletter to the headmaster

2 Reading (15 min)




T: This is aletter to an architect. What information can we get in this part?

(receiver’s nameand address.)

What’s this partabout?

(sender’s name /signature)

From these twoparts, we learn that this is a formal letter. So a suggestion letter is aformal letter.

It is the mostimportant part in a suggestion letter, which is called the body.


T:The main body can be divided into three parts. Whatare they?

(1, 2-6, 7)

T: Whats thepurpose of the 1st paragraph?

(To give thearchitect the purpose of writing the letter.)

Whats the purposeof the last paragraph?

(To persuade thearchitect to adopt her suggestions.)




T: Now, let’s cometo the concrete suggestions that Alice has made. How many suggestions doesAlice make?

Why do you thinkthe writer numbered her suggestions and used italics?

(Highlight the key points so as to make iteasier for the readers to remember and understand her suggestions.)

So when you writea suggestion letter, you should number the suggestions and use italics.


T: We are going tolearn some more writing strategies of writing suggestions.

How should wewrite suggestions? Let’s take a look at the first suggestion, what are theproblems for those who use wheelchair?

(the lifts are atthe back of the cinema in cold, unattractive places. As disabled people have touse the lifts, this makes them feel they are not as important as othercustomers.)

And what is thesuggested solution?

(It would be handyto have lifts to all parts of the cinema. The buttons in the lifts should beeasy for a person in a wheelchair to reach, and the doors be wide enough toenter. )

From this part, wecan see that a suggestion should consist of two parts, the problem and thesolution.

Let’s see two moreexamples. Find out the problems and suggested solutions in these two parts.

When you writesuggestions yourselves, don’t forget to write both problems and solutions.


T: The thirdwriting strategy is about the the language. Suppose you were the architect,which one of these two statements do you prefer?

(Screen) I hopeyou will not mind me writing to ask if you have thought about the needs ofdisabled customers.

You must thinkabout the needs of disabled customers.

Why? (It soundsmore polite and more acceptable.)

Exactly. When youwrite suggestions, you should use some polite forms to encourage the reader totake the ideas seriously and make your suggestions more acceptable.

Now let’s findsome more examples in the text.


It would be handyto have lifts to all parts of the cinema.

It would help tofit sets of earphones to all seats...

So I’d like tosuggest that the seats at the back be placed higher than those at the front …

For disabledcustomers it would be more convenient to place the toilets near…

And if the doorscould be opened outwards, disabled customers would be very happy.

I hope mysuggestions will meet with your approval.

Step 3Discussion(8 min)


T: Now let’s comeback to our topic today. Some parts of our school are not suitable for thosewith walking difficulty. Let’s discuss:

1. What parts ofour school may cause problems for those with walking difficulty?

2. What are yoursolutions?

Step 4 Writing(15 min)


Now that we havediscussed the problems and solutions with some school facilities, we can writea suggestion letter to our headmaster. Take out your handouts. The first partand last part are already given to you. What you have to do is write 2-3suggestions on the reconstruction of our school. When writing, do remember towrite both problems and solutions, and use polite forms.

Step 4 Emotionalattitude and values(2 min)


In this unit, wehave learned the difficulty of the disabled and how they face and conquer thedifficulty. But as able-bodies people, just making some suggestions or donatingmoney is far from enough. What else should we do?

( Care aboutdetails in their life.

Don’t look down upon them or laugh at them. )

Accept them as one of us,and invite them to join us in avariety of activities.)

2024英语高中教案英文版 篇6










反思:本学期开学我们没有做到的东西就是:没有去介绍中英文化的不同,尤其是强调中英文化的不同思维方式和语言特点。所以,在下学期,这一课我认为需要补上。毕竟,“亡羊补牢,为时未晚”。 有了这个基本认知后,高一的学生就要从最基础的东西学起,所以即使到了高中,他们实际上还要补很多学英语一定要掌握的东西:音标,词类,基本的句子结构。再次从基础学起。



2、单词:学会音标后下一步就是大量地记单词。记单词是一件很需要下工夫的事,也是一件很辛苦的事,一定要付出努力。但是,怎样才能够让付出的努力有收获呢?我们可以试着用五个步骤” :

1). 音节拼读,准确读词。




















2024英语高中教案英文版 篇7


1、能够听说读写本课时四会句子:What do you have for lunch on Mondays? We have tomatoes,tofu and fish.并使用该句型完成Group work中的问卷调查。

2、能够理解Read and write部分对话的含义并完成句子填空。

3、能够听懂、会唱歌曲“What do you have for lunch?”


