励志的句子 · 祝福语


1、圣诞前夜,圣诞老人悄悄的来了,悄悄的给你带来好运,悄悄的爬上你的屋顶,悄悄的钻进你的烟囱,悄悄的把礼物放进你的袜子里,嘘,不要出声,圣诞老人让我告诉你:圣诞快乐! On Christmas Eve, Santa Claus quietly arrived and brought you good luck. He quietly climbed onto your roof, crawled into your chimney, and put gifts into your socks. Shh, dont make a sound. Santa Claus asked me to tell you: Merry Christmas!


3、把一份祝福送到心间,在这特殊的日子里,愿幸福、如意、快乐,为你送上鲜花,所有美好的祝福伴你左右。圣诞快乐! Send a blessing to your heart. On this special day, may happiness, good luck, and happiness come with flowers, and all beautiful blessings accompany you. Merry Christmas!



6、我收到过最好的圣诞礼物,是穿越风雪为我而来的你。 The best Christmas gift I have ever received is you, who came to me through the wind and snow.




10、圣诞节躲不开:袜子摊贩叫嚷宝宝要得到礼物,袜子要准备得多;装修摊贩叫嚷着要买一棵圣树,送神可乐;果商说,李子果吃起来更开心。 Christmas cannot be avoided: sock vendors clamor for babies to receive gifts and prepare more socks; The decoration vendor is clamoring to buy a sacred tree and give away divine cola; The fruit merchant said that plum fruits are happier to eat.



13、有一种幸福叫天长地久,有一种拥有叫一无所有。有一种遥远叫天涯海角,有一种向往天天在一起。有一种感觉是美好的:圣诞节,祝节日快乐! There is a kind of happiness called eternity, and there is a kind of possession called nothing. There is a kind of distance called the ends of the earth, and a longing to be together every day. There is a feeling that is beautiful: Christmas, wish you a happy holiday!





18、明月,一闪一闪,挂天边;思念,一丝一丝,连成线;回忆,一幕一幕,在眼前。在这圣诞来临之际,送上温情祝愿!祝您阖家幸福!圣诞快乐! The bright moon, flickering and hanging on the horizon; Missing, a trace, connected into a thread; Memories, one scene at a time, in front of me. On the occasion of Christmas approaching, send warm wishes! Wishing you and your family happiness! Merry Christmas!


20、雪花飞舞,钟声响起,平安夜为你祈祷。舞动和颤抖,你的声音高亢,狂野的夜晚让你自由自在。问候,良好的祝愿,和圣诞节。浪漫的圣诞节,快乐! Snowflakes dance, bells ring, and we pray for you on Christmas Eve. Dancing and trembling, your voice is high pitched, and the wild night makes you feel free. Greetings, good wishes, and Christmas. Romantic Christmas, happy!

21、悦耳陶醉的颂歌飘扬着我对你的思念,悠扬美妙的钟声响彻着我对你的牵挂,唯美晶莹的雪花飞舞着我对你的问候,快乐幸福的圣诞老人带去我送给你最深情的祝福:亲爱的宝贝,祝你圣诞快乐! The melodious and intoxicated hymns sway my longing for you, the melodious and beautiful bell rings through my concern for you, the beautiful and crystal clear snowflakes dance with my greetings to you, and the happy and joyful Santa Claus brings me the deepest wishes for you: dear baby, wish you a happy Christmas!

22、愿你拥有圣诞节所有美好的祝福。 May you have all the wonderful blessings of Christmas.

23、快乐歌谣在传唱;吉祥雪花在飞舞,悠扬钟声在飘荡;圣诞礼物在派送,节日祝福在传递。祝你圣诞快乐! Happy ballads are spreading; Auspicious snowflakes are dancing, and the melodious bell sound is drifting; Christmas gifts are being delivered, and holiday blessings are being conveyed. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!


25、雪花固然美丽,也总有消逝的一天;阳光虽然温暖,也总有黑暗的时候;记忆纵然深刻,也总有淡忘的时刻。天地之间,唯有你我永不褪色。圣诞来临,送上我真挚的祝福,幸福快乐! Although snowflakes are beautiful, there will always be a day when they disappear; Although sunshine is warm, there are always moments of darkness; Even though memories are profound, there are always moments of fading. Between heaven and earth, only you and I will never fade. Christmas is coming, send me my sincere wishes for happiness and happiness!

26、如果每年的今夜有一个很肥的老人从窗口跳进来抓住你,把你装进袋子里,你不用担心,因为我想要的圣诞礼物就是你。 If every year tonight, a very fat old man jumps in from the window and catches you, putting you in a bag, you dont have to worry, because the Christmas gift I want is you.


28、当雪花将天空填满我对你的,当雪花将大地包裹我对你的牵挂。下雪了,远方的你,短信到我的长祝福,在外面照顾好自己!圣诞快乐! When snowflakes fill the sky with my concern for you, when snowflakes wrap the earth around my concern for you. Its snowing, you from afar, send me a long message of blessings, take care of yourself outside! Merry Christmas!




32、美丽的圣诞节之际,谨致我的思念与祝福。 On the occasion of a beautiful Christmas, I extend my thoughts and blessings.

33、无论在哪里,成千上万英里。不管什么时候,十年还是一百年。我深深地想念你。我否认神的存在,但我会永远相信你!我第一个祝你圣诞快乐! No matter where, thousands of miles. No matter when, ten years or a hundred years. I miss you deeply. I deny the existence of God, but I will always believe in you! I am the first to wish you a Merry Christmas!