能够听说读写本课时四会句子:What do you have for lunch on Mondays? We have…以及解释句子That

sounds good.


Step 1: warm-up

(1) Let’s chant,学生跟唱,复习巩固旧知

What would you like for lunch?

Cabbage, green beens or eggplant?

I’d like eggplant, please.

What would you like for lunch?

Mutton, tofu or beef?

I’ d like mutton, please.

(2)Let’s have a revision:教师出示单词图片学生快速反应pork tofu mutton potatoes cabbage tomatoes green beans fish


Step 2:Presentation and practice

(1) Lead-in(谈话引入) T: What day is it today? What would you like for lunch?多提问几个学生

(呈现一份school menu.进行多种操练,让学生熟悉此菜单) Here is a school menu. Let’ s see together. What do you have for lunch on Mondays? (引导学生回答)

(2)Let’s learn T: Look at the school menu.

What do you have for lunch on Mondays? S : Tomatoes, tofu and fish.教师板书此句型,重点指导四会句子的认读和书写。 (通过师问生答,生问师答,男生问女生答,女生问男生答得方式练习) T: Look at the school menu. What do you have for lunch on Tuesdays? S: We have…… (引导学生用不同的食物单词替换,操练句型) T: I have many words, Who can use these words make new sentence? What you for Amy like dinner would ?让学生排序

(3) Practice

安排学生一竖排进行互问互答What would you like for dinner? I’d like …… (4) Listen, read and finish the sentences.

a. listen to the tape(引出课文对话,带问题听录音)

b. Read the dialogue(快速默读,画出难理解的.句子)

c.Listen and read after the tape

听录音回答问题Let’s listen to the tape. ☆

What would you like for dinner, Amy?

d. Filling the blanks.

1.Amy has _______ ,______and ______ for lunch on Mondays.

2. Amy is hungry . She’d like ____and _________ for dinner.


Step: 3 Consolidation

Group work:Let’s make(不同类型学生分头进行小组活动.让学生根据一日三餐的话题,进行小组交流并制作一张菜单,根据自己制作的菜单做对话)

Group work(小组合作):

Make a new menu using the foods you have got, and show it .(用所学的食物单词制作一个新菜单,并用来造对话展示。)

S1:What do you have for lunch on Mondays?

S2:I have …… S1:What do you have for lunch on Tuesdays? S2: I have …… What about you? S1: I have ……学生练习完对话后教师适时加以表扬,并借助手势和表情自然引出句子:That sounds good.

Step 4:Homework:




2024英语高中教案英文版 篇8


This semester, I am teaching English in Class 3 and Class 4 of Senior Two. One of these two classes is a counterpart education class, and the other is a vocational high school class. Except for a few students who have a good foundation, they generally have a poor English foundation and a thin foundation, and most of them are lazy. There are many boys, and most boys hate memorizing words. Therefore, their biggest difficulty is the poor vocabulary, which seriously affects their interest in English learning. In view of this, I pay special attention to students learning and accumulation of vocabulary in daily teaching, require words to pass every class, and often dictate words, so as to constantly urge students to recite more words, phrases and some good sentences. In addition, I give them relevant test papers for vocabulary and phrases in each unit, but there are always some students in each class who would rather be copied than recite words.


In teaching, I conscientiously implement the link of preparing lessons. Before preparing lessons, I know the contents of the teaching materials fairly well, refer to relevant materials, study the teaching materials carefully, and determine the important and difficult points. At the same time, preparing lessons should not only prepare teaching materials, but also prepare teaching methods; In addition, we should prepare students, adopt teaching methods suitable for them according to their actual situation, and constantly cultivate students interest in learning English. Every class should be "prepared" and be concise. After class, reflect on the teaching in time and summarize its shortcomings. Encourage students more and criticize them less. In order to make students love to talk more, we should pay attention to the use of encouraging language in practice and constantly strengthen students confidence in participating in communication.


In addition, I can take an active part in attending and evaluating classes, learn teaching methods from my colleagues with an open mind, ask questions in teaching and improve teaching level.


The above is my reflection on teaching in this semester, and there are many shortcomings. I hope that in the future teaching, I will study more and reflect more, and continue to explore ways to improve students interest in learning English, so as to promote the teaching work in by going up one flight of stairs.

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